新目标初一英语下册Unit 2 Where is the post office 导学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网
一、课题:Unit 2 Where is the post office?
1、There be 句型的用法
邮局 公用电话 在…对面 紧靠…旁边
在…前面 在右边 向左转 玩得痛快
at表示一个点(或小地方) at home
on表示一个表面 在… on Center Street
in表示一个范围(或大地方) in the school
under在…下 under he bed
behind在…后面 behind the house
near the house
near hear 在附近
next to 在…旁边 next to the post office
between 在…之间(两者)between A and B between the school and the hospital.
across from在…对面 across from the supermarket
through穿过,通过 go/walk through the park
down=along 沿着 go/walk down the street
on the left/right 在左边/右边
on one’s left/right 在某人的左/右边 on my left
on the left/right of… 在…左/右边 on the left of the house
in the front of… 在…前面(表示在物体内部的前面)
in front of… 在…前面(表示在物体外部前面)
①The restaurant is the post office.
②There are some chairs the room.
①Li Lei sits (紧挨着)Liu Mei.
②Our school is the library the hospital.(两者之间)
③There is a restaurant (在…上)Center Street.
④The hotel is (在…对面)the hospital.
⑤I live (在)No.65 Bridge Street.
4、语法讲堂——There be 句型
There be句型表示“某地存在某物”,其结构为:There be+人/物+地点短语。
(1)There be 句型中的主语通常放在谓语后面,动词be为谓语。若主语为单数,用There is;若主语为复数,用There are;若主语为不可数名词时用There is 即:
①There is+名(单)/不可数名词+地点
②There are+名(复)+地点
eg:There ten trees in front of theroom.
There some milk in the plass.
(2)There be 句型中的谓语应和后面的主语保持一致,若有两个以上的主语,谓语通常和最接近它的那个主语保持一致,如:Thre is a chair and two desks.
in the office→There two desks and a chair. in the office.
(3)否定句:在There be 句型中be 动词后加“not” There isn’t/aren’t+名词+地点
注意:some→any; and→or There a boy in the house.
Is/Are there+名词+地点?Xkb1.com
肯定回答:Yes, there is /are (不能缩写)
否定回答:No, there isn’t / aren’t (否定必缩写)
注意:I/We—You my—your some—any
How many+名(复)are there+地点?某地有多少……
How many in yourclass?你班有多少学生?Fifty—three. 53个。
1.There a book,a cup and three pens on the dest.
2. there any birds in the park?
3.There some people on the bus.
4.There some water in the glass.
5.What between the bank and the park?
6.Are there any maps on the wall?肯定回答:
7.How many (woman) are there in the picture?
8.Are there (一些)trees near the house?
There on the desk.
10、这个书包里没有钱。There any money .
11、树上有一些鸟吗? in the tree?
12、在教室里有多少学生? there in the classroom?
5、语法讲堂——问路 指路 Is there a …near here?
Where is the …?
(1)如何问题:Excuse me How can I get to the…?
Can you tell me how to get to the…?
It is+介词短语
(2)如何指路 Go down the…,Then turn left.
Go straight and then turn right.
(1)open adj.开着的,营业中 be open. v.开放 open the door.
clean adj.干净的 be clean, a dean room. v.打扫 clean the room.
①The shop in the morning (open)

②Please the classroom. This is a place.(dean)
(2)quiet adj.安静的be quiet/keep quiet保持安静
(3)house n.房子,指家庭成员或人们居住的地方,强调住的地点及建筑物。
home n.家 指一家人共同生活的地方,特别强调家里的气氛和环境。
family n.家庭成员
趁热打铁:We live in a big . There is no place like .
There are 3 people in my .
(4)welcome to地点 welcome to my home.
(5)enjoy v.喜欢,享受…乐趣 enjoys(单三)
①enjyoy sth喜欢……
②enjoy doing 喜欢做某事
③enjoy oneself (myself, yourself, himself, herseft,itseft,ourselves, yourselves, themselves)玩得痛快,过得愉快=have a good time.
二、have fun
注:反身代词oneself 要与主语保持一致
趁热打铁:He enjoys (collect)stamps.
She enjoys (my)very much.
6.through prep.穿过(从物体中间穿过)
across prep.穿过,横过(从物体表面横穿过)
go the road. Walk the forest.(森林)
7.have fun doing 愉快地做某事 We have fun (学习)English.
8.人/物with… 表示“带有…的人/物”
a boy (梳短发的) a room (有三个窗户的)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/chuyi/54804.html
