

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
insoluble 基本解释



insoluble 同义词


insoluble 反义词


insoluble 网络解释

1. 不溶解的:insolation 曝晒,日照 | insoluble 不溶解的 | inspection certificate 检验证明书

2. 不溶的:insolubility 不溶性 | insoluble 不溶的 | inspection 检查

3. 不能解决的:insolence 傲慢 | insoluble 不能解决的 | insolvency 破产

4. 不能溶解的:insolubility 不可解 | insoluble 不能溶解的 | insolvable 不能偿还的

insoluble 双语例句


1. The inorganic composition of DCS in DIP is the key factor resulting in deposition of wood pitch, in which the triglyceride composition is agglomerated and deposited due to the destruction of electrostatic stability, however the fatty acid composition is deposited due to the formation of insoluble soap.
研究结果表明,DCS 中的无机溶解性组分是引起胶体发生沉积的关键因素,树脂中甘油三酯通过破坏静电稳定性引起聚集和沉积,脂肪酸通过反应形成黏性不溶性皂而加剧沉积。

2. The utility model has the advantages that the operation process of medicine adding is simplified because the three-way switch is capable of randomly changing the injection direction of medicine liquid; the filter is capable of filtering the insoluble substances in the medicine liquid; the tapered needle head of side port avoids the phenomena of pollution of the medicine liquid and clog of the needle head owning to peeling off of rubber crumb on a rubber plug resulting from cut of a traditional needle head with an inclined plane.


3. Experimental results regarding drug release revealed that PVA-β-CD promoted water-insoluble drug release owing to its clathration and solubilization.

4. Telegraphic branch adopts the address that change IP, method that increases bandwidth, insoluble still.


5. A process in which ions are exchanged between a solution and an insoluble solid; widely used in industrial processing.


6. Alkaloid One of a group of organic compounds found in plants, which are poisonous insoluble crystalline compounds.

7. Description: Pink powder, insoluble in water and acids.

8. It is generally accepted that in the Purex process, particularly in the first cycle, the crud occurrence is related to the capillary chemistry phenomena resulting from the deposits of Zr with TBP degradation products HDBP, H_2MBP, H_3PO_4 and the insoluble particle RuO_2 and Pd.
目前 ,普遍认为,在Purex流程萃取过程中,尤其是在一循环中,界面污物的产生与Zr和TBP降解产物HDBP、H2 MBP、H3 PO4 形成的沉淀以及料液中存在的不溶性RuO2、Pd等微粒的表面化学现象有关。


9. Globulin: Any of a major class of proteins insoluble in pure water and soluble in dilute saline solutions.

10. It was proved that the expressed proteins were insoluble and existed in the form of inclusion body. Primary purified protein was obtained.

11. Of Vip3A-S184 proteins were soluble, and others were insoluble proteins and formed inclusion bodies which could be observed by transmission electron microscopy.

12. These results strongly suggest that the aspartic acid?rich proteins within the insoluble matrix of alcyonarians play a key role in biomineralization regulation.


13. Both the expressed proteins were insoluble aggregates, which reached 80% purity after rapid preparation of the products as the inclusion body.

14. Thus, characterization of acidic proteins in the insoluble organic matrix is an important first step toward linking function to individual proteins in alcyonarian coral.

15. Furthermore, the superior cooking quality of pasta products that are made with durum is linked to the high glutenin-gliadin ratio or high percentage of insoluble proteins.

16. SDS-PAGE flying spot scanning results showed that target TCTP is 23.4% of total protein of E. coli M15, and soluble protein appeared more than insoluble one in SDS-PAGE gel.

17. A catalyst for decomposing an organic halide, characterized as comprising a water-insoluble vanadyl sulfate or as being a composite catalyst comprising the vanadyl sulfate and a specific oxide and a specific sulfate.

18. Through research and analysis of data, it was observed that the length and width of bark fiber varied according to the lop and age, the results show the fiber of the Salix bark is longer than the Salix and width of fiber almost same, fiber length of the Salix bark mainly influenced by the times of lop. The ash in Salix bark, 1% Sodium Hydroxide Solubility in Salix bark, water solubility in Salix bark, Ethanol-Toluene in Salix bark, acid-insoluble lignin in Salix bark changed with the lop and age is also been investigated, the component of Salix bark is higher than Salix except acid-insoluble lignin, and it`s high effected by times of lop; the TG analysis and DSC analysis is been used on the Salix bark and Salix to study the character of the hot-action, and the rang of the pyrogenate temperature is confirm; the quantity of Salix bark effect on the MOR, MOE, swelling in 24h water, nail withdraw and inner strength was determined, the results show that the Salix bark notability effect on the properties of board and dropped it; the properties of the Salix bark board is nearly the board product by other bark residues, it was established the multi regression equation of each properties and optimized the fitting produce condition of Salix bark board.


19. Analytical results showed that the upper clear liquid of pyrolysis oils was mainly consisted of water-soluble substances, such as phenol, cresol, xylenol, sugars, hydantoins, morpholines, pyranones and pyridine derivatives compounds, etc., while the lower sediment was mainly insoluble or hardly water-soluble substances, such as the big substituent phenolics(the number of substituent carbon atoms of which is greater than or equal to 2), aryl phosphate esters, fatty acid esters and nitrile compounds, and so on.

20. Disperse dyes are substant ially water-insoluble colourants that are mainly used for colouring pol yester, nylon

insoluble 词典解释

1. (问题等)不能解决的
An insoluble problem is so difficult that it is impossible to solve.

e.g. I pushed the problem aside; at present it was insoluble...
e.g. It was an insoluble dilemma and one which I could do nothing about.

2. 不溶解的
If a substance is insoluble, it does not dissolve in a liquid.

e.g. Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats.

insoluble 单语例句

1. It also has resveratrol which can lower blood sugar significantly and is a good source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.

2. Soluble types of bran can ease inflamed bowels while insoluble varieties don't work.

insoluble 英英释义



1. without hope of solution

e.g. an insoluble problem

2. (of a substance) incapable of being dissolved

Synonym: indissoluble

3. insoluble在线翻译

3. admitting of no solution or explanation

e.g. an insoluble doubt

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1133373.html
