

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
pacifist [?p?s?f?st] 


pacifist 基本解释


名词和平主义者,反战主义者; 绥靖主义者; 持消极态度者


pacifist 网络解释

1. 和平主义者:爱因斯坦是一个和平主义者(pacifist),他为人和蔼友善,同时谦虚却又特立独行,从而受到广泛的尊敬. 他有时会讲讲笑话,并爱好航行(sailing)和拉小提琴. 他还是个心不在焉的教授,经常丢三落四,专心于思考物理问题而忽视周围的世界.

2. 和平主义者,不抵抗主义者:pacification 平定,平息,太平 | pacifist 和平主义者,不抵抗主义者 | repacify 再平定,再平息

3. 反战论者:pacifiersoother 橡皮奶头 | pacifist 反战论者 | pacify 绥

4. 反战主义者,和平主义者 ,不抵抗主义者:misoneist厌新者,守旧者 | pacifist 反战主义者,和平主义者 ,不抵抗主义者 | suffragist 妇女政权论者

pacifist 双语例句

1. His Houston socialite lover, Joanne Herring, first made him visit Afghan wounded, implying that helping them was a test of his virility, but Mr Wilson was a pacifist who couldn`t bear to shoot a squirrel out of a tree.


2. I'm a cross-dressing homosexual pacifist with a spot on my lung.

3. The mission has been controversial because opposition lawmakers say it contravenes the country's pacifist constitution.

4. Renaissance humanism developed a pacifist impulse, of which Erasmus is one of the most important examples.

5. The hatred of the official Germany, culminating under Hitler, was compensated for by the following I won among the young generation that thought in international and pacifist terms, by the friendship of Romain Rolland, which lasted until his death, as well as by the sympathy of men who thought like me even in countries as remote as India and Japan.


6. I`ll be a pacifist with regard to this war...


7. Mr Awad is a former fighter from a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, not a lily-livered pacifist.

8. In addition to his Zionism, Einstein was also a militant pacifist during and following World War I.

9. Kiyomi Tsujimoto of pacifist opposition Social Democratic Party, criticized Aso for supporting open debate over a possession of nuclear weapons amid such concerns.
Kiyomi Tsujimoto ,社会民主党、和平宪法反对者也批评在世界对核武器忧虑重重的情况下Aso支持将拥有核武这一问题提出来公开争论。


10. Long held back not just by a pacifist-sounding constitution, but also by a lack of imagination, Japan under Mr Koizumi made commendable moves towards a more muscular and constructive diplomacy that better matched its economic clout.

11. A The BBC correspondent says the anti-pirates emission anti-piracy mission is controversial in Japan because of its passivist pacifist post - Second World War constitution.
BBC 通讯员表示,由于日本曾签署二战后和平宪法,反海盗任务在当地引起了争议。

12. Henry David Thoreau was an American author, naturalist, transcendentalist, pacifist, tax resister and philosopher who is famous for Walden, on simple living amongst nature, and Civil Disobedience, on resistance to civil government and among 22 other books that Thoreau published.

13. Later he was to become famous as a pacifist.

14. In matters of defence he was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality.

15. He was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality.

16. During the war his pacifist leanings were not helpful.

17. The country's burgeoning pacifist movement.

18. As a pacifist, Sometimes you don't dare revel your true identities and real thoughts.

19. Mr Fujimura stressed that Tokyo would stick by its pacifist principles, only allowing defence exports where they do not " foster international conflict ".

20. Junichiro Koizumi, former prime minister, tested the interpretation of the pacifist constitution by sending 550 military to southern Iraq in December 2003.

pacifist 词典解释


1. 和平主义者;反战主义者
A pacifist is someone who believes that violence is wrong and refuses to take part in wars.


2. 和平主义的;反战主义的
If someone has pacifist views, they believe that war and violence are always wrong.

pacifist 单语例句

1. Abe is pushing to change the interpretation of Japan's pacifist constitution to allow greater integration with Washington's armed forces.

2. Recent governments have stretched the constitutional constraints, and debate over revising the pacifist clause is heating up.

3. pacifist的意思

3. Japan's postwar pacifist constitution renounces war and bans the maintenance of a standing army but has been interpreted as allowing a military for defence only.

4. By denying the country's war crimes and seeking revision to its pacifist constitution, this historical revisionism has fatally impaired Japan's leadership credentials in Asia.

5. pacifist是什么意思

5. The contingency legislation provides complete legal procedures for revising Japan's postwar pacifist constitution and striding toward amassing military might.

6. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

6. Some political elements inside Japan are calling for a revision of Japan's pacifist constitution, and heated debate on the issue is under way.

7. No wonder, some Japanese are worried that their country would discard its pacifist constitution sooner or later.

8. When one considers Chen Shuibian promulgation of the Forward Policy of fighting on mainland China, can we say he is a pacifist?

9. Japan has been trying to be " normal " by amending its pacifist constitution and by proposing to have an army capable of offensive military operations.

10. The current law allows more leeway in what kind of support Japan's military can provide - a sensitive issue because of the country's pacifist constitution.

pacifist 英英释义


1. someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes

Synonym: pacificist disarmer

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1133424.html
