
felt pen是什么意思_felt pen在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
felt pen  
felt pen 基本解释毡头笔,水笔 毡笔;
felt pen 网络解释

1. 毡头笔、水笔:brush刷子、毛笔 | felt pen毡头笔、水笔 | paint颜料、水彩

2. 水彩笔:brush 毛笔,画笔 | felt pen 水彩笔 | old旧的

3. 彩色笔:24. daily expression日常用语 | 25. felt pen||彩色笔 | 26. grammar语法

4. 文具类:文具类:paint, brush, felt pen, crayon | 动词:talk, sleep, dig, drive, dry, do, eat, help, live, make, sail, say, shake, wash, watch | 职业:singer, pilot, student

felt pen 双语例句

1. I said I need a black felt-tipped pen.

2. Do you have a black felt-tipped pen?

3. You may find using a black felt tip pen helpful when writing.

4. Urban Outfitters` felt pen lettering echoes the brand`s edgy, street persona (it may however be at the expense of findability as it does nothing to stand out on the screen).
Urban Outfitters的手写字体按钮与其前卫和街头的风格相匹配(这有可能有损于按钮的可寻性,因为这无助于使按钮在屏幕上脱颖而出)。

5. Our unique flow-through, felt-tip pen provides controlled application to create a precise line, from soft to dramatic.

6. Venier caliper, metallic ruler, measuring tape, square, center punch, felt point marker pen.

7. Of two magnets and the north pole of the remaining two using a felt pen.

8. He pulled out the desk drawer and felt for the pen.

9. Down to pick up the pen, he felt a sharp pain in his back.

10. Pen felt himself to be ever so many years older since yesterday.

11. The Financial Times felt obliged to pen a defence of markets, before soliciting views on the future of capitalism.

12. When I became confused, or lost the feeling that the words were coming from somewhere else, I put the pen down and walked away from the dialogue until I again felt inspired?sorry, that`s the only word which truly fits?to return to the yellow legal pad and start transcribing again.

felt pen

13. We entered the room only to see your shadow fading away. Then I took a pen and drew an outline about your shadow, which gradually turned to livid misty traces, diaphanous and tenuous, winding their way ethereally upward. It was not until I gazed after that smoke, which dragged a threadlike tail off the window lattice that I felt something lost.

14. This, together with fax paper or other paper with ink of any pen preferably a wide-tip felt marker should, i imagine, constitute some sort of indication that strange things have been coming through that cannot be explained otherwise.

15. First of all use a black marker or a felt-tipped pen to draw your characters.

felt pen的近义词

16. It's easy to write on this white strip using an ordinary ballpoint pen, pencil, or felt-tip marker.

felt pen是什么意思

17. Draw the basic outlines in black felt-tip pen (see fig. 4).

18. I thought much before I began to write the ps. However, holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because I have too much to say, too much to write.
订阅在我考虑写这篇 ps 的时候我想到了很多,但在我准备动手写的时候确感觉无从入手,并不是想不出什么,而是我觉得我有太多的话要说,太多的事情要写了。

felt pen

19. Stooping down to pick up the pen, he felt a sharp pain in his back.

felt pen什么意思

20. (trademark) a felt-tipped pen. This kind of steel is an excellent shock aBsorBer.

felt pen 单语例句

1. His flame and love can still be felt though his body and pen are gone.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1137239.html
