

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

2. According to author s mathematical model describing the gas-particle flow behavior when passing through a Layal nozzle in combination with the Mach number checkout method to determine the critical cross-section of nozzle, the behavior of gas-particle in Layal nozzles of different configurations are calculated theoretically.

3. You`ll notice that when you buy something from Amazon or another big site, once you being to checkout, the URL always starts with a HTTPS.

4. While you are thinking about that checkout experience, can you also do something about that Captcha?

5. Generally speaking, if the hotel guests are so eager to post-closing rounds, so CHECKOUT when asked whether their consumption room, you did not directly say that, after the closing will take you directly, and then find out there spending, they will damage was reported.


6. A: Did you see the new girl working at the checkout?

7. A small staff is extremely snobbish and give him a very fitted dress to kill him, and checkout ago, he was some irony.


8. Jostled by a stranger's cart in the express checkout line, thoughts of a loved one might come to mind.

9. On the basis of clinical symptoms and checkout in the laboratory, it has been diagnosed to be rectum dislocation resulted from enteritis, accompanied by infection of the upper respiratory tract.

10. Among them, the main checkout equipment is as follows, electron microscope, soldering tin stove, percentage form of hindering, hindering tester, automatic detector of hindering, the hindering screens the system automatically, tester of coefficient of temperature, overload tester of short time, able to bear the voltage tester, controllable multi-al direct current source, electric heat drum air-dry dry machine, thermal cycle oven, can make high form constant temperature permanent wet testing machine, etc.

11. Checkout of line sag is an important means to insure safety operation of transmission lines.

12. Ben's art allows him to see the haunting beauty of the everyday world and the people inside it - especially Sharon, the quiet checkout girl, who perhaps holds the answer to solving the problem of Ben's insomnia.
当空间和时间被凝结,他就为所欲为,大画特画,捕捉每人最美丽的一面,最後被画廊赏识。而文静的收银员莎朗(Emilia Fox饰),竟然是治好他失眠的药?


13. It is widely used from the label supplies to the supermarket checkout system for products management in recent years.

14. Finally he went to the checkout line, but she got in front of him.

15. When you have finished, you go to the checkout.

16. People were in line at the checkout counter.

17. To give a simple example, shopping in the supermarket a good selection of merchandise we will put strollers, and then to the cashier with the checkout, the shopping cart Taobao is this reason, if we want to in the same shop to buy several things, a one shot, one by one to pay is very troublesome, and freight, has also counted several times, but also sellers modify, but if it used the shopping cart, shipping only once, and payments need only one, but also a clear to see the total price of goods more simple and more convenient ah, so strongly recommend that you use the shopping cart!

18. If you've checked out a file, but decide to discard any changes you've made, you can undo the checkout.

19. For users who use the checkout-edit-checkin style of development, closely related here is the need to undo a checkout.

20. For example, if you mistakenly checked out a file instead of simply getting the latest version, undo the checkout instead of checking the file back in.

checkout 词典解释checkout的近义词

1. (超市的)收款处,收银台
In a supermarket, a checkout is a counter where you pay for things you are buying.

e.g. ...queuing at the checkout in Sainsbury's.

checkout 单语例句


1. When Ian Duffy was first put in charge of Ikea's China stores four years ago, he spent hours at the checkout line observing customers.

2. " We have lasers in every supermarket checkout lane, " Rigden said.

3. A customer's total experience of a store can be affected by one final experience as he or she leaves at the checkout.

4. The transactions must be simple he said, and one possibility will be using the already existing transaction platform Google Checkout.

5. checkout什么意思

5. Japanese striker Eriko Arakawa has a more regular position - a checkout girl in a supermarket in Tokyo.

6. The test events are an important carrier to checkout the efficiency of the preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

7. No wonder there were only a couple of customers in each checkout line.

8. checkout在线翻译

8. A guest would be told about the standard checkout time at the time of checking in.

checkout 英英释义


1. the act of inspecting or verifying

e.g. they made a check of their equipment
the pilot ran through the check-out procedure

Synonym: check check-out procedure

2. a counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases

Synonym: checkout counter

3. checkout在线翻译

3. the latest time for vacating a hotel room

e.g. the checkout here is 12 noon

Synonym: checkout time

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1147950.html

literary output是什么意思_literary output在线翻译_双语例句