

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


Egyptian 基本解释


名词埃及人; 古埃及语

Egyptian 网络解释

1. 埃及的, 埃及人的 n.埃及人:Eduard Shevardnadze 格鲁吉亚总统 | Egyptian埃及的, 埃及人的 n.埃及人 | Elbe River,易北河(流经中欧)

2. 埃及语:Yiddish 依地语(一种犹太语 | Egyptian 埃及语; | Sanskrit 梵文;

Egyptian 双语例句

1. Ancient Egyptian sun god with the head of a hawk; a universal creator; he merged with the god Amen as Amen-Ra to become the king of the gods
a。现成的,(常指廉价的,质量不高的)用旧的,千篇一律的n。现成的衣服,旧东西,二手货 reachn。延伸,范围,河段v。到达,伸出,延伸

2. Egyptian wisdom is evident in Proverbs, making it possible to date the nucleus of the book to pre exilic times.

3. I, have become Egyptian pharaoh, and I can give you whatever you want.

4. The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
古埃及文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。名词 n。

5. He said that we are to go into the remains of tomb built for an Egyptian pharaoh.

6. At the end of the day, the Gaza border is a matter of Egyptian national security.

7. EGYPTIAN, SUPIMA AND COMBED COTTON: You need to pick a towel up and check the weight; avoid towels that feel light.
埃及棉、SUPIMA 棉和精梳棉毛巾:你需要挑一条毛巾并检查它的重量;避免选到让人感觉很轻的品种。

8. You`ll find 100 percent Egyptian, Supima and combed cotton towels will have longer loops that are closer together than standard cotton, but will have better absorbency and a softer feel.
你会百分之百地发现埃及棉、SUPIMA 棉和精梳棉有比标准棉较长的线圈,而且都靠的更近,但是有着更好的吸水性,摸起来更软。

9. Pirates film, the soundtrack really is Shenmi, epic-style music depicted the ancient Egyptian mystery and majesty of the side, the soundtrack is Caodao Jerry.

10. We are a leading exporter and wholesaler all kind of Egyptian palm trees, we are supplier for all kind of palm trees such as phoenix dactylifera, washingtonia filifera, washingtonia robusta, royal palm, cycas, sago palm butia, cocos romanzoffianasysgrus, ravenea, brahea, archontophoenix, sabal, chroisia speciosa, ficus nitidamicrocarpa, Ravanala ogasta strelitzia nicolai palm, from Egypt We are exporting either in open top container or vessel.
我们是一家领先的出口商和批发商各种埃及的棕榈树,我们是供应商为所有种的棕榈树,如凤凰dactylifera ,华盛顿棕,葵,皇家棕榈,苏铁,西谷椰子布蒂亚,科科斯romanzoffiana sysgrus ,国王,brahea ,假,箬,chroisia桐,薜箭竹(叶榕,Ravanala ogasta鹤望兰鹤望兰棕榈油,从埃及我们出口无论是在开顶集装箱或船只。

11. Believing the ancient Egyptian legend that a vein led straight to the heart, he placed the ring on the third finger of her left hand.

12. Pyramidia Taharqa introduced more Egyptian elements to the burial, such as mummification, coffins and sarcophagi of Egyptian origin, as well as the provision of shabti figures.

13. A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.

14. Mythology A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.

15. That's what they called you? - It was shorter in Egyptian.

16. It is an antique style, older than Greek or Egyptian.

17. At least 1400 Egyptians are studying Hebrew, some at the insistence of the Egyptian Security service!

18. Now these amulets, written in Egyptian, can not be pronounced by those who can afford to pay for them.

19. The ancient egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.

20. There are many legends about the station being haunted by the ghost of an ancient Egyptian woman dressed in a loincloth and headdress.

Egyptian 词典解释

1. 埃及的;埃及人的;埃及语的;埃及文化的
Egyptian means belonging or relating to Egypt or to its people, language, or culture.

2. 埃及人
The Egyptians are the people who come from Egypt.

3. 古埃及的
Egyptian means related to or connected with ancient Egypt.

e.g. ...the Egyptian pharaoh.


4. 古埃及人
The Egyptians were the people who lived in ancient Egypt.

Egyptian 单语例句

1. " It was followed by another rescue plane and ships of the Egyptian fleet, " he said.

2. Diocletian's reign marked the transition from the Roman to the Byzantine era in Egypt, when a great number of Egyptian Christians were persecuted.

3. An Egyptian woman reads a ballot before casting her vote at a polling station during the parliamentary election in Cairo on Monday.

4. CAIRO - Egyptian authorities said on Wednesday that further protests will be banned after Tuesday's mass gatherings in Cairo and some other places in Egypt.

5. The Egyptian government has announced plans to unify the call to prayer that is broadcast from thousands of different loudspeakers in the country's capital.

6. Earlier the group posted web pictures of identification cards of the Egyptian envoy as proof it had kidnapped him.

7. Egyptian

7. Egyptian officials say they hope the new museum at the pyramids will attract an additional three million visitors a year to the country.

8. Egyptian

8. A rapid series of car bombs and another blast in this Egyptian Red Sea resort devastated Saturday a luxury hotel and a coffee shop.

9. The six freed Egyptian students had sneaked into Israel in August and were arrested on suspicion they tried to kidnap soldiers and commandeer a tank.

10. The party would keep all communication and dialogue channels open to all Egyptian youths, it said.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1184479.html
