

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


wick 基本解释


名词蜡烛芯; (油灯的)灯芯; <英俚>不断烦扰某人; 激怒某人

wick 网络解释

1. 灯芯:炸药(Dynamite):组合灯芯(wick) 红泥(clay) 硝化甘油(nitroglycerine). 蜡烛: 甘油(glycerin) 烧开的水 =没有灯芯的蜡烛(candle wax). 蜡烛 灯芯 =点燃的蜡烛(candle),这是油灯的替代品. 爬下去楼梯来到深穴,

2. 威克:根据1974年我和威克(Wick)的一个理论,两个高能量重核对撞时,互相穿过去,穿过去后,留下的一小段空间在很短的时期内可以被激发. 现在的真空被激发后,可以接近我们宇宙开始大膨胀时比较对称的真空. 我们要研究它,把这原始的真空掌握住,

3. 维克:我在1974年同维克(Wick)就讨论了,当时觉得比较新奇. 现在理论上大家已经一致公认这-点了,当然这还有待于实验的进一步证明. 这是量子色动力学里的真空,它里面是一个抗电磁场的凝聚态. 可就在超导液里,你如增加温度、增加能量或加压可以改变其性质,

4. 芯:热管是高性能的热导体,其基本形式为一封闭容器,内装能蒸发的流体,与有毛细作用,称为芯(wick)的材料或结构. 在基本上是等温的过程. 输入端,即蒸发器的热使流体蒸发;蒸气流过容器中央到达输出端,即凝结器;在那里蒸气凝结,

wick 双语例句

1. The astonishment of the Pick wickians was so absorbing, and the perplexity of Mr. Pick wick was so extreme, that they might have remained in exactly the same relative situations until the suspended animation of the lady was restored, had it not been for a most beautiful and touching expression of filial affection on the part of her youthful son.

2. The company existing 1200 sets of rapier-looms, staff 350 person and technical personnel more than 50 people, the technical force is abundant, mainly produces each kind of wick fabric series product, and take the wick woolen embroidery flower, embosses, the flocking and so on the deep processing as leads the product, the quality excellent, the product sells in distant markets country and the area and so on the Japan, US, Hong Kong.

3. They're cooler and wick sweat from your skin faster than wool does.

4. The calomel electrode has a small pinhole opening or wick.

5. With Candle Quencher there is no smoke and no smell and candle wicks are trimmed to the proper Trims the wick.
与蜡烛淬火是没有烟雾和气味没有和蜡烛维克斯是裁剪,以适当的投资措施的 Wick 。

6. Lighter is MINT UNFIRED Lighter flint was serviced and wick was checked and is New unfired.


7. But be quick as the wick is burning and if it reaches the powder keg, your time is up.


8. Ningxiang of amomum cake, with its soft, sweet crisp sand, hunan and let go of cakes (including the wick cakes, hemp flavouring, baking cakes), one of the renowned in the province.

9. A sock should be able to wick moisture away from the foot. An all-cotton sock can't do that.

10. The pure gold wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, dishes and censers; and the gold doors of the temple: the inner doors to the Most Holy Place and the doors of the main hall.


11. A casing and a lid have orifices to receive a wick to be heated and which is impregnated with a liquid to be evaporated.

12. An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms.

13. Donggang Corporation has develped and inventd the high antirust CO2gas protective welding filament, covering-arc welding filament, stainless ateel welding filament and drug wick welding filament which has won NO.1 prize in promoting the advancement of the science and technology in Hebei Provinc, NO.2 prize of the excellen novel product of Hebei province, appraised as the product trusted bythe consumers in Hebei province, passed the authentication of CCS chiang Classification Society and the ISO 9001International Quality System and become the member of China Welding Association.

14. Preschoolers adore perusing A Drop of Water creator Walter Wick's crisp, colorful photographs to find objects, and in I Spy Little Numbers, they'll develop number identification and counting skills while they're at it.


15. All early lamps fashioned from a wick floating in a bowl of oil functioned according to the principle of capillary action.


16. The wick is the part of the nail where you see the nerve.

17. The wick is our primary contribution to the coke can design.

18. It's called the wick effect. It's like an inside-out candle.


19. The grooves are shaped to cause capillary forces to pull the lubricant from the supply wick on the arm, along the suspension of the bearing area.

20. Heat transfer performance of high temperature heat pipe with screen wick is experimentally studied, the axial dry out limit is measured.

wick 词典解释

1. 蜡烛芯
The wick of a candle is the piece of string in it which burns when it is lit.

2. (煤油灯的)灯芯;(打火机的)棉芯
The wick of a paraffin lamp or cigarette lighter is the part which supplies the fuel to the flame when it is lit.


3. 惹怒;激怒
If you say that someone or something gets on your wick, you mean that they annoy and irritate you.

e.g. The Professor was beginning to get on Molly's wick.

wick 单语例句


1. A rod in the center of the lamp panel was where the candle or wick was fixed.

2. wick的翻译

2. And third, the underwear should be 100 percent cotton and have Cool Max to wick away moisture.

3. The treatment includes creating a vacuum by burning a wick inside a jar and quickly placing the jar on the selected area.

wick 英英释义


1. a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame

Synonym: taper

2. wick是什么意思

2. any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action

e.g. the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1214039.html
