
throw off是什么意思_throw off在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
throw off  
throw off 基本解释

19. Many pitchers from Japan like to throw off-speed pitches in fastball counts and fastballs in off-speed counts, but Kuroda prefers his fastball on the first pitch and when he falls behind.

20. So go for it oil form. Throw walnut oil into salads or finish off a fish dish.

throw off 词典解释

1. throw off什么意思

1. 摆脱,抛掉(束缚,苦恼)
If you throw off something that is restricting you or making you unhappy, you get rid of it.

e.g. ...a country ready to throw off the shackles of its colonial past...
e.g. One day depression descended upon him, and wherever he went after that he could never throw it off.

2. throw off是什么意思

2. (向空中)释放,散发出
If something throws off a substance, it produces it and releases it into the air.

e.g. The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber...
e.g. The star grew 30% brighter and threw off huge amounts of radiation.
那颗星的亮度增加了 30%并释放出大量辐射。

3. throw off什么意思

3. 甩掉,摆脱(追赶者)
If you throw off people who are chasing you or trying to find you, you do something unexpected that makes them unable to catch you or find you.

e.g. He is said to have thrown off pursuers by pedaling across the Wisconsin state line...
e.g. He tried to throw police off the track of his lover.

4. see also: throw

throw off 单语例句

1. If his line allows him to throw the ball off his original set, he's terrific.

2. Shen and Zhao have been practising quadruple Salchow throw jumps off and on.

3. throw off的意思

3. Some youngsters in central Beirut are keen to throw off the summer's bleak memories and celebrate during Ramadan.


4. And the villains also often change their clothing to try to throw police and their victims off the scent.

5. Like in a Hollywood movie, the driver made sudden turns to throw off the man but failed.

6. Some spectators told the TV station they had to throw cups off the stands to get the attention of medics.

7. throw off

7. German midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger said the Argentines would try to provoke his young squad to throw them off their game.


8. It may shock your rivals just enough to throw them off balance.

9. I didn't know how to swim, so I asked my friend to throw me off a boat.

10. throw off的意思

10. It had been suggested to her that she throw stones at the frogs to scare them off.

throw off 英英释义


1. get rid of

e.g. he shed his image as a pushy boss
shed your clothes

Synonym: shed cast cast off shake off throw throw away drop

2. get rid of

e.g. I couldn't shake the car that was following me

Synonym: shake shake off escape from

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1214306.html
