

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

6. It will get a large economic and social benefit by means of simulated moving bed chromatography for separating xylitol mother liquid..

7. Cried his mother. The milk is liquid!


8. The final mother liquid of those experiments were preserved for 1-2 months and borates were precipitated.


9. Solubility of glutamate in isoelectric point crystallized mother liquid and particle sedimentation were researched in this paper.

10. Then, this optimization algorithm was used to optimize the separation condition of mother liquid of xylitol with simulated moving bed chromatography.


11. This paper introduced the study and result of the application of Mother liquid in the Vacuum salt industry on the Cleaner production technique of Co-production of salt and sodium sulfate.

12. The invention relates to a liquid crystal displaying panel, the panel is made up of a film transistor array base board, a color filtering array base board, frame glue and a liquid crystal layer.

13. The current experimental results show that the content of leached alumino-siliceous residue distilled from the kalisalt was the primary effective factor on the mechanical properties of the products. High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70%.

14. The breakdown properties of liquid dielectric are easily influenced by experimental conditions, so that to this day no one theory can explain all experimental observations.

15. An uncommon practice is to submerse the computer's components in a thermally conductive liquid.

16. Objective To study the anti-tumor effect of vegetables and fruits ferment liquid.
目的 研究果蔬发酵液的抑瘤作用及对免疫功能的保护作用。

17. Male mice germ-cell USD test: There was not significant difference between the UDS induced by different dose groups of water-decocted liquid of Zanthoxylum nitidum DC and that of negative control group.


18. I ordered 3 bottle of your US dermatomycosis liquid some months ago in desperation to get rid of some irritating, inflamed sores that were only getting worse.


19. A lavage is a liquid that doctors introduce into the lung to wash out unwanted material.

20. The pressure of the ammonia tail gas is utilized to refrigerate through expansion, the low-pressure, low-temperature gas after expansion is returned to the high-efficiency heat exchanger, the cooled ammonia tail gas flows forward into the system, and with the decrease in the tail gas temperature, the ammonia contained changes to liquid and is separated from other constituents.

liquid 词典解释

1. 液体;液态物
A liquid is a substance which is not solid but which flows and can be poured, for example water.

e.g. Drink plenty of liquid...
e.g. Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half...

2. 液体的;液态的;流质的
A liquid substance is in the form of a liquid rather than being solid or a gas.

e.g. Wash in warm water with liquid detergent.
e.g. ...liquid nitrogen...

3. liquid的意思

3. (资产) 易变为现金的,流动的
Liquid assets are the things that a person or company owns which can be quickly turned into cash if necessary.

e.g. The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.

liquid 单语例句

1. The liquid yellow butter is used to fuel lamps in the temple.

2. liquid

2. Market makers are qualified financial institutions which offer selling and buying prices of currencies and trade those currencies to keep the market liquid.

3. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

3. The colored rice was dyed in the liquid from soaked colorful plants such as purple sweet cane and maple leaves.

4. She said one of the men then took out a plastic gasoline canister and poured a liquid under the car.

5. Beside the canoe there were many short oars, also covered by white cotton soaked with medicinal liquid.

6. A worker was spraying medicinal liquid onto the canoe, and the strong smell spread throughout the building.

7. More stringent capital and liquid assets standards could place greater burden on banks'returns to their investors.

8. He said REITs offered property owners a means to realise their capital investment and to hold their investments in a more liquid form.

9. A new rule starts today, limiting passengers to carrying no more than 1 liter of liquid in their hand luggage.

10. The liquid crystal display television is also equipped with a unique light sensor capable of adjusting onscreen visuals to compensate for actual room lighting conditions.

liquid 英英释义


1. a frictionless continuant that is not a nasal consonant (especially `l' and `r')

2. the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility

Synonym: liquidness liquidity liquid state

3. fluid matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume

4. a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure


1. clear and bright

e.g. the liquid air of a spring morning
eyes shining with a liquid luster
limpid blue eyes

Synonym: limpid

2. in cash or easily convertible to cash

e.g. liquid (or fluid) assets

Synonym: fluid

3. liquid的反义词

3. smooth and unconstrained in movement

e.g. a long, smooth stride
the fluid motion of a cat
the liquid grace of a ballerina

Synonym: fluent fluid smooth

4. smooth and flowing in quality
entirely free of harshness

e.g. the liquid song of a robin

5. changed from a solid to a liquid state

e.g. rivers filled to overflowing by melted snow

Synonym: melted liquified

6. existing as or having characteristics of a liquid
especially tending to flow

e.g. water and milk and blood are liquid substances

7. liquid什么意思

7. filled or brimming with tears

e.g. swimming eyes
sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid

Synonym: swimming

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1230342.html
