
collide with是什么意思_collide with在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
collide with  
collide with 基本解释

与…相撞; 相碰; 磕碰

collide with 网络解释

collide with

1. 抵触:cling to粘住;依附;坚持 | collide with抵触 | compensate for补偿,赔偿

2. 冲突:collet 宝石座 | collide with 冲突 | collide 碰撞

3. 碰撞:12. plunge onto the shore 跳上岸;(海浪等)拍上岸 | 13. collide with 碰撞 | 14. the essential information 中心思想

4. 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞:cling o粘住; 依附;坚持 | collide with 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞 | compensate for 补偿,赔偿

collide with 双语例句

1. However, if we really want to exert the above role and significance of performance evaluation in the primary school math teaching clssroom, the form of performance evaluation results should be simple, the goal should be clear. We should privide students with work paper, make the abstract thinking concrete. The performance task of the design should have moderate difficulty. When feedback, we can take full advantage of the performance differences between students. We can make the students thinking collide and influence with each other using the form of discussion and proper conduct of teachers. In short, the performance evaluation should be integrated with classroom teaching closely.

collide with的意思

2. Aura`s design gives form to an ethereal space that doesn`t collide with the beauty and harmony of Palladian interiors nor does it hide the perception of its frescoes.

3. Two objects with inertias m1 and m2 approach each other from oppositedirections and collide head-on elastically.
TEAL 教材系基础物概教学手册第页共 229 页 2006 8 月25 日修订 1307-38 物体拥有惯 m1 和 m2,互相做正向的弹碰撞。

4. It had curled 18gratingly around the end of the truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to 19collide with me again.

5. Their plans collide d with each other.

6. This is because they collide with the water molecules and are pushed this way and that.

7. In a country of freedom, there will always be thoughts that collide with each other, and that`s the very source of power.

8. Would you collide with it, or would you be able to stop in time?

collide with

9. This is because they collide with the watery molecules and are pushed this way and that.

collide with

10. And those right rules and attitude collide head-on with basic human nature.

11. I take my childish manner affection to collide with it.

12. His ship was going to collide with the light.

13. Your comet is going to collide with the Earth and every living thing in its path will be killed!

14. These effects are achieved by separating the flow of gases and causing them to collide with each other again.

15. Was about to collide with me again.

collide with的反义词

16. Count uncountable line deviate from one's own original orbit too, is it collide with other line to begin, interlock....

17. Afoul of; collide; collision; encounter with; fallen aboard of; go foul of; hit against; impinge up on; impinged on; impinged up on; knock up against

18. The self-interference flow in the cavity can be formed by two streams of melt flow injected through a new type mold gate, which consists of two orifices sharing with the same runner, the two streams of melt are superposed in the direction parallel to injection, and collide with each other in the direction perpendicular to injection leading to a crosswise flowing.

collide with在线翻译

19. Forward. Yet, a sudden quake drives her to collide with therocky wall and almost makes her faint. Doug shakes her dizzy

20. Doug carefully moves downward while gradually releasing the string wound on her. She, then, has eventually been close to the sword and stretches her hand toward it. However, she can`t reach it by a little bit difference so she forcefully leaps forward. Yet, a sudden quake drives her to collide with the rocky wall and almost makes her faint. Doug shakes her dizzy head then looks forward again. As she finds the sword is nearly off the edge of the extension, she desperately leaps toward the aword once more. This moment, a little rock drops on the sword so the sword instantly falls from the extension. Doug exerts to stretch her arm and grips the handle of sword. But, since she has already been lifted barely by the steel string and the string was not tied up well in a hurry, it suddenly looses under forceful dragging then Doug begins to fall down!

collide with 单语例句

1. Microphones, voice recorders and cameras collide with each other in the media melee.

2. But the increasing traffic volume also poses threats, as many large boats often collide with the banks or bridges.

3. Welcome to the painful reality of creeping market economics as they collide with sport's biggest showcase.


4. Some latest developments can not find any legal support or even collide with the current legislation.

5. collide with

5. If they collide with incoming or departing aircraft, they can cause massive structural damages.

6. They can get sucked into the engines or collide with the fuselage and cause severe damage.

7. Some planets might collide with one another, and new ones could form from the resulting debris.

8. The Federal Aviation Administration and Air Force hope it will help them identify birds prone to collide with aircraft.

9. collide with是什么意思

9. A second mortgage based on the individual or the family does not collide with it.

10. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with the asteroid and alter its momentum, or hitting it with nuclear weapons.

collide with 英英释义


1. hit against
come into sudden contact with

e.g. The car hit a tree
He struck the table with his elbow

Synonym: hit strike impinge on run into

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1232054.html
