

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

1. Indicative abstract】 Injury is an important public health problem which threatens the health of elderly population.

2. The indicative abstract states what the full paper is about and is thus suitable only for review papers, essays, and nonexperimental studies.

3. This method is characterized as domain-independent and fast. Furthermore, the intelligent parsing of document structure is helpful to overcome the limitation of indicative abstract.

4. Nowadays, an automatic abstract system can't perform complete analysis of grammar, semantics and pragmatics within the limit of related research, it only generates indicative abstract.


5. Nowadays, an automatic summarization system cant perform complete analysis of grammar, semantics and pragmatics within the limit of related research, and it only generates indicative abstract.


6. They are the informational abstract, informational indicative abstract and indicative abstract.

7. E. informative abstract, indicative abstract and indicative-informative abstract, and analyses characteristics, key elements, structure modes of science papers in science pariodicals.

8. When having no alternative, they are forced to holding the lotus of the peace of indicative beauty each other, hold in pairs cut one's throat in the arms together.

9. The meaning of today's sorts of water licenses have changed, the meaning of addition to the above, he also refers to shopping malls, office buildings, hospitals indicative sign at the entrance, marked above commodity areas, units, departments and other information where the floor!

10. Mice and shrews are the most useful indicator s in monitoring environmental pollution by heavy metals, its liver and kidney are major indicative organs for heavy metal accumulation.

11. There are three kinds of mood in English:the indicative mood, the imperative mood and the subjunctive mood.
英语中有3种语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。名词 n。

12. Results indicate that season alternation affects the bioavailability; and the exchangeable contents of Cu and Pb are higher in spring-summer with higher bioavailability accordingly, but lower in autumn and winter with lower bioavailability. Particularly, the combination of carbonate and ferro-manganese oxides contents of Cu and Pb is also higher, indicative of potential bioavailability. However, the content of exchangeable Zn is low but the organic-bounded and residues that account for its low bioavailability. For Cd, mostly it is in the residue of no bioavailability. In spring and summer with the increase of pH, both the exchangeable and the ferro-manganese oxides increased, while the organic-bounded and the carbonate decreased, which improved their bioavailabilities. Furthermore, in autumn and winter, the scenario is opposite to that of spring and summer. Inorganic phosphorus affect directivity the bioavailability in spring and summer, resulting in decrease of pH because of inorganic phosphorus decline.

13. He points in particular to the rise of electro-torture and stun technology as indicative of this trend.


14. A good credit score is indicative of good financial health.

15. National anthem is the same as ensign, national emblem same, be a country is indicative.

16. In case you are unable to make us an offer at this time, may we suggest that you quote us an indicative price first?

17. The catalogue lists all the commodities we export, and the price list gives indicative prices for all our export articles.

18. Please send a photo and indicative price, using brown shipper.

19. Now the bad creditor will be in debt to the auto loan company for an inflated price that isnt indicative of the vehicles real value.

20. In case you are unable to offer us at this time, may we suggest that you quote us an indicative price first

indicative 词典解释

1. 指示的;象征的;暗示的
If one thing is indicative of another, it suggests what the other thing is likely to be.

e.g. The result was indicative of a strong retail market...
e.g. Often physical appearance is indicative of how a person feels.

2. indicative什么意思

2. 陈述语气
In grammar, a clause that is in the indicative, or in the indicative mood, has a subject followed by a verb group. Examples are 'I'm hungry' and 'She was followed'. Clauses of this kind are typically used to make statements.

indicative 单语例句

1. Your article makes good sense and is very indicative of the business of economics.

2. So rates of cholecystectomy are indicative of the rate of painful gallstones.


3. The bank will announce the indicative coupon today while the final pricing will be fixed on Thursday.

4. Lower lymphocyte levels are also indicative of reduced levels of inflammation, but the observed reduction in both lymphocyte density and lymphocyte apoptosis is surprising.

5. All these figures were indicative of investors'confidence in the property market, which has been on the rise due to various favourable factors.

6. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

6. Commentators have said Zhou's and Meng's statements are indicative of the central government's growing concern that the financial crisis could spark further social unrest.

7. indicative的反义词

7. " All I can confirm is that GIP is submitting an indicative bid today, " spokesman Stephen Hardwick said.

8. And the state's efforts to grapple with air pollution are indicative of the big challenge Beijing faces in further improving its air quality.

9. indicative的反义词

9. The indicative price range can be adjusted depending on Wall Street's response.

10. indicative

10. The strategy is indicative of the worldwide scramble as broadcasters plan coverage of the first royal wedding of the multimedia age.

indicative 英英释义


1. a mood (grammatically unmarked) that represents the act or state as an objective fact

Synonym: indicative mood declarative mood declarative common mood fact mood


1. (usually followed by `of') pointing out or revealing clearly

e.g. actions indicative of fear

Synonym: indicatory revelatory significative suggestive

2. relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple in declarative statements

e.g. indicative mood

Synonym: declarative

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1234875.html
