

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
analytic 基本解释


形容词解析的; 分解的; 善于分析的; <语>分析型的

analytic 同义词


analytic 反义词



analytic 网络解释


1. 分析的:宜观念作用的(ideational) 图画与图案之感分析的(analytic) 综合的(synthetic)连续继起的(sequential) 全体而非部分起决定作. 此书附录佛教本生经(Jataka)中的容忍事迹. 之子马轩达 (Mahinda)传入,岛上某山上有马氏亲主义哲学家贝斋耶夫 (Nicolas Berdyaev) 的诡辞?『在那

2. 解析:第十九题 拉格朗日系统(Lagrangian)之解是否皆可解析(Analytic) 已解决. 1904年由伯恩斯坦(Serge Bernstein)解决. 第二十题 所有有界限条件的变量问题(Variational problem)是否都有解 已解决第二十二题 以自守函数(Automorphic functions)一致化可解析关系 已解决.

3. 分析的, 解析的:backward adj.向后地(的), 相反地(的), 追溯, 退步, 由好变坏 | analytic 分析的, 解析的 | opening of link 键的断开

analytic 双语例句

1. Selection of outsourcing projects for information systems is very important in outsourcing activities. After analyzing the existing selection approaches to outsourcing projects, a decision method of outsourcing projects combined with both the advantages of analytic hierarchy process and Preference Ranking Organization Methods for Enrichment Evaluations was proposed.
信息系统外包(15/IT outsourCing)是指在企业内部信息资源(信息技术人员、信息技术基础设施等)有限的情况下,为取得更大的竞争优势,用户公司通过契约关系将全部或者部分信息系统业务外包给信息技术供应商来完成的一种企业战略措施艺2一3〕。


2. By analyzing the infinite population dynamical system using the gene pool GA and the BINEEDLE fitness function, we characterize the analytic relation between the fall of local optima and the fixed points in the infinite population dynamical system of the gene pool GA.

3. Magnetic fabric analytic method has been widely used in geology for structural deformation analysis.

4. The analytic method of new miticide F1050 was studied in this paper. The method of HPLC was good for the determination of F1050.The relative coefficient, variation coefficient and recovery were 0.9999, 0.20-0.24%, 99.24-99.83% respectively.
研究了新杀螨剂 F1050的分析方法,采用高效液相色谱法分析F1050原药及15%乳油,分离完全,回归方程的相关系数为0.9999,方法的变异系数为0.20%-0.24%,回收率为99.24%-99.83%,结果较满意。

5. This article make a analytic research on the various problems confronting coaches so as to improve their commanding ability.

6. Multi-Attribute Decision Method, Knowledge Management System, Interpretive Structural Model, Analytic Hierarchical Process ANP

7. Using the Comparison Analytic Method to make a Asystematic analysis and comparison to identify the advantages and disadvantages of various options, summaries summary, finally I have optimized a set of the design proposal of the compositions and the structural configuration reasonable, the low energy consumption, the low cost, the low pressure lose, the reasonable ventilation and thermal structure in the shell and so on.

8. In this book I'll introduce the study on information analytic method and synthesis system about slo...


9. According to the characteristics of the fuse industry and the research condition, We applied ZPrinter310 system to produce the fuze prototypes and used these prototypes to help design in the project argumentation phase, got the final project; Then we applied AFS-320 rapid prototyping system to produce the noumenon, analyzed the noumenon`s precision、surface quality and performance of material mechanics in detail, based on these analytic results, we considered to use the noumenon in the fuze local performance test and some laboratory experimentations; At last we discussed how to combine the rapid tooling and precision foundry to produce batch of samples, we can apply these samples in the fuze system and ball cartridge experimentation.

10. The results of this modeling show that the 3-D numerical solution is in agreement with the analytic solution on level stratified medium, on 2-D mountain ridge with pole to pole array, or on 3-D mountain valley with central gradient array. The 3-D numerical solution is also in agreement with the results from physical experiment or boundary element method.

11. Based on the above, generating cost is analyzed by the analytic method of sensitivity and the analytic method of risk.

12. In the case time-varying demand is deterministic and there exist alternative supply source, based on model derivation, this paper firstly obtains analytic models of supplier-buyer parties'optimal shortages times and service level, and analyses local and global optimization of reorder cycle by comparison. The main conclusions are: global optimization of shortages times effectively decreases supply chain inventory cost; global optimization of reorder cycle makes supply chain inventory cost decreasing, and decrease of inventory cost increases with demand time-varying.


13. In uses under the allowance law premise, actually uses the ratio method account age analytic method, as well as withdraws the proportion specifically, then according to the actual situation by the company to determine voluntarily.

14. The analysis includes three aspects:(1) The difficulty and reason of ultimate analysis's atomic hypothesis; (2) The difficulty and reason of analytic proposition's picture theory; (3) The difficulty between the proposition of Tractatus Logico-philosophicus itself and the anti-metaphysics proposition.


15. This paper is structured on the 5C model starting from the analysis of external market invironment and internal surroundings. Based on the analytic findings, it segmented the markets and deduced Starbucks`target market is those city residents with highly educated culture heritage, unquie refined taste and admirable high income. And what differentiate Starbucks from its competitors are its marketing position as coffee expertise, passionate partner, the passion to improve the world, innovation and Starbucks experience.

16. In the end, we make preliminary comments on the new analytic frame.

17. To solve the problem about determinant and solution to tangent line of curve of second order in Analytic Geometry with viewpoint and methods of Higher Geometry.

18. Analytic pricing formula exists under some appropriate specification on the jump part of the CDS spread dynamics.

19. Aiming that the traditional horn based on the analytic method can not be applied to the ultrasonic vibrating system directly, the exponential ultrasonic horn here was optimized by finite element analysis, so that its structure could meet the application requirements. Also, a collection of optimized horns were produced to take a resonance frequency test.


20. The dominant negative mutants were analysed by the biochemical method to detect the function of GPI17:1 The cells harboring the dominant negative mutants of Gpil7p were radio-labeled, analytic results showed that there were accumulation of free GPI lipids and no new lipid was produced.

analytic 词典解释

1. 同analytical
Analytic means the same as analytical .

analytic 单语例句

1. The author is a fellow at the Institute for Analytic Journalism and a former psychology teacher.

2. A rigorous analytic picture of the talent gap makes the challenge visible.

3. analytic什么意思

3. Teradata is a hardware and software vendor specializing in data warehousing and analytic applications.

4. analytic什么意思

4. Paper Republic's Abrahamsen appreciates Mo's poise between literary and analytic aspirations best.

analytic 英英释义



1. of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience

e.g. `all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition

Synonym: analytical

2. expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection

Synonym: uninflected


3. using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles)

e.g. an analytic experiment
an analytic approach
a keenly analytic man
analytical reasoning
an analytical mind

Synonym: analytical

4. using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus

e.g. analytic statics

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1248290.html
