

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

1. 黑人福音音乐:住在新奥尔良下城区的黑人演唱包括黑人福音音乐(Gospel)以及做工歌(Work Song)两种形式. 还有一种常见的黑人演唱是街头小贩的叫卖声,这种演唱在音色和音高上的诸多变化非常有感染力. 上述的三种黑人音乐融会贯通逐渐形成一种没有伴奏的表演唱,

gospel 双语例句

1. In Saint John's Gospel, especially in the prologue1:1 - 14, the creative word of God, which is itself God and incarnate in Jesus.


2. True story of Don and Carol Richardsons` sharing of the gospel with the Sawi people of New Guinea, a Stone Age cannibalistic people who knew vaguely of the `Peace Child` from.
一对宣教士夫妇1962年到了新几内亚西半部的沙威并采用救赎类推法向当地人传福音,用他们所能了解的方式,指出耶稣乃是和平之子的真实见证。26 minutes。

3. Law and gospel are in a way opposite to each others.


4. By beginning with his words in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the light of God will arise within you at the core.

5. Forget Judas, even Mary Magdalene is credited with having her own Gospel account, but the 4 that were chosen, were considered enough to cultivate the FAITH.


6. Irenus, Tertullian, and Epiphanius charged him with mutilating the Gospel; and it is known that the reasons for his rejection of those portions were doctrinal.
圣irenus ,良,埃皮法尼乌斯指控他残害福音;这是众所周知的原因,他拒绝的那部分人理论。

7. The gospel is to be carried forward by aggressive warfare, in the midst of opposition, peril, loss, and suffering. But those who do this work are only following in their Master's steps.

8. For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power and in the holy Spirit and much conviction. You know what sort of people we were you for your sake.

9. The images in each section of the Gospel of Mark are like different themes in a symphony.

10. Of the Notes or Signs of the True Church. Moreover, as we acknowledge no other head of the Church than Christ, so we do not acknowledge every church to be the true Church which vaunts herself to be such; but we teach that the true Church is that in which the signs or marks of the true Church are to be found, especially the lawful and sincere preaching of the Word of God as it was delivered to us in the books of the prophets and the apostles, which all lead us unto Christ, who said in the Gospel: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give unto them eternal life.

11. The opening sentences of the Acts are just an expansion and an explanation of the closing words of the Gospel.

12. As musical director for Walter L. Hawkins and having developed choirs such as the Love Center Young Adult Choir, The Helen J. H. Stephens Young Adult Voices of the GMWA, gospel giants such as Rev. James Cleveland, Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, Tramaine Hawkins, Shirley Ceaser, and Rev. Donald Vails have all recognized and utilized his exceptional talent.

13. On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as Peter had been to the Jews.

14. On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised

15. But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter
2:7 反倒看见了主托我传福音给那未受割礼的人,正如托彼得传福音给那受割礼的人。


16. But contra***wise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter
2:7 反倒看见了主托我传福音给那未受割礼的人,正如托彼得传福音给那受割礼的人。

17. This is undoubtedly drawn from the Apocalypse of Peter: but my present belief is that, like the Passion fragment, it is part of the Gospel of Peter, which was a slightly later book than the Apocalypse and quoted it almost in extenso.

18. The Gospel cannot be reduced to the mere musings of a people huddling together in an ecclesiastical ghetto.

19. It produces a human infertile couples brought the gospel.


20. Celsus in his attack on the Christian religion was acquainted with the genealogy in St. Luke's Gospel, and his quotations show the same phenomena of variant readings.

gospel 词典解释gospel的翻译

1. 福音书(《圣经?新约》中记录耶稣基督生平和教诲的四卷书)
In the New Testament of the Bible, the Gospels are the four books which describe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

e.g. ...the parable in St Matthew's Gospel.
e.g. ...an illustrated and illuminated manuscript of the four gospels.

2. 福音(耶稣的启示和教义)
In the Christian religion, the gospel refers to the message and teachings of Jesus Christ, as explained in the New Testament.

e.g. I didn't shirk my duties. I visited the sick and I preached the gospel.

3. 教义;信条
You can use gospel to refer to a particular way of thinking that a person or group believes in very strongly and that they try to persuade others to accept.

e.g. It taught only materialism, the gospel of mammon.
e.g. ...the gospel according to my mom.


4. 福音音乐(尤流行于美国南部黑人基督徒中)
Gospel or gospel music is a style of religious music that uses strong rhythms and vocal harmony. It is especially popular among black Christians in the southern United States of America.

e.g. I had to go to church, so I grew up singing gospel...
e.g. The group perform variations on soul and gospel music.

5. 绝对真理
If you take something as gospel, or as gospel truth, you believe that it is completely true.

e.g. The results were not to be taken as gospel...
e.g. He wouldn't say this if it weren't the gospel truth.

gospel 单语例句

1. A leading Chinese Catholic has defended independent selection and ordination of bishops as the only right path for the spreading of Gospel in China.

2. Nicole Toms practically gushed as she emerged into the sunlight from a massive tent where a gospel choir had brought the crowd to its feet.

3. It is also alleged that she has booked a gospel choir to perform at a private funeral at Los Angeles'International Church of Christ.

4. The ceremony finished with a rousing gospel performance that had Jean clapping and smiling with the crowd.

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5. The network will show 10 episodes which will see soul musician Dionne Warwick - Whitney's cousin - and gospel singer CeCe Winans make guest appearances.

6. It is she who brought soul music from a relatively small gospel and black community audience to the world pop music scene.

7. Dressed in a white shirt and jeans, he commanded the stage like a gospel preacher with his deep voice.


8. All this alarming news started a buzz in China about sex, condoms and spreading the gospel of protected intercourse.

9. gospel的翻译

9. She has also made a variety of successful recordings including albums of Christmas songs, gospel music and operatic repertoire.

10. Perhaps in a show of how diverse Christian and gospel music has become, no act won more than four.

gospel 英英释义


1. a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance

e.g. Newton's writings were gospel for those who followed

2. gospel的反义词

2. an unquestionable truth

e.g. his word was gospel

Synonym: gospel truth

3. the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group

Synonym: religious doctrine church doctrine creed

4. folk music consisting of a genre of a cappella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response
influential on the development of other genres of popular music (especially soul)

Synonym: gospel singing

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1248384.html
