
exocrine gland是什么意思_exocrine gland在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
exocrine gland  
exocrine gland 基本解释外分泌腺;
exocrine gland 网络解释

1. 外分泌腺:腺细胞的分泌物通过导管排到腺体腔或体外的称为外分泌腺(exocrine gland不经过导管而将分泌物直接分泌到血液中的称为内分泌腺(endocrinegland). 3感觉上皮(sensory epithelium)是由上皮细胞特化而成,具有感受机能,

2. 分泌腺:费洛蒙由外分泌腺 ( exocrine gland)所分泌,分子很小,可随风飘逸再藉空气流动快速的传播到各处去. 存在于人和动物体内的天然化学信息,它能激发性吸引及其系列反应,所以也称为信息素、或性外激素.

3. 外泌腺:外分泌 exocrine | 外泌腺 exocrine gland | 外释作用 exocytosis

exocrine gland 双语例句

1. Surgical removal of the thymus. Of, relating to, or produced by an exocrine gland.

exocrine gland是什么意思

2. Of, relating to, or produced by an exocrine gland.

3. Pancreas is an important complex exocrine and endocrine gland.

4. Pancreas: Compound gland functioning as both an exocrine and an endocrine gland.

5. Pancreatic cancer: is the pancreatic exocrine gland adenocarcinoma.

exocrine gland的近义词

6. RESULTS: Islets isolated and digested were stained red by dithizone and no stain was observed in the islet exocrine gland. The purity of islets was ≥ 85%. The results of MTT and functional detection showed that the survival rate of islets in the scaffold group was significantly higher than control group (P 0.05). The observation under scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that islets tightly adhered to the PGA scaffolds and grew in the three-dimensional status.
结果:分离和消化后的胰岛被双硫腙染成红色,胰岛外分泌腺不着色,胰岛纯度≥85%;MTT及胰岛功能检测结果显示,支架组的胰岛成活率及胰岛功能明显增高,与对照组相比差异有显著性意义(P 0.05);扫描电镜观察,胰岛紧密黏附在聚乙醇酸支架上,支架上胰岛成三维立体生长。

exocrine gland

7. Reduces pancreatic gland exocrine, used ① fasted and stomach and intestine reduced pressure, reduced the gastric acid and food stimulates the pancreatic juice secretion, and reduced vomit with the distension of the abdomen.

8. Results: Histologically, the widening of acinar lumen and cellular vacuolization occurred within 24 h at the parenchyma neighboring the small ducts filled with the injected solution. Degenerative parenchyma, interstitial edema, and inflammatory cell infiltration were pronounced 1 week later. Thereafter, duct-like tubular complex formation progressed, and the exocrine tissue exhibited marked atrophy of the gland with irregular fibrosis and fat replacement after 6 weeks.

exocrine gland的意思

9. The gland cells of exocrine portion appear acidophil and fatty degeneration.

exocrine gland是什么意思

10. Pancreas is among dodecadactylon, stomach and transverse colon, a irregular ribbon, exocrine portion is composed of serous gland cells, gland cell displays cone.

11. To study the change of the ultrastructure of pancreas in rat with age and to provide a reference for the pancreas transplantation, The results show the gland cell of exocrine and the B cell of endocrine part were presented the structural change that related to the age.

12. Fecal elastase-1 is a test which documents exocrine gland function of pancreas by the content of elastase-1 in stool, a simpler one compared to other indirect exocrine pancreatic function tests.

exocrine gland的意思

13. Pancreas: Compound gland functioning as Both an exocrine (secreting through a duct) and an endocrine (ductless) gland.

14. This paper introduces the structure and the function of the hepatic portal system, peribiliary portal system, villous portal system, islet-exocrine portal system, salivary gland portal system in the digestive system.

15. Thereafter, duct-like tubular complex formation progressed, and the exocrine tissue exhibited marked atrophy of the gland with irregular fibrosis and fat replacement after 6 weeks.

exocrine gland 英英释义


1. exocrine gland什么意思

1. a gland that secretes externally through a duct

Synonym: exocrine duct gland

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1260118.html
