

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆






elude 基本解释


及物动词逃避; 使…迷惑; 理解不了; 抓不到

elude 相关例句


1. The fox succeeded in eluding the hunters.

2. She tried to remember his face, but it eluded her.

3. Your name eludes me.

elude 网络解释


1. 躲避:Anri到LV20时的辅助魔法:一级躲避(Elude):使敌人的命中率大幅度下降,主要是对付那些催眠抗性高的敌人,让他们攻击MISS也能提高我方同伴的生存能力. Narsha到LV20时的辅助魔法:谈到这位公主先要说一下虽然在未转职前她就能学会高级的辅助魔法,

2. 逃避,规避:elucidate 阐明,说明 | elude 逃避,规避 | emaciate 使瘦弱

3. 逃跑,躲避:exclaim 惊叫,尖叫 | elude 逃跑,躲避 | reclaim 取回

4. 逃避:dwarf侏儒 | elude逃避 | fiend恶魔

elude 双语例句

1. Farmers are particularly angry at plans to ban triangulation ? oilseed and grain sales between a company`s headquarters and its subsidiaries ? a widespread practice that the government suspects is used to evade or elude income tax by understating tonnage or prices.

2. For keeping a rare hope to defeat Yin Zheng, Zen and Xue guard the arrow regardless of their personal safety and exert themselves to block the fiery scales away. Later, however, a pelt of eight continuous scales is approaching: Doug and Phoeny hit one off respectively. Zen holds his spear horizontally to block the biggest one yet is pushed down and rolls on the ground; Xue, then, promptly stretches all her 2 arms and 2 devil arms out to block four scales at same time. However, she has just taken one aspect into consideration and neglected the other—even though the arrow is protected, she could not timely elude the last one scale closely followed so her left human arm as well as a devil arm is cut off on the spot!

3. Some aspects of reality - a unified theory of physics, or a theory of consciousness - might elude our understanding simply because they're beyond the powers of human brains, just as surely as quantum mechanics would flummox a chimpanzee.

4. Turning point: Umpires'reversal of a call -- Kevin Youkilis was ruled out in the seventh for running out of the basepaths between second and third to elude a tag -- gave the Yankees a key double play and killed a potential Red Sox rally from 2-0 down.
关键点:裁判的一个改判-Kevin Youkilis在第七局时,为避免被触杀跑离二三垒跑线,依规则出局-给了洋基一个关键的双杀,也毁了红袜在2-0落后下逆转的机会。


5. It is necessary for China to develop the coal futures, that will provide the tool of elude risk for both sides of the coal provider and demander, deraign the price conflict between coal and electricity industry, and contest the pricing power of the international coal commodity.


6. Dress to match your surroundings and to elude return fire.

7. Recent years, construction are highly developed in China, but no effective system of surety guarantee and system of risk transfer restrict actions of owners and constructors to elude risk so that a good many problems come forth, such as bad quality and nonpayment, especially in performance of contract.


8. Construction are highly developed in China in recent years, but with no effective system of surety guarantee and system of risk transfer to restrict actions of owners and constructors to elude risk, lots of problems as bad quality and non- payment, especially in performance of contract come forth.

9. A basic function of futures market is to elude the risk of CRB's price volatile, which is completed by hedging.

10. Meanwhile Astaire the man continues to elude everyone. In imagination he seems perpetually to be dancing up one of those great curving ballroom staircases that feature so frequently in Hollywood musicals, the audience always hoping that he will stay a little longer.

11. And so it is those we live with and should know who elude us...


12. And so it is those we live with and should know who elude us...but we can still love them.

13. Wealth will elude you, and you will be left

14. To elude the Dahaka, allowing his past self to perish and freeing himself from the Mask.

15. After lunch go to Summer Palace This palace originally called'Qingyi Garden', like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the Anglo-French allied force and was destroyed by fire.
它位于北京市中心、天安门广场北1 公里、景山南门对面,东西宽753 米,南北长961 米,面积达72 万平方米,是世界上规模最大的宫殿建筑群。

16. Maybe here Jason could somehow elude the fire that could consume him and then end up consuming all the rest.

17. These three elude all our inquiries and hence blend and become One.

18. My good friend, if, when we were once out of this fight, we could escape old age and death thenceforward and for ever, I should neither press forward myself nor bid you do so, but death in ten thousand shapes hangs ever over our heads, and no man can elude him; therefore let us go forward and either win glory for ourselves, or yield it to another.

19. Do you want to elude economic failure or arrears?

20. Hitherto, while gathering up the discourse of Mr Brocklehurst and Miss Temple, I had not, at the same time, neglected precautions to procure my personal safety, which I thought would be effected, if I only could elude observation.

elude 词典解释elude

1. 错过;未获得
If something that you want eludes you, you fail to obtain it.

e.g. Sleep eluded her...
e.g. At 62, Brian found the celebrity and status that had eluded him for so long.

2. 躲避;避开;逃避
If you elude someone or something, you avoid them or escape from them.

e.g. He eluded the police for 13 years.

3. 不为…所明白;不为…所记得
If a fact or idea eludes you, you do not succeed in understanding it, realizing it, or remembering it.

e.g. The appropriate word eluded him.

elude 单语例句

1. Owners of the mine faked the documents and temporarily blocked the coal bed to deliberately elude inspection.

2. elude的反义词

2. Moving from place to place across Jilin he managed to elude capture.

3. China coach Chen Zhonghe was not one hundred percent content with his players'performance, stressing that the team needed to elude sloppy play at crucial moments.

4. Infants can recognize the consonants and vowels of all languages on Earth, and they can hear the difference between foreign language sounds that elude most adults.

5. The other 10 fugitives were apprehended by police within three months, but Li managed to elude police for nearly 15 years.

6. In video footage of the riot, the youth is also allegedly seen swapping jackets to elude identification.

7. elude的反义词

7. It was not clear how the attackers managed to elude the military curfew early Sunday.

8. Four of the robbers were rounded up not long after, but Zhang managed to elude his captors.

9. elude的反义词

9. One survivor said the boat struck a reef as it tried to elude police.

10. elude

10. Sampras's bid to win the only Grand Slam title to elude him got off to a shaky start.

elude 英英释义


1. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

e.g. He dodged the issue
she skirted the problem
They tend to evade their responsibilities
he evaded the questions skillfully

Synonym: hedge fudge evade put off circumvent parry skirt dodge duck sidestep

2. escape, either physically or mentally

e.g. The thief eluded the police
This difficult idea seems to evade her
The event evades explanation

Synonym: evade bilk

3. elude的解释

3. be incomprehensible to
escape understanding by

e.g. What you are seeing in him eludes me

Synonym: escape

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1264892.html
