
junior high school是什么意思_junior high school在线翻译_双语

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
junior high school  
junior high school 基本解释

junior high school是什么意思


junior high school 网络解释

1. 初中:(Nursery school)及幼儿园(Lindergarden)、小学、初中(Junior high school)及高中(High school). 美国法律规定,任何学龄儿童均应进入学校就读,并提供义务(免费)的中小学教育,当然进入私立学校就读的话,便要缴付相当昂贵的学费. 有些公立中学,

2. 国民中学:以及国民中学(JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL)三年,设置国中部(JUNIOR HIGH PROGRAM)至於特殊教育(SPECIAL EDUCATION)则有专设之特殊学校,其程度分别为幼稚部、国小部、国中部、高中职四阶段.

3. 中学:美国的教育系统和中国差不多,也是小学(elementary school), 中学(junior high school), 高中(high school) 和大学(university or college). 在这里除了上大学,其它都是免费的. 所以这里的人家经常生3,4个孩子,上学的负担是很轻的.

junior high school 双语例句

junior high school什么意思

1. Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/SUN correspondent/Xue Zhe Bo) 6 junior high school students in the Internet cafe to play late into the night, went to Silver Lake area to pass the time, I feel a bad mood, they want to vent their emotions on a young man to commit robbery, and The man was wounded.
南方日报讯(记者/孙颖通讯员/薛哲刘波) 6名初中生在网吧玩到深夜,跑到银湖辖区打发时间,觉得心情不好,想发泄情绪便对一年轻男子实施抢劫,并将该男子打伤。

2. While the heroine Odelia Fiennes is a typical school girl, kind-hearted and considerate. They had spent three years in junior high school.
而主角Odelia Fiennes则是典型的校园女生形象,心地善良且善解人意。

3. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experience of junior high school student`s resilience in adversity.

4. The junior high school of time, ask liu history examination of rehabilitate policy is what?

5. GuPin, two to junior high school PROM was forced to drop out of school.

6. I am child of a farmhouse, junior high school graduates, without what culture.

7. Most of them graduated from junior high school did not work out, physical health, lack of knowledge.

8. Junior high school graduation, I did not attend high school, but went to the home near the medical school, becoming a medical student.

9. Years to play online games, but I only played WOW, you did not come across other online games, when playing a junior high school friends talk, asked me to play also, but I am and they go on an Internet cafe, they play天天看Surprisingly, even the meaning of that did not want to play until the last junior high school graduation I did not register a lying, No. dream.

10. I used to be a Junior high student, My dear mother school belong to the best school in my county.

11. I attended junior and senior high school, public institutions i n New York and New Jersey, just after the Second World War.

12. At the outset one semester did not read junior high school.

13. Demo, an English teacher, in a junior high school, would like to revitalize native ethnic languages, using EFL instruction as the vehicle for developing multicultural awareness and symbiosis as his professional development.

14. One day, back when I was a junior in high school, my classmates and I went on a bike ride through the countryside. As dusk fell, we arrived at Zhaiming Temple in Longtan.

15. Junior High and High School buildings in our city are overly crowded.

16. Hi! I`m Michelle, I `m a junior in Braintree high school.

17. First, let junior high school students understand English and the different high school English: The junior high school English teaching content less intuitive - related, and high school English teaching focus is to raise the reading ability and train the students ability to innovate.

junior high school是什么意思

18. Look for lose of recall, lose of recall true is too many, today I a personal recall I once struggled of junior high school life, there have my dear classmate, the teacher, who have me respect, also have our happiness happiness of recall, study medium of point intravenous drop drop, recall our 313 classes I have a kind of dear felling, appreciate God, with gratitude you, is you to let I am in the junior high school of life is such of fascinating, such of happiness...........

19. Junior high school students small bite: Well, a good academic performance of students is of course to the other pairs of students better, anyway, right in every aspect.

20. During junior high school and I think of myself as a major breakthrough ------ successful campaign by the schools have become a minister serving girls Treasury.

junior high school 单语例句

1. Another student remembered him drawing a pentagram on the ground with chalk in junior high school and dancing around it with other students.

2. A Ying also quit school as a grade one junior high student because her medical condition solicited unwelcome attention by classmates.

3. junior high school在线翻译

3. Out of the 45 students in Zhou's class at junior high, only eight went on to graduate from high school.


4. The comprehensive test would review a student's performance during junior, middle school and high school.

5. Junior Constable Olli Laine said earlier police had evacuated students from the building, which houses both a middle and a high school.

6. junior high school的意思

6. But the diabetic mother had no strength to continue carrying Huang when he entered junior high as he grew heavier and the school was farther.

7. His family's lack of money forced him to drop out of junior high school during his first year.

8. The regulation defines school bus as buses providing commuting services to junior high school students and elementary school students.

9. junior high school在线翻译

9. When junior high schools need to spend time reviewing what is taught in elementary school, the classes become boring.

10. junior high school的近义词

10. So beginning in junior high school, she felt the pressure of having to excel in exams.

junior high school 英英释义

junior high school在线翻译



1. a secondary school usually including 7th and 8th grades

Synonym: junior high

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1276394.html
