

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

9. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything.

10. In this procedure of testing type, to beginner, not only has offered the exercise that letters typed, but also offered the exercise that WuBi Chinese Input Method typed.

11. He begin his journey in MAPLESTORYSEA on maple island, as a beginner.

12. A beginner`s wall is usually about 15 feet high, and you climb straight up.


13. If you are a beginner, you can keep them default.


14. Standard online help is a poor tool for providing such beginner assistance.

15. Beginner-playing exercises, attention should be paid to location-outs, hit the snare drums should be the focal point at 3-5 cm.


16. This chess set is excellent for learning to play chess in that moves are highlighted and the difficulty levels were designed for beginner chess players.
这个国际象棋是很好的学习下棋在这方面的举动是突出和困难,各级( 10在所有)为初学者设计的国际象棋选手。

17. As a beginner, in order to master painting form rules, practice sketch is helpful to him.

18. If you're a beginner, the other beginners you'll be playing will rarely serve and volley, so do what you can to hit a deep return.

19. I have no idea why I am justa beginner and I still have the guts to go the the high spot to slidedown.

20. Body with three practicing calligraphy also solved the beginner who is raised by the election or election Monument Enhancing Enhancing the issue with, the answer is clear: beginner to practice with the rubbing from a stone inscription.

beginner 词典解释


1. 初学者;新手;生手
A beginner is someone who has just started learning to do something and cannot do it very well yet.

e.g. The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students...
e.g. I am a complete beginner to bird-keeping.

beginner 单语例句

1. It is important to choose a ski resort with a good beginner's area.

2. One day she walked to a bookstore and picked up a copy of a beginner's yoga book and began practicing at home.

3. beginner

3. He expresses distress at the growing number of fakes appearing in the market, saying this will hurt beginner collectors.


4. Celebrities aren't usually on the beginner slopes either, so you'd better brush up on your skiing skills and keep your eyes peeled.

5. I am a beginner in Chinese and wish I could find a better textbook or website that simplified things.

6. The dance collective is offering a free beginner level Swing Dance class before their regular Monday night dance party.

7. To date, the province has nearly 100 skiing sites suitable for beginner and experienced skiers.

8. beginner的意思

8. In what ways can a beginner learn how to collect and invest in red wine?

9. Learn the meaning, history and evolution of Chinese characters in this beginner calligraphy class designed for Western students.

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10. I am a complete beginner, but all material you may have would be useful.

beginner 英英释义



1. beginner的解释

1. a person who founds or establishes some institution

e.g. George Washington is the father of his country

Synonym: founder founding father father

2. someone new to a field or activity

Synonym: novice tyro tiro initiate

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1290824.html
