

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

16. For any complete trace, individual peak force values that deviate from the mean by 20% or more should be discarded and a new mean calculated to correct for abnormal values.

17. Some procedure reverses are necessary and reasonable, but most of them deviate from the goal of Law of Criminal Procedure or conflict with the basic principles of Law of Criminal Procedure, or even violate criminal prosecution's basic ideas.

18. It is actually important lest people deviate from the original way of doing it.

19. The results show the internal friction stress causes its flow central point to deviate to drilling tools.

20. She doesn't say whether her boyfriend is also the daddy, but she's right about one thing though - having your partner in the room has become de rigeur and to deviate from the practice seems to imply something about your relationship or the type of parent your partner will be.

deviate 词典解释

1. 偏离;背离
To deviate from something means to start doing something different or not planned, especially in a way that causes problems for others.

e.g. They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script...
e.g. He planned his schedule far in advance, and he didn't deviate from it...

deviate 单语例句

1. deviate

1. He said the actions of Wahaha violate the 1996 agreement, and deviate from the fundamental principles of good faith and business ethics.

2. Political reform must be conducted under the premise of adherence to our country's socialist system, and must not deviate from our country's socialist system.


3. Yet peace will remain critical for its development, and China has no reason to deviate from the path of peaceful development.

4. China cannot and will not deviate from the path of peaceful development.

5. deviate什么意思

5. Chinese companies are required under stock exchange rules to issue a statement if their earnings deviate from the previous result by more than 50 percent.

6. deviate

6. The regulation stipulates that successful bidders and project tenders are not allowed to set up extra agreements that deviate from the original contract.

7. That means parties depending on them to win elections must not deviate from the path they favor too much.

8. They will also urge developed countries to fulfill commitments on technology transfers and not deviate from them on climate grounds.

9. They can be traded on the open market, and their market prices can deviate from par value.

10. deviate的近义词

10. This causes one to forget the ways, and to deviate from doing that which brought the success.

deviate 英英释义



1. a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior

Synonym: pervert deviant degenerate


1. turn aside
turn away from

Synonym: divert

2. cause to turn away from a previous or expected course

e.g. The river was deviated to prevent flooding

3. deviate的反义词

3. be at variance with
be out of line with

Synonym: vary diverge depart


1. markedly different from an accepted norm

e.g. aberrant behavior
deviant ideas

Synonym: aberrant deviant

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1294919.html
