
sniff out是什么意思_sniff out在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
sniff out  
sniff out 基本解释发现,寻找;
sniff out 网络解释

1. 闻到;查觉到 ; fart=[俗语]屁:?6.we can each sniff out a perp like a hot fart.我们能查觉谁是罪犯,就像闻臭屁一样 | ? sniff out=闻到;查觉到 ; fart=[俗语]屁 | ?7.Id be indebted. 我很感激

2. 发觉,发现:sink in 被理解,被理会 | sniff out 发觉,发现 | so far 1.迄今为止2.到某个程度

3. 嗅到;察觉出,发觉:go with 伴随,附带,连同 | sniff out 嗅到;察觉出,发觉 | from afar 从远处

4. 通过嗅觉找出某人某事:225 seek out 找出 | 226 sniff out 通过嗅觉找出某人某事 | 227 speaking of 说到

sniff out 双语例句

1. She was born in the training lab of the Belgian company, Apopo, in Tanzania. HereAfrican Giant Rats- the size of a cat- are taught to sniff out explosives hidden in the ground. Adter

2. Think of how grateful that sweet boy will be to have you talking to him, rumpling his fur, and taking him out for a little adventure where he can sniff, roll, run and explore to his doggy heart`s delight?

3. It's his job to sniff out abuses of power.

4. When hackers sniff out a data packet from Internet traffic, they reconstruct it to intercept conversations.

5. I'll sniff around and try to find out.

6. I bet my broker could sniff out some good ones for you.

7. They can sniff out the savor of prey or blood even beyond 1 km.

8. Wizard of these very clever: no fall-sheng, the weather sniff out an early decline of life, on a hurry to go.

9. It's their job to sniff out abuses of power.

10. The use of dogs to sniff out all forms of drugs is a widely accepted practice.

11. He tried to sniff out the reason for the unpleasant feeling s between them.

12. He tried to sniff out the reason for the unpleasant feelings between them.

13. Pandas rub their scent glands on the bamboo trees, and then other pandas sniff the trees to find out who's around

14. Incontinently blew out the lighted candle held by Miss peck sniff's

sniff out

15. There's a primal urge, it seems, to go into a cave: to sniff it and test it and wonder what primal fires might once have illumined it. In my case, however, there's just as primal and perhaps a tad stronger urge to get out.

16. Theres a primal urge, it seems, to go into a cave: to sniff it and test it and wonder what primal fires might once have illumined it. In my case, however, theres just as primal and perhaps a tad stronger urge to get out.

17. Another hunting related expression meaning to seek is sniff out. This comes from hunting hounds scenting the prey's trail.
另一个跟追捕、追寻有关的词是「sniff out」,这个词是由猎犬察觉猎物踪迹而来。

sniff out

18. All she had to do was to sniff out some illegal or contraband goods and report her findings- she would then receive a part of the fine imposed on the offender by the authorities.

19. Otherwise, a malicious eavesdropper on any router between your server and the end user can very easily sniff the sensitive information out of the network packets.

sniff out在线翻译

20. A police dog, trained to sniff out explosives, found evidence of a bomb in the apartment.

sniff out 单语例句

1. sniff out的近义词

1. The country that created the world's first cloned canine plans to put duplicated dogs on patrol to sniff out drugs and explosives.

2. Though it has become harder to sniff out a scoop at the congress, some tricks to get hold of top officials for a short talk still work.

3. Maryland and Virginia have become the first states to train dogs to sniff out phones hidden in socks and books and under mattresses.

4. " I can sniff out the toilet, " the boss said scathingly.

5. Even snooty film critics who inevitably sniff out flaws in the usual Bollywood fare endorsed TZP for compulsory viewing.

6. Dogs trained to sniff out bodies were sent to join the recovery effort.

7. Bloodhounds were also brought to the site to sniff out the missing workers.

8. sniff out在线翻译

8. " The public will always sniff out a fraud, " he said.

9. They are specially trained to sniff out bombs, explosives and accelerants.

10. RNL Bio plans to eventually focus on cloning not only pets, but also special dogs like those trained to sniff out bombs.

sniff out 英英释义


1. recognize or detect by or as if by smelling

e.g. He can smell out trouble

Synonym: scent out smell out nose out

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1296855.html
