

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
hirsute 基本解释


hirsute 网络解释

1. 多毛的:hilarious#高兴的;热闹的 | hirsute#多毛的 | idiotic#愚蠢的

2. 具粗糙毛的:具刚毛的hispid | 具粗糙毛的hirsute | 粗糙的scabrous

3. 有粗毛的:有丛毛的floccose | 有粗毛的hirsute | 有错的unerring

4. 多毛的/有粗毛的:hiroshima /广岛/ | hirsute /多毛的/有粗毛的/ | hirsuteine /去氢毛钩藤碱/

hirsute 双语例句

1. Peduncles, stems, and branches densely glandular hairy and hirsute; achenes trigonous.
花序梗,茎和分枝浓密的腺毛和具粗毛;瘦果三棱。23 P 。viscosum 香蓼


2. Stipules green, falcate, rarely ovate or ovate-lanceolate, herbaceous, margin sharply serrate or lobed, rarely entire, apex acute or acuminate; petiole sparsely pilose or pubescent; leaf blade interrupted imparipinnate with (2 or)3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, reduced to 3 leaflets on upper leaves; leaflets sessile or shortly petiolulate, obovate, obovate-elliptic, or obovate-lanceolate, 1.5?5 × 1?2.5 cm, abaxially appressed pilose on veins, or densely pubescent or tomentose-pubescent between veins, rarely glabrescent, markedly or sparsely glandular punctate, adaxially pilose, or hirsute or hirtellous on veins, rarely glabrescent, base cuneate to broadly so, margin acutely to obtusely serrate, apex rounded to acute, rarely acuminate. Inflorescence terminal, spicate-racemose, branched or not; rachis pilose.
绿色,镰刀形的托叶,卵形或卵状披针形的很少,草本,边缘锐切成锯齿状或者有叶,很少全缘,先端锐尖或渐尖;叶柄疏生柔毛或短柔毛;叶片间断奇数羽状具(2或)3或4小叶,退化至3小叶在上部叶片上;短的小叶无柄或具小叶柄,倒卵形,倒卵状椭圆形,披针形或倒卵形,1.5-5 * 1-2.5 厘米,背面的贴伏的具柔毛的在脉上,在脉之间的或密被短柔毛的或被绒毛的短柔毛,很少脱落无毛显著具点,正面具柔毛的或疏生腺体,或具粗毛或在脉上,很少脱落无毛,基部楔形到宽楔形,花序顶生,穗状总状,与否的分枝;轴具柔毛。

3. Leaves abaxially tomentose; branchlets and petioles densely tomentose or hirsute, occasionally velutinous
叶背面被绒毛;小枝和叶柄密被绒毛或者多毛,偶尔天鹅绒似 49

4. Apical appendage of keel peltate or saccate-cucullate; seeds densely hirsute-villous, strophiole absent
龙骨瓣顶端附属物盾形的或囊状兜状;种子密被长硬毛具长柔毛,无种阜 35


5. They lie upon a big dim doily draping a taboret, beside a big hirsute begonia.

6. Hirsute creatures were advancing amid the trucks` disembowelled carcasses, the shattered wheels, the crumpled metal.

7. The worldly man should not be startled to encounter a svelte Hottentot, or a short Norseman, or a hirsute Korean or a well-smelling Caucasian or a martial Buddhist or a charming Canadian or any of those other anomalies that the most vulgar among us suppose cannot exist, for the mere reason than that they are not quite so common as their opposite.

8. Stylopodium short-conic. Fruit obovoid to subglobose, slightly flattened dorsally, densely hirsute and velutinous; ribs all corky-winged, equal or lateral ribs slightly broader than the dorsal; vittae 1?3 in each furrow, 2?6 on commissure.


9. Petals white or yellow, suborbicular or oblong, emarginate, apex broadly or narrowly inflexed, abaxially often pubescent or hirsute.

10. Plants reddish hirsute; branchlets angular; inflorescences glomerate or paniculate, rarely to 4 cm; leaf blade apex cuspidate, margin serrate or dentate, teeth callose
植株带红色的具粗毛;小枝具角花序团集的或圆锥状,很少对4厘米;叶片先端骤尖,边缘有锯齿或具牙齿,齿callose 9 Maesa permollis 毛杜茎山

11. Stems sparsely pilose and pubescent, rarely sparsely hirsute in lower part; leaflets abaxially usually appressed pilose on veins, rarely glabrescent, markedly glandular punctate, adaxially pilose, rarely glabrescent.
茎疏生柔毛和短柔毛,很少疏生长硬毛在下部;小叶背面通常贴伏具柔毛在脉上,很少脱落无毛,显著具腺具点,具柔毛,很少脱落无毛。1a var。pilosa 龙芽草原变种

12. Racemes 1-4, axillary from uppermost leaves, villous or hirsute with multicellular hairs; bracts broadly linear, longer than pedicel.

13. Branchlets, petioles, rachises, and abaxial leaf surface brownish hirsute, hairs 2-3 mm.
小枝,叶柄,轴,和带褐色多毛的叶背面,头发2-3毫米 22 T。obovatum 毛枝崖爬藤

14. Racemes axillary or terminal, appendage lamellate; unwinged part of capsule without obvious concentric ribs; seeds ovoid or hirsute-villous, not strophiolate, or pubescent and strophiolate
总状花序腋生或顶生,附属物片状;无翅部分胶囊没有明显的同心的肋骨;种子卵球形或长硬毛状柔毛,并非strophiolate,或短柔毛和strophiolate 27


15. Branchlets white pilose-tomentulose or brown velutinous tomentulose, hirsute, or hirtellous and reddish glandular granulose.

16. The procedure uses a technique called follicle-hair extraction, in which doctors remove clusters of hair from the more hirsute areas of the body and implant them along the lip or cheeks to magnify a mustache or beef-up a beard.

17. When wheat and wild around hirsute, strong as shag boiled soup.

18. Conclusion The patients of hirsute decreased the activity of treatment with CC.

19. The growth ridges, including hirsute ridge, main ridge, fine surface ridge and radius ridge, are main ultrastructures on the outer surface of the shell plates.

20. A main ridge, associated with the moulting cycle, is formed when or after a hirsute ridge (or a series of setae) is formed following ecdysis.

hirsute 词典解释


1. (男性)多毛的,毛发蓬乱的
If a man is hirsute, he is hairy.

hirsute 单语例句

1. A police search of Howard's home turned up plenty of hirsute evidence.

2. The policy is thus far only a speculative draft, and Thomas has not been told the name of the hirsute man in question.

hirsute 英英释义


1. hirsute在线翻译

1. having or covered with hair

e.g. Jacob was a hairy man
a hairy caterpillar

Synonym: hairy haired

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1302793.html
