

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
as...as 双语例句

1. The drawback to using cardboard as an insulating material is that it tends to char quite severely.

2. Freedom is any nation's undying soul, as well as the hope for them to live on.

3. His experience as an actor led to the creation of some of the most intense character studies in theater at the time, plays that require great effort and skill on the actor's part.


4. This is in direct and striking contrast to his father, master fireworks maker Simeon Runciman, who is portrayed as a brooding, dark and intense character with a mysterious past.


5. Regard reform as the Cenozoic Era, these singletons female main body consciousness is more intense, individual character color is brighter


6. It should be considered to take stable value of well Water sand content standard as theorectical basis for control index.


7. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacurer If problems comtinue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
如果这个屏幕再次出现,遵循这些步骤:检查以确保任何新的硬件或软件被正确地安装如果这是一个新的安装,你的硬件或软件manufacurer 如果问题comtinue,使或失去能力除去任何崭新安装了硬件或软件的。

8. In many situations, incremental costs may be the same as variable costs.

9. About engineering technology can be well regarded as a rarity of rarities.


10. That Black-chinned Fruit Dove was one of what is now only a very small number of resident/regular birds that I had yet to see in Taiwan, it was a new one for me and I was absolutely delighted at having been able to see it as I had no site for the species (though it did take a seven hour wait!).

11. Hydraulic forces applied on the agitator are simplified as a main moment and a main force on the agitating shaft, Initial decentration of agitator is determined based on the balance standard. The dynamic responses, such as fluctuating bending stresses and dynamic deflections, of the agitating shaft under no-liquid and normal working conditions are studied.

12. We reevaluated the effectof neostigmine on postoperative nausea and vomiting while consideringthe different anticholinergics as potentially confounding factors.

13. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.

14. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.

15. It was as when an ass breaks into a field and eats the staning corn, and the children of the village beat him with sticks.

16. Apart from the inter consorts and imperial clansmen, the entourages were about 100, 000(some said 200, 000) people such as artisans, medical officers, musicians, prostitutes, the chamberlain and so on, which is the largest immigration in the history of Northern Song dynasty.


17. Known as an igneous intrusion, the 1, 267-foot-tall (386-meter-tall) Devils Tower in Wyoming formed when molten rock intruded into the existing rocks.

18. Photo Gallery: Rocks Known as an igneous intrusion, the 1, 267-foot-tall (386-meter-tall) Devils Tower in Wyoming formed when molten rock intruded into the existing rocks.

19. So making the cut as a Superdog has little to do with pedigree and a lot to do with personality.

20. Flammable Gases: If the HeartStart is used to give a shock in the presence of flammable gases such as in an oxygen tent, there is a risk of explosion.

as...as 单语例句

1. Oil refiners and airlines rose across the board as world crude prices dropped more than US $ 2 overnight to nearly US $ 118.

2. The company has done well in Shanghai and is very confident about business in Beijing, as company leaders say Zara has earned potent brand recognition in the market.


3. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

4. as...as的解释

4. Take the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing as an example.

5. The demand for business software among Chinese SMEs is growing as more and more of them seek to boost their efficiency.

6. Steep drops were across the board as all 42 components of the benchmark Hang Seng Index were under selling pressure.

7. Today a business textbook would probably render that as " target those at the top end of your market ".

8. He quit a stable job as an English teacher at Peking University and started up a business to help students develop their English skills.

9. as...as的反义词

9. With English as the language of business in Singapore and the world, it has a predominant role at NUS.

10. as...as在线翻译

10. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1307782.html
