
make trouble是什么意思_make trouble在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
make trouble  
make trouble 基本解释

make trouble的意思

制造麻烦; 拿粗挟细; 掀风鼓浪; 罗唣

make trouble 网络解释

1. 惹事生非:make sport of 嘲笑 | make trouble 惹事生非 | make up for 补偿

2. 闹事,捣乱:get into trouble陷入困境,招致不幸 | make trouble闹事,捣乱 | have trouble with同...闹纠纷

3. 惹麻烦:make tracks for 追踪 | make trouble 惹麻烦 | make two bites at a cherry 过分小心

4. 闹事:3. 名词 [事端] trouble | 闹事 : make trouble | 4. 名词 [责任] responsibility

make trouble 双语例句

1. However, some exposure make use of the cuniform test imanging a lot of trouble.

2. A well-known symptom presents itself ---shedding and dryness. As you are getting into this trouble, sleeping facial mask enriched with grease is recommended as the good complement for moisture and grease as well as the better improvement before you make a facial mask.

make trouble的反义词

3. And the trouble diagnosis approach, which based on RBF neural network, is introduced. The system is simple in construction and perfect in function. It is of a practical importance to develop the marine diesel engine performance fault analysis system in ocean ship and extend the functions for marine engine room simulater, and it is also able to train marine engineers to deal with troubles and to make out repairing strategies accordingly for the purpose of enhancing the utility and working life of a diesel engine.

4. Rex: the trouble is, We have to make some collective choices.

5. In these verses we see that some people tried to make trouble between John and Jesus.

make trouble

6. They came to lend you a hand, not to make trouble.

make trouble的解释

7. Until the next day to find descendants went to the rain, Chai saw stabbed with a GUI on his make trouble for somebody.

8. We can make a lot of trouble for you if we want to.

make trouble

9. If get leading correctly, can have the meritorious service of raise be apt to, for instance the lock decides the Lilliputian of make trouble of start a rumour, the relatives and friends that also can seek the be separated from and lose touch with each other after shake people, the match person of rare blood type... if lack law is restrained and healthy guiding, the calamity that its are cruel also nots allow small gaze.

10. The end customer should give the seller all necessary background information about the trouble appearance, and make some tests according to the instructions of the seller`s engineer.

11. The mom in A is banned in great quantities recently put advertising of the mom in A on the website, and freeze the advertisement income of the website, its seal station and the account that freeze income very simple, it is data unusual 4 words, the mom in A is Chan Ping the advertisement cost that these 4 words make broad stationmaster trouble the station must come all receives bursa in, because this causes broad stationmaster anger, inquiry of customer service of Xiang Ali of try to be the first's mom seals everybody station reason, what get next is same just data is unusual 4 words, everybody asks the mom in A produces the proof with unusual data, customer service says what this matters to them to detect however technology, offer impossibly to stationmaster, ah, this sounds have some of act shamelessly rather, he Wei data is unusual, the advertisement of the mom in the discharge A of the website over there be to make clear those who having statistic, everybody can see, do this make secret technology?

12. I`ll make sure you pay for the trouble you have caused me.

make trouble

13. When I got there and see it was gone, I says to myself, 'They've got into trouble and had to leave; and they've took my nigger, which is the only nigger I've got in the world, and now I'm in a strange country, and ain't got no property no more, nor nothing, and no way to make my living; 'so I set down and cried.

14. This paper mainly introduces the construction of the balise telegram management system, aim at the importance of the balise in the rail control system, this paper also analyses the security of the system. base on the hidden trouble of the system, the paper introduce the solution which will make the system more secure than the exist ones.

15. And two sons of Peter get into trouble in archness just about, the age that the mouth does not have block, because this husband and wife is opposite twice little make trouble people ground of use both hard and soft tactics undertook preaching for long.

make trouble的近义词

16. Rational way, sampling, and then make sub-average described in too much trouble..

17. I don ` t want to make any trouble.

18. Goodness```the live i`m living now seems too dull and decadent````but i`m still a optimism``kakak```although some difficult problems hv taken place in my life``such as my homework``money`ha ha `and so on ``so i hv to make great effort to solve them alone`` ```so pity ar`` `wel``few people understand me who i will treasure very much````friends ar essential in your life`````however``sometimes u must learn to be stay only by yourself``once` u go to trouble ``dun be upset and sned for sb.
善良`` `活`我米,现在的生活似乎太单调颓废`` ``但我`米仍是一个乐观``高速公路`` `虽然有些困难高压发生在我的生命``如我的功课``钱`呵呵`等关于``所以高压作出很大的努力来解决他们独自`` ` ``所以可惜氩`` ` `` wel很少人知道我是谁我将十分珍惜``朋友``氩必需在你的生命````` ``但是有时美国必须学会将只留下自己``一旦美国` 去麻烦``逼债被打破和SNED为锑。

make trouble在线翻译

19. Young people often make their parents angry by the chothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something else. But they don't mean to cause trouble. They just feel that by such means they can sperate themselves from their parents world and can make a new culture of their own.

20. If they run into trouble several years later, they can tap it to make their loan payments.

make trouble 单语例句

1. They try to make money but the aspiring actors cause a lot of trouble.

2. I asked Clarence Seedorf to play on the right because with his technical quality I thought he'd make trouble for Siena.

3. For example, they will smuggle their agents into China to sow dissension and make trouble.

4. If you see it coming, you don't have to flip out and make trouble for yourself down the line.

5. make trouble

5. Identifying these genes could make it possible to intervene with treatments before children get into trouble.

6. All that calorie burning begs the question of how we ought to feed ourselves so as to make our toil and trouble worth it.

7. make trouble的翻译

7. If it is used as a transitive verb, it means to make someone suffer or bring someone unnecessary trouble.

8. He told his son not to make trouble any more, the police said.


9. He said he worried she would remember his appearance and his license number and later make trouble for him and his family.

10. It is obvious the US'core purpose is to contain China's rise by using Japan and the Philippines to make trouble for China.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1307786.html
