
the Summer Palace是什么意思_the Summer Palace在线翻译_双语例

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
the Summer Palace
the Summer Palace 双语例句

1. People who have not bicycled can go to the summer palace by bus.

2. The Summer Palace, which used to be a royal garden, is my favourite park.

3. B. I am deeply impressed by the beauty of the Summer Palace.

4. Empress Ci-Xi had been living in the Summer Palace for the last two months.

5. If you go, a visit to Peterhof, the summer palace of Peter the Great is a must.

6. The Northern Government dignitaries, including some of the Yuanmingyuan ruins bear the responsibility to protect those who are relying on power, have moved away from the Summer Palace in stone, Taihu Dan, in order to repair the garden house.

7. To the Summer Palace, one ticket.

8. Empress dowager, affect China's moment for the elderly, her merit, not because of her ethnic and historical reasons, then a totally negative, the construction of the Summer Palace that she has to do practical things for the whole nation as one.

the Summer Palace的近义词

9. Or the Summer Palace, is a place of extraordinary beauty.
w w!AKiT5E0(颐和园是一个美丽的地方。长廊、十七孔桥都是中国园林建筑的瑰宝。

10. For analysis and study classical garden`s multi-dimensional nightscape, the thesis choose the instance ----The scenic area of Foxiange-Pavilion and Paiyundian of the Summer Palace, and adopt the analysis method of lighting simulation (namely virtual simulation of lighting and scale model of lighting), then test the relevant data, compare the targets of objects, evaluation and analysis lighting scheme, gather into the chart and report of the content including calculating and surveying the data, appraising the result etc.

11. The existing Summer Palace was constructed in 1888 by the Empress Dowager Ci Xi, using funds originally intended for the imperial navy. It is actually a vast park with Longevity Hill in the north and Kunming Lake in the south.

the Summer Palace

12. It feels as though you are making yourself at home in a historical summer palace, where for once it's okay to clamber about on the furniture.

13. It sounds great to visit the Summer Palace this Saturday afternoon.

14. This glass map of Vietnam is a decoration in the Bao Dai`s Summer Palace in Dalat.

15. I went to the Imperial Palace and the Summer Palace, where are the two famous interesting places in Beijing. In the morning, I visited the Imperial Palace in which the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasty worked and lived. There are a lot of magnificent buildings built hundreds years ago. In the afternoon I went to the Summer Palace that is the biggest garden in China. I saw the Kunming Lake and the Long Corridor.
阅读下表内容,写一篇日记参观日期 2009年2月28日星期六天气晴参观地点故宫,颐和园具体安排上午参观故宫,故宫是明,清皇帝工作和生活的地方,那儿有许多建于几百年前的雄伟的皇家建筑下午参观颐和园,颐和园是中国最大,保存最完好的皇家花园,看到了昆明湖和长廊。

16. This assembly will be a more general property developer support and optimism Europe Park, the Nordic impression, Bowangjieyuan, Chung-hing Park, the future City, Garden, Shan, and other contemporary urban homes in the project early on gave citizens will set a lot booth, and contemporary urban homes, Bowangjieyuan, the Summer Palace Garden, Wanrunjieyuan, Tin Sau Garden, Meixinjiayuan, Yee On Jiayuan, Wenhuiyuan, such as the new starting point Jiayuan Zhongguancun and the surrounding area real estate projects more pan-Zhongguancun project is the collective display their welcoming attitude, the citizens will become the one bright spot in the purchase and media attention.

the Summer Palace的意思

17. His addition to the Summer Palace to local expansion, alteration outside, and immediately east of Changchun, a new park, in the South East neighborhood into a chi Spring Garden.

18. Qianlong Emperor ascended the throne after adjusting Yuanmingyuan garden within the landscape, adding to the building groups, and the Summer Palace in the east and southeast neighborhood built Changchun Park and Yee-Spring Garden (renamed 10000 Spring Garden when Tongzhi).

19. After the breakfast, embarks goes to Beijing biggest royal family botanical garden, the most attractive - Summer Palace, may ride the dragon boat (passage ticket to take care of oneself) enters the Summer Palace by kind happy Yuhe river to be possible the vehicle to look at the central television tower outdoor scene on the way, goes to be known as name, - Old Summer Palace (admission ticket to take care of oneself) on behalf of the Chinese history testimony garden of the ten thousand garden.

20. Since Dowager Cixi lived and attended to the state affairs here during the summers, the place also derived the name of summer Palace.

the Summer Palace 单语例句

1. Round the corner from the Summer Palace in Beijing, lives an old man by the name of Wang Qizhi.

2. One that arose from an epiphany I had at the Summer Palace.

3. The Summer Palace was even more popular thanks to the opening of the new Line 4 subway.

4. The walkway is like the corridor tourists can find in the Summer Palace, albeit a bit less extravagant.

5. She built a wall on the western bank of the lake and kept the site of the fire outside the Summer Palace.

6. The bronzes were once part of a fountain that displayed the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac at the Old Summer Palace.

7. The Old Summer Palace Ruins Park Planning is the most authoritative document and guiding principle on protection of ruins as a reflection of historical truth.

8. The state of the areas in immediate proximity to the Summer Palace is just horrendous!

9. China's top environment watchdog ordered Thursday that most of a plastic membrane covering the lake bed at Beijing's Old Summer Palace be removed.


10. Emperor Qianlong planted a magnolia tree at the Summer Palace during the Qing Dynasty 200 years ago.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1309523.html
