

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

17. The average wholesale price informationis compiled by the Census...

18. SOC is used with all the main government data collections, that process occupational data such as the Census of Population, the Labour Force Survey, the New Earnings Survey and statistics on birth and death registrations.
SOC 应用于所有的主要的官方数据的收集和职业数据的处理,如:人口普查、劳动力调查、新的收入调查和统计,以及出生和死亡登记方面的数据。

19. Poorer, but at least not sicker 贫困加剧, 但医疗方面情况有所缓解 Sep 17th 2009 | WASHINGTON, DC From The Economist print edition Measuring the recession`s bitemarks 衡量经济衰退撕咬后留下的齿痕 READING a census report is like peering through a telescope from the back of a speeding train.

20. Poorer, but at least not sicker贫困加剧, 但医疗方面情况有所缓解 Sep 17th 2009 | WASHINGTON, DCFrom The Economist print edition Measuring the recession`s bitemarks衡量经济衰退撕咬后留下的齿痕 READING a census report is like peering through a telescope from the back of a speeding train.

census 词典解释

1. 人口普查
A census is an official survey of the population of a country that is carried out in order to find out how many people live there and to obtain details of such things as people's ages and jobs.

census 单语例句

1. census什么意思

1. Companies and other business organizations can take advantage of the census results to analyze the market and to improve their business management.

2. Their vast land area and diversity compel the two countries to develop their census mechanisms in manners that can capture all aspects of demographic changes.

3. Knocking on doors for a census was probably good training for chapping doors as a newspaper reporter later in my career.

4. To try to dispel these and other rumors, the government commissioned a pop star to compose a catchy tune about the census.

5. Britain's census is nine years out of date and the polling districts haven't caught up to population shifts.

6. About one in three Americans is a minority, according to the US Census Bureau.

7. census

7. The census showed that whites were the largest racial group in every state but Hawaii, with the widest majority found in the Midwest with 85 percent.

8. The Census Bureau estimates that an American is born every 7 seconds, one dies every 13 seconds and a migrant crosses into the country every 31 seconds.

9. At the time of the national population census five years ago, 99 cities had a ratio of more than 125 boys to every 100 girls.

10. But some enumerators have already quit their post ahead of the sixth national census over fears they will not be able to complete the task.

census 英英释义


1. a periodic count of the population

Synonym: nose count nosecount


1. conduct a census

e.g. They censused the deer in the forest

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1309541.html
