

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
cross-country 基本解释


形容词越野的; 横越全国的


cross-country 网络解释


1. 越野滑雪:现代的滑雪活动,由于科技的进步,无论是最大众化的阿尔卑斯式滑雪(Alpine Ski)或是越野滑雪(Cross Country)都要穿着专用雪鞋才可上路. 本文是以阿尔卑斯滑雪所使用的雪鞋古早的时候,雪鞋是用皮制的,防水保暖的效果很糟,同时脚踝的保护性很差,

2. 越野赛:山地车越野:越野赛(cross country)简称XC,越野赛是有上下坡的长距离路线上展开的竞技,山地车竞技中举办最多而最受欢迎的竞技项目. 该竞技是奥运会比赛项目、有世界锦标赛、世界杯等比赛顶目. 山地速降:速降赛(down hill)简称DH,

3. 越野的:cross-check 再确认 | cross-country 越野的 | cross-cousin 姑表

cross-country 双语例句

1. On May 18, morning 9:30 I driving yourself the 5008 small cars from ten spot type cross-country shan fine blunt small one elementary school reunion, when the rain came long rich, only 55Km + 900m road, and rugged construction to learn exactly rain chung-ho, roadside pile cap fence stone, had a lot of bad road, become more difficult driving.
2009年5月18日,上午9:30左右我驾驶着自己的众泰5008小越野型汽车从十八连山乡细冲完小独木小学到雨汪,当来到富长线55Km+900m 处,只见路面崎岖不平,加之正好雨汪中学在建盖围墙,路边堆了很多石头,本来就不好的路面,变得行车更加艰难。


2. With a backdrop of rolling wooded hills, the Clarion community offers canoeing, horseback riding, camping, and for those that love winter activities, 12 miles of snowmobile trails, ice skating, and cross-country ski trails in Cook Forest State Park.


3. The opportunities for outdoor activities are endless: the fells and mountains of the far north are superb walking territory, and increasingly popular with mountain bikers. The rivers on the border with Sweden are perfect for canoeing, and the lakes and rivers everywhere are fruitful fishing waters. In winter, the resorts of Levi, Saarielka, Ruka and Olos - to name a few -②come to life, opening their Alpine ski slopes and cross-country ski trails. Snowmobile, reindeer and dog-sled safaris take you into the valley forests and you can even spend the night in an igloo.

4. I enter university, (approximately 02 years) and start to jog, run cross-country and run road races.

5. In recent years, it has completed the type approval tests for four classes of basic type military cross-country vehicles of the second-generation one after another; brought to success the performance test for the prototypes of the second-generation military vehicles such as the cross-country commanding vehicle, the third-generation cross-country vehicle, frontier defense patrol vehicle and amphibious vehicle; finished the type approval tests for special purpose vehicles like the heavy-duty equipment delivery vehicle, light cross-country ambulance, tanker and air-borne assault vehicle; and completed the analysis and contrast tests for typical imported military vehicles.

6. Today, biathlon is considered a combination of two sports: cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.


7. Activities include snowmobile excursions, northern lights tours, snow-shoe and cross-country ski excursions, and dogsled and reindeer tours.

8. The company is specialized in manufacturing Japan large displacement motorcycle parts and accesories, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki, 50-750 Roadster, Prince, Cross-country, pedal, engine assembly, piston ring, conneting rod, tile, rectifier, CDI, rule chain, bracing wire, chain wheel, crust, windscreen, oil seal, oil case.

9. The Fantastic Moto E-bike is the first battery-operated bicycle with the appearance of cross-country motorcycle, which not only has beautiful and fashion style, but also creates the frame design of mountain bike which has three 12V batteries hidden under the seat.
凡太奇电动型越野自行车Moto E-bike是第一台具有越野摩托车外观设计的电动自行车,外观清新靓丽,首创山地车的车架设计及3个12V电瓶隐藏于坐垫下方;首创前、后双避震及前、后双碟式刹车,使用时安全舒适、灵活方便;轮径从12寸、16寸、18寸、20寸、24寸形成系列化产品。2006年在欧美市场销售极为成功,2007年开始投放国内市场销售。

10. In seventh grade he decided to go out for the cross-country team.

11. The bench-scale equipment of numerical control simulates, the high-performance number electricity mold electricity bench-scale equipment, PLC programs laboratory bench, air operated PLC controls laboratory bench, the microcomputer control central air conditioning laboratory bench, the sensor engineering laboratory equipment; Automobile teaching equipment: PASSAT entire vehicle model, program control showing board, military cross-country vehicle teaching aid series, automobile driving analogous system; multimedia electricity-teaching room, multimedia language sound chamber, entire digital language sound chamber, language study system, teaching VCD series; machinery exhibition cabinet series, hydraulic transmission demonstration, electrical machinery electricity laboratory, project charting laboratory; the electrical machinery controls the laboratory bench, the electron bench-scale equipment, the electrician bench-scale equipment, counts the electricity, the mold electricity laboratory, the micro electricity connection laboratory, the electric power drives laboratory, the microcomputer test installation; central air-conditioning test installation, refrigeration system hot test installation, electrical appliances synthesis test installation; teaching wall map series, teaching blackboard series; The finance and accounting simulates laboratory, simulates the bank laboratory; medicine teaching model; transparent elevator laboratory bench, transparent electrical machinery model, transparent lathe engine bed; universities specialized laboratory bench, physics bench-scale equipment, chemical laboratory equipment, biology bench-scale equipment, middle school necessary instrument.....

12. Tambourine closes in on Goku and Yajirobe as the two warriors engage in a cross-country chase...of each other.


13. In consideration of being allowed to participate in all phases of activities and events of the Outdoor, including, but not limited to, hiking, inline skating, mountain biking, rowing, rafting, scuba diving, caving, camping, back packing, ice climbing, downhill skiing, snow boarding, cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, tobogganing and ice skating, I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge the Outdoor and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and all others from any and all responsibilities of liability from injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any activities or use of equipment in the above mentioned activities


14. Thus, it is natural to ask whether cross-country evidence provides an empirical basis for pro-SME policies.

15. I was a cross-country runner when I was a boy.


16. I stood on the grassland breathless: can I finish 10 kilometers cross-country race?

17. That was bad enough, but I took three people with me: two English girls who had stopped in Hot Springs on a cross-country bus trip and looked the way you look after two or three days on a bus; and Glenn Mahone with his Afro and dashiki.

18. Playing Lawn Games for Life - What do you get when you combine a cross-country trip with a scavenger hunt, old family stories and a variety of puzzles?


19. While on a cross-country trip to learn the rope s, however, Natalie is shaken by the emotional implication s of her prized job and quits.

20. Drivers and bridge design is the entire cross-country vehicle design very important part.

cross-country 词典解释cross-country的近义词

1. 越野比赛(如赛跑、自行车赛、滑雪赛等)
Cross-country is the sport of running, riding, or skiing across open countryside rather than along roads or around a running track.

e.g. She finished third in the world cross-country championships in Antwerp.

2. 横越全国的;遍及全国的
A cross-country journey involves less important roads or railway lines, or takes you from one side of a country to the other.

e.g. ...cross-country rail services...
e.g. The group made a 13-concert cross-country tour, including a stop in New York.

cross-country 英英释义



1. across the countryside

e.g. the river runs cross-country
the road runs cross-country

2. not following tracks or roads

e.g. they liked to race cross-country

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1311500.html
