

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
elsewhere 基本解释

19. If a settlement were achieved in the Israeli orbit, it would not bring peace to the rest of the Middle East; too often, the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate is blamed for woes elsewhere.

20. One reason is that people with the spending power are elsewhere.

elsewhere 词典解释

1. 在别处;去别处
Elsewhere means in other places or to another place.

e.g. Almost 80 percent of the state's residents were born elsewhere...
e.g. They were living rather well, in comparison with people elsewhere in the world...

elsewhere 单语例句

1. The Obama campaign's strategy largely relies on a strong performance in cities and suburban areas to make up for any falloff elsewhere in Ohio.

2. Critics on Capitol Hill and elsewhere have said that memo provided the legal underpinnings for subsequent abuses of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq.

3. But the carnage was worse elsewhere on another day when investors worried about a looming worldwide recession.

4. The carnival mood as exhibited in China and elsewhere speaks less of gallow humor than an urge to squeeze fun out of a humdrum existence.

5. The carnival mood as exhibited in China and elsewhere speaks less of gallows humor than an urge to squeeze fun out of a humdrum existence.

6. This cautious stance may look wise at a time when elevated government debt levels are causing severe financial and economic strain elsewhere in the world.

7. They learned that their mother was buried elsewhere in the cemetery after they complained last summer that the gravesite had fallen into disrepair.

8. elsewhere的反义词

8. Elsewhere, certain service centers have started " exam nanny " businesses.

9. elsewhere是什么意思

9. In previous years violent activists have stayed away from the chic ski resort and staged violent demonstrations elsewhere in Switzerland instead.

10. Tsang's warning may strike a chord elsewhere in Asia, where inflows of capital threaten to create bubbles.

elsewhere 英英释义


1. in or to another place

e.g. he went elsewhere
look elsewhere for the answer

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1311633.html
