
care for是什么意思_care for在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
care for  
care for 基本解释

care for的翻译

照料; 喜欢; 愿意

care for 相关例句


1. Who will care for the house while the family is away?

2. He doesn't care for what he eats.

3. Would you care for a drink?

care for 情景对话

care for的反义词


A:Would you care for some red wine?

B:No, thanks.


A:There’s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?

B:Sorry, I’m not a volleyball fan. I’d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?

C:I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don’t care for ball games.


A:May I speak to the head of the household?

B:May I ask whos calling?

A:This is Susan with Jiaotong University student.I am calling on behalf of the Private Teacher Company. May I have your name, sir?

B:My name is Li.

A:Excuse me, Mr. Li. Do you have children, Mr. Li?


A:Great. I believe you must care for his educations.


A:You probably heard about it. We have private teachers in our holiday.We will help your children in learning lessons in their free time. We are running a special offer on this holiday. You might want to know more about it.
或许你已经听说过。我们交大的学生在假期间做家教。我们可以帮助您的孩子在他们空闲时学习功课。 我们在这个假期有个特价优惠。我想你肯定想多了解点吧。


care for 网络解释

1. 喜欢:若每次都因为示像发作而倒下,那再接着的几百年循环(Cycle)可就难熬了. 「因为......因为我喜欢(care for)你,肯恩. 」在他还来得及回应前,格莉萨连忙又说:「而且我的示像最近变得越来越糟了,我需要帮助. 」

2. 照顾:它把人们需要的看护照顾分为三大类:第一类是日常生活的活动(activities of daily living),它们包括洗澡、穿衣、吃饭和使用卫生间,它还包括照顾(care for)导尿管和人造肛门粪便袋等;同时,帮助上下床、椅子和轮椅包括在内.

3. 爱护:系列产品按严格的GMP质量控制体系生产,全面呵护宝宝的健康,让妈咪更放心地使用 品牌:爱护(care for) 品名:护肤柔湿巾(加大型) 规格:170mm*200mm * 13 主要成分:天然丝素润肤成分、芦荟精华、无纺布等.

care for 双语例句

1. Women do not care about too much, only in the wind and rain comes, he can cover for you the rain, that is good man, you are operating a family, in the conquest of a man, living out your style of bar.

2. My family`s wooden desk for the yellow, is now a corner of the door, because they do not care are placed side by side, electric heating baking has changed color, please help on how to make change back or to use other manner as the original wooden table with color.

3. Your bypast embrace and care for me were just a temporary pleasure, weren't they?

care for是什么意思

4. Today, including Kiyosada Master in, within the many people who care for and support my work, eminent monks and Whampoa fellow students have already passed away, I face the results, sad Yan intersection, but the Qing Chi Master, etc.

5. He is the boy who loves you clandestinely. He is always care for you and take notice of you at any time.

care for的解释

6. He is the boy who leaves you clandestinely. He is always care for you and take notice of you at any time.

7. Used for the final Shuang-care to both feet.

8. Knowing their difficulties, Malacca Tzu Chi volunteers thoughtfully prepared gift packages for Indian care recipients, for them to enjoy the festival of light.

9. With the introduction of advanced medical technology and new health care procedures, the Hospital Authority would review the demand for and the utility rate of various types of beds in public hospitals and strengthen the links among hospitals so as to achieve the target of productivity enhancement.

care for的近义词

10. Dr. Stepp disclosed that he is a consultant for Covidien, a health care device and supplies company.

11. Providing care for the sick, the aged, the workless and the poor.

care for的解释

12. The one I care for through the rough and ready years

care for

13. The one I care for through the rough and ready years.

14. Can ah, there is no need for us to get nervous, I pregnancy when they are asked a doctor, the doctor said that a pregnant person on the tension in this, the tension that, in fact, there is no need to, if not on the skin must maintain care and summer must pay attention to the sun, because of pregnancy when a long easily spotted, so the skin care is still very necessary, if a pregnant do not have anything, it is also afraid that is afraid to make their own side of蓬头meet unexpectedly, feelings can be good, so why not be a good mother does, as long as not to use poor-quality cosmetics, there is no problem.

15. First of WangYueLun said that when my father was very nervous, LiXiang after pregnancy and LiXiang due to eat anything serious, reaction, still hospitalized for a long time, he was busy every day and had to go to movies, hospital, Mrs. Take care of all get his fear LiXiang rehabilitation hospital, until, and it can eat can sleep, he just slightly.

care for是什么意思

16. Try to spare a thought for those who care for you.

17. Nd care and at the same time to have them support and care for me.

18. Methods:Formulate detailed observed and operational guidelines for pregnant women and puerperant, optimize obstetric emergency care flow and emergency rescue plan, organize and implement, and evaluate by the everyday evaluation management system.

care for是什么意思

19. Though you can still care for a person, you might not be infatuated with them in the same way you were when you first met.

care for的近义词

20. Since then, I care for days, heart, heaven would meteorite rain; I heart angry days, days of the Han Galaxy crosswise.

care for 单语例句

1. The business sector in Hong Kong is becoming more green conscious as corporate management tries to show greater care for Mother Nature.

2. Well, they're bought by romantics and people who care little for today's tastes.

3. One of the largest involved a coronary care nurse who was convicted in 1984 for killing of 12 elderly patients in California.

4. Another concern women have is that they could lose a good job if they take time off to give birth and care for their newborn.

5. care for的近义词

5. The cardiologist was hired by Jackson to care for him two months before his death.

6. Efforts were made to energetically publicize the work of health care for women and children.


7. Pilot projects for a new system of rural cooperative medical and health care services progressed steadily.

8. Care for the common people should definitely underpin the continued growth of CPC membership.

9. Fisher said he wants to live in one of the six or seven cities being considered for Tatum's care.


10. Care for Children is an organization that finds foster homes for children living in institutions.

care for 英英释义

care for在线翻译


1. provide treatment for

e.g. The doctor treated my broken leg
The nurses cared for the bomb victims
The patient must be treated right away or she will die
Treat the infection with antibiotics

Synonym: treat

2. be fond of
be attached to

Synonym: cherish hold dear treasure

3. have a liking, fondness, or taste (for)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1312842.html
