

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


necessity 基本解释

名词必需品; 必要(性); (迫切)需要; 自然规律

necessity 同义词

名词requirement essential requisite necessary

necessity 反义词


necessity 相关词组

1. of necessity : 必然地;

2. bow to necessity : 屈服于需要, 做不得不做的事;

necessity 相关例句


1. Food and clothing are necessities of life.

2. She felt the necessity of accepting the invitation.

3. Night follows day as a necessity.

4. She is now in necessity.

5. Water is a necessity of life.

necessity 网络解释


1. 必要:对学校会计职业道德教育存有异议的观点主要体现在相关性(relevance)、必要(necessity)、有效性(effectiveness)上. 会计与道德不相关的第二种解释具有更大的迷惑性. 这种迷惑性表现在于理论上的深厚渊源. 相对于第一种解释中过于浅白的技术与道德的区分,

necessity 双语例句

1. I totallyagree with the assertion that Government should preserve the wildernessareas in their natural state no matter how many people will accessthere(这个短语结构不明白什么意思呀~) because these areas deserve and have the necessity to beprotected and government is a powerful organization to gain this ends.

2. At first This paper formulates the necessity for depurating network information content, and introduces the history of information security and study point in information security. Also this paper analyses in detail the key technology of content filtering such as data frame capture, bridge, network protocol analysis and content analysis. And then this paper comes up with the solution for content filtering facing application layer which is based on the technology of protocol analysis and format conversion in combination with text filtering techonology of Multiple Patterns Matching..Also this paper amplifies on the design and the implement method of each module. Finally this paper introduces how the client of content filtering system manages the keywords and log and makes suggestion for the improvement of the system.


3. A theorem on sufficiency and necessity of fuzzy positive matrix is proposed after much analysis. Based on the thought of minimun deviationan, an optimization model is constructed first, and then a formula with parameter is taken advantage to approximate the corresponding element in the fuzzy complementary matrix and results in obtaining a fuzzy positive matrix. Meanwhile, the ordering vector of the fuzzy positive matrix is calculated.


4. To this end, we need analysis system to a cash-based accounting units of the limitations on institutions now accounting the accrual-based system of the necessity and possibility, with certain academic and social values, which is the purpose of writing this paper.


5. OBJECTIVE: To introduce several key image processing techniques in dental restoration, and discuss the necessity and practicability of image processing technology in dental restoration.

6. Aiming at the new situation of engineer thawing course teaching content and course system reformation in 10 years, the paper indicates the necessity of emendating teaching basal request today and puts forward a mode which fits for the actual undergraduate engineering drawing course`s teaching basal request.

7. Then necessity and feasibility of determining clay content and shale content are studied with different logging response curves.


8. This paper cites the concept of consumption habit persistence and sunspot equilibria with uncertainty for analyzing the issue of currency competition to discuss the necessity of Gresham's Law and provide a complement of explanation to the euro exchange rate movements.

9. The knowledge conveyed by Gresham's Law, the first crude formulations of the quantity theory of money--such as those of Bodin and Davanzati--and the Law of Gregory King mark the first dawn of the cognition that regularity of phenomena and inevitable necessity prevail in the field of action.
葛来欣法则(Gresham's Law,也即Bodin和Davanzati的货币数量说最早的模样)和金氏法则所传授的知识,使我们开始了解在行为领域中一些现象的规律性和必然性。

10. We also realized the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy.

11. The necessity and the possibility of construction of Chang-Zhu-Tan netty information transmitting by using broadcast and TV network is discussed, the connecting method and the network structure by means of the over SDH tecnnical system is designed and the scheme for connceting communication computer and cable TV subnets under this system is also proposed.
论述了利用广播电视网络架构长株潭三市信息平台的必要性和可行性,并采用over SDH技术体制设计了联网方式和网络结构,提出了在新体制下通信、计算机和有线电视三网融合的具体方案。

12. These are the way to relieve one's stress in modern times. Confiding has become one necessity of people's emotion.

13. A lot of problems in the city to accelerate the development phase of real estate in advance, the rapid development of its rationality and necessity should not be questioned.

14. So morality lawed and law moralized is the very important processes of law ruling, and it is also the history necessity of our path on the law ruling.

15. Some questions as following should be given attention, as we carry out our andit.1. Heighten one's undertanding of necessity of setting up this audit; 2. Clear and definite the properties of organs of audit; 3. Organize the existing organizational structures of economic superviso...

16. The 1~st chapter summarized the research background of this thesis, analyzed the sense and necessity of the research, introduced the status of present research, discussed the existing problems in present research and the main contents and structure of this thesis.


17. For years, the NNSF has produced large amounts of data, in order to better manage and understand the data, building the data warehouse has become the necessity.

18. The research and results have shown the feasibility and necessity of laser collimation and expanding.

19. Nd when Mnn's work ws essentilly discredited by Steve McIntyre nd Ross Mckittrick, it becme politicl necessity to find other proxies tht would replce Mnn's questionble choices nd restore the pristine beuty of the Hockey Stick shpe.


20. This article embarks from the foreign capital merger and acquisition's present situation, through to the foreign capital merger and acquisition in our country's basic situation's analysis summary, tries to summarize the foreign capital merger and acquisition the positive and negative effect which brings to our country, and in view of negative effect proof to its implementation rules and regulations necessity.

necessity 词典解释necessity的翻译

1. 必然;必要
The necessity of something is the fact that it must happen or exist.

e.g. There is agreement on the necessity of reforms...
e.g. As soon as the necessity for action is over the troops must be withdrawn...

2. 必需品;必不可少的事物
A necessity is something that you must have in order to live properly or do something.

e.g. Water is a basic necessity of life.
e.g. ...food, fuel and other daily necessities.

3. 不可避免的情况(或行动)
A situation or action that is a necessity is necessary and cannot be avoided.

e.g. The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.

necessity 单语例句

1. Most of them are indeed not litigious, by nature or by necessity.

2. Only farmers in the poorest regions choose to earn cash as miners by necessity, turning to the mining work.

3. necessity

3. " Writers are solitary animals by necessity but these kind of events bring us out, " Hill says.

4. Fierce competition in the market has made adjustments by the portals a necessity.

5. By tradition more than necessity, western Chinese tend to use legal procedures as a last resort.

6. Nonetheless, the joint appearance by Obama and Coakley is in many ways marriage of a necessity.

7. Indonesia has been hard hit by a fivefold hike in the price of chilli, a household necessity.


8. By emphasizing measures to balance supply and demand in the property market, the central government is trying to drive home the necessity to fully implement them.

9. He added that globalization had " skidded out of control " and there is a necessity for rebuilding capitalism by restoring its moral dimension.

10. The ministry must conduct reassessments of the safety of its approved food additives, when their necessity and safety are questioned by new research results.

necessity 英英释义



1. anything indispensable

e.g. food and shelter are necessities of life
the essentials of the good life
allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions
a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained

Synonym: essential requirement requisite necessary

2. the condition of being essential or indispensable

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1313053.html
