

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
cheerfully 基本解释

副词愉快地; 欢乐地; 爽朗地; 乐意地

cheerfully 网络解释


1. 高高兴兴地:cheerful 愉快的 | cheerfully 高高兴兴地 | cheerfulness 高兴

2. 高兴地:cheerfully 高兴地 | dimly faintly;unclearly 黯淡地 | firmly 牢牢地

3. 欢乐地, 愉快地; 乐意地; 爽朗地 (副):cheerful 快活的, 兴高采烈的, 高兴的 (形) | cheerfully 欢乐地, 愉快地; 乐意地; 爽朗地 (副) | cheerfulness 欢乐, 爽朗, 愉快 (名)

cheerfully 双语例句


1. Natasha, who had at first borne the separation from her betrothed so easily and even cheerfully, grew now more impatient and overstrung every day.

2. He needs someone who will talk cheerfully to him, rather than lecturing and arguing. He needs someone he doesn`t resent for her bossiness and he isn`t tempted to avoid and deceive. He needs someone to play with ? someone who will laugh at his tension-relieving quips and make him laugh in return.


3. She never failed to comply with their requests and cheerfully helped her friends as best as she could.

4. Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly.


5. Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contendedly.


6. Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contently.

7. Seek not proud riches, but such as you may get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly.

8. They talked cheerfully and friendly.

9. Therefore, he always cheerfully bagged and sagged as if he had slept in his suits.

10. And so, in that derelict museum, upon the thick soft carpeting of dust, to Weena's huge delight, I solemnly performed a kind of composite dance, whistling THE LAND OF THE LEAL as cheerfully as I could. In part it was a modest CANCAN, in part a step dance, in part a skirt-dance (so far as my tail-coat permitted), and in part original.

11. This moment sunshine bright, down the roof quiet, passes 17f, 16f, 15f, settling on the tree of 5f Maple or eucalyptus unclear Or boxtree Whirls his body away with a flock of leaves. Slim feet hua-la-la Slim childish feet rush So swift, So swift, this moment sunshine bright, As the broad road to nice mind A bright bus. Even though sunshine is not bright at all I still wanna Write a poem for love My love poems start from the 7 a. m. Sun A lot flock of leaves hua-la-laly Fall, childish little feet run so Cheerfully.
此刻阳光明媚,从屋顶慢慢照下来,一路穿过 17层,16层,15层,一直到5层的树上分不清枫树、桉树还是大叶黄杨树阳光从树身上走了一圈,拉走了一群树叶细细的脚哗啦啦细细的孩子们的脚啊跑得那么快那么快,此刻阳光明媚漂亮得像造出好心情的宽阔马路干净公交车即使阳光不明媚不漂亮我还是要写一首相爱之诗我的相爱之诗从早晨7点钟的太阳开始??一大群树叶哗啦啦落下,孩子们的小脚跑得多欢啊

12. So I passed another winter in Ingolstadt, this time very cheerfully in the company of my good friend.

13. Le Yangyang gets four lambs to take big strides cheerfully forwards, implication Guangzhou people by positive optimistic, spirited enterprising mental outlook, greets the Asian Olympic Games grand meeting the arrival, will hug Asian happy tomorrow.

14. Subject A the melody expressing emotion cheerfully, relaxed lively rhythm, and and theme looks at and appraises the tone responding to, have been full of the merry mood, have made person feel tinges of spring already arrives in the Danube; Subject B is relaxed, lucid and lively, as if being Danubian eulogy to spring.


15. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness, beauty and truth.

16. We should fall to work cheerfully, and not in a despondent state.

17. Let`s talk about pressure, somebody will sure to sayeverybody have pressure, your pressure is no big deal, ALL right, my pressure is really a big deal, on account of that is minepressure, for preasure i am a new guy, even if i have lived 22 years. My childhood was so happinessly, so cheerfully, have no idea about what is preesure. NO necessary to study hard for objective or family, They just want living in a happy life, no pressure, no a fettered life, so my childhood is very simple and easy. i still feel happiness until at the end of campus of the third years. I always be imbued with heart of thanks, for my family that the happiness one, including my grandfather, grandmathor, daddy, mother, aunty, elder bothers, maternale grandmother, elder and younger cousins sister, what i can show, beyond doubt is the proudly of childhood which gave by them, cause that is hard to pray!

18. Everyday, I go to school cheerfully in the morning and skip along at the way home as the sun set.

19. He dashed up to her, cheerfully babbling.
你好! 他向她冲去,兴致勃勃地叽哩咕噜。


20. His friends cheerfully came to take part in his birthday party, but left with disappointment.

cheerfully 单语例句

1. Indulge yourself by all means but don't forget to eat cheerfully when you are eating whatever takes your fancy.

2. cheerfully什么意思

2. The locals cheerfully ignored it and strolled about or sat down to relax on the lovely natural carpet.

3. cheerfully的解释

3. " Seaweed and seagulls are coming back, " he says cheerfully.

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4. Lee cheerfully dispensed her wisdom on the fundamentals of Chinese cooking along with tips for preventing any disasters.


5. I say " almost solely " as there was one clip today of Olympic supporters waiting cheerfully to see the flame.

6. cheerfully在线翻译

6. " Let's pose for a photo together, " their son offered cheerfully as Ji was taking his size for a jacket.

7. When Wen cheerfully explained that Sissi had given birth to a daughter, the listeners'heads shot up in surprise.

8. All these gave US President Barack Obama solid reasons to cheerfully tell his people that the worst is over.

9. Yang said cheerfully that he had ordered five sheets of personalized stamps with four in each set.


10. Later she will cheerfully share antidepressants from her medicine cabinet with her young daughter.

cheerfully 英英释义


1. in a cheerful manner

e.g. he cheerfully agreed to do it

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1320680.html
