
表达爱意的英文句子,I love you with all my heart

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 表白的句子 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

★1) I'm sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon. 我要送你你最喜爱的红玫瑰,让你欣赏。(女孩子都喜欢红玫瑰?)

★2) I'll love you as long as I live. 爱你一辈子(爱你千万年).

★3) Will you accept me? I wanna share my life with you.你答应我的求婚吗?我想永远和你在一起

★4) You look more beautiful every time I see you. 每次见到你,你都更漂亮。

★5) If the sun were to rise in the west, I'd never change my mind to love you forever.即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也不会改变.(顺便温习一下虚拟语气吧)

★6) I love you with all my heart,造句. 我全心全意爱你.

★7) That reminds me too much of you.那使我很想你.(并不一定要用think、miss等单词哦)

★8) I'm singing a torch song for her. 我单恋她.(因失恋/单恋而唱的歌就是torchsong)

★9) I love you for you. 我真心爱你.(简单吧!当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是其他如钱财,权势等,就可以这样说.

★10) For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.我也喜欢你啊,就想你喜欢我一样.

★11)I love stars, and you're as beautiful as a star.我喜欢星星,而你就跟星星般美丽。(是俗了点,可人家就这么说!)

★) If you go away, I'll be blue. I'll miss you when you leave. 假如你走了,我会很沮丧. 你离开,我会很想念.

★13) My love for you is as deep as the sea. 对你的爱,似海深.

★14) You're the only man/woman I could be happy with.(这句话是不是太夸张?)

★15) I'm so happy with you in this starry night.在这繁星闪烁的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快乐.

【表达爱意的英文句子,I love you with all my heart】
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/juzi/227034.html


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