2."NLP is an attitude and a methodology, not the trail of techniques it leaves behind"
3.We take the very best of what people do, synthesise it down, make it learnable and share it with each other - and that is what the real future of what NLP will be and its gonna stay that way!”
4."In High School I flunked psychology and Public Speaking. NLP was my revenge!(在大学里我的心理学和公开演讲课都不及格。而NLP是我的报复!)
5.The reason people have problems is that they have too much time to think."
People change in spite of therapy.(人们即使不接受治疗,也会改变。)
If someone will spend $75 to see a psychiatrist, instead of spending it on a party, that's not mental illness, that's stupidity! If you don't do anything, then of course you're going to be bored and depressed.(如果有人花75块去看心理医生,而不是把这钱用来参加一个聚会,这不叫心理疾病,这叫愚蠢!如果你什么事也不做,那你当然会感到无聊和沮丧。)
6.The best thing about the past is that it's over. The best thing about the future is that it's yet to come. The best thing about the present is that it's here now.
7.The greatest personal limitation is to be found not in the things you want to do and can't, but in the things you've never considered doing.
8.How much pleasure and success can you stand?
9.If it’s worth feeling bad about, it’s worthy of amnesia.
10.If you say to yourself "It's difficult to get up in the morning", "It's hard to cease smoking", then you are already using hypnotic suggestions on yourself...
11.You know what ? Certain people think they will fell good if certain things happen... The trick is : you have to feel good for no reason...
12.Remember, it's your own body, your own brain. You're not a victim of the universe, you are the universe.
13.If you can't enjoy what you have, you can't enjoy more of it.
14.Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
15.Peoples tell me with absolute certainty they don't trust themselves. Or they tell me that they decided absolutely that they can't make good decision.
You know what, it's impossible for anyone to tell you anything that's a generalisation about themselves that won't destroy itself including that one... (任何一个概论都会自我毁灭。)
16.I have news for you, God made me forgive you but I'm not going to. To me I don't want to be forgiven, I want to do better. See, one people tell me "I'm really sorry". I go "Fuck you", just do better.
17.I made the door in my house left-handed, because I'm left handed. When people come in, they push the door the wrong way, and hit themselves on the door. And you know what ? People keep harder and harder to do it ! When something doesn't work, try the same thing harder!
19.You can't change people by removing something. You must create a void and then fill it...
20.You are born with only two fear : fear of falling and fear of loud noise. All the rest is learned. And it's a lot of work!
21.the best way to break sth is to overdo it.
23.Arguing for three weeks without sex,or mailing the letter(你叫你老婆帮你把信件寄出去,而她没有做,那你可以选择自己把信寄出去,也可以选择和她吵架三个星期,并因此而没得过性生活)
24.If you don't feel good when you are learning,what is going to happen is that you are going to stop learning.
26.The munite you feel muddle,what if you take a deep breath and close your eyes,right now,and drop deep into a trance,and say to yourself the :"fuck it,fuck it,it is not that fucking important",and say to yourself:"when i open my eyes,things are going to be clear and they are going to last for a long time"
27.I will take the one,i feel badly for the other people,but i am taking the one,thank you very much.
30.He who hesitates waits.If a woman rejects you,then all that means is that you save a lot of time. If you spend two hours thinking about whether she is going to reject you,you spend two hours on unpleasant time,if you walk up and she says no,then you have two hours to go out and look for other women. (犹豫的人总是在等待。如果一个女孩拒绝了你,那只能说明你节省了许多时间。如果你花两个小时的时间想著她会不会拒绝你,那你那两个小时就过得很不开心;如果你立刻行动而她拒绝了你,那你有两个小时的时间可以去找另外的女孩。)
31.Shut the fuck up!Fuck!
我发现有两句咒语非常有效:“Shut the fuck up!”和“Fuck!”。当你要静坐或者想让心情平静下来时,你可以一次又一次在念“shut the fuck up”直到你大脑一片空白。如果有人对你说“你做不到的”“这是不可能的”,我要你在大脑里听到一个声音说“Fuck!”
32.Do it and find out!
34.If you decide that you want to do something, fine, but getting serious about it will only blind you and get in your way.
35.When you obsess about things,you dont have choices.One of the finest humans' emotions i think is when you look at sth and you go:"hur,who cares?i can take it,i can leave it.it doesnt matter,because it means not no not yes,but no now may be yes later如果你紧抓著一件东西不放,你便失去了其它选择。我认为,人类最好的情绪之一是,当你看著一件东西,然后你说:“哼,谁在乎它?我可以要它,可以不理它。这没关系,因为这非‘不’亦非‘是’,但是现在‘不’,或许以后‘是’。”
36.The experiences in your life which have been the most beneficial to you in the long run, and which provide the basis of your being able to have pleasure, satisfaction, enjoyment, and happiness, were not necessarily utterly enjoyable at the time they occurred. Sometimes some of those experiences were as frustrating as they could be. Sometimes they were confusing. Sometimes they were fun in and of themselves. Those experiences are not mutually exclusive.
37.Wealth is not just money,wealth comes in many forms.It means that every moment you spend with your family is that much more special.
38.The only rule is that you can make new rules!
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/nlp/4017.html
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