

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语学习方法 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



1. after 在……之后(引导时间状语从句)


You will probably discover many others after you have tried these. 试做完这些之后你可能会发现很多其他东西。


Chichester did it all by himself, even after the main steering device had been damaged by gales(大风).甚至在主要的掌舵装置都被大风弄坏之后,全由基切斯特驾驶着这只船。


Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ knighted him with the very sword that Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ had used almost 400 years earlier to knight Sir Francis Drake after he had sailed round the world for the first time. 伊丽莎白二世就是用这把剑封他为爵士的。弗朗西斯·德雷克第一次环球航行之后,伊丽莎白一世在四百年前就曾经用它封弗朗西斯·德雷克为爵士的。


After I made observations for a week, Mr. Hobbs asked me for an oral report of my findings. 我观察一周后,侯伯斯先生要我口叙一下我发现的问题。


2. although (=though) 虽然……但是(引导让步状语从句),在汉语中“虽然”和“但是”是两个词,而在英语中表示此概念的是一个词。我们要么用although,要么用but,但although和but不能同时用在一个句子中表示“虽然……但是”


And although you may not like it, if she chooses your doorway as her place to sleep in the night, it is as morally hard to turn her away as it is a lost dog. 虽然你未必喜欢,但如果她选中你的门廊作为她夜间栖息之地,从道义上来讲,你就很难将她赶走,就像你很难赶走一条丧家之犬一样。


One quasi bag lady spends about eight hours every day at the foot of the main escalator in a railroad station, although she rents a room in a cheap hotel in the neighbourhood. 有位准流浪女士尽管在附近一家便宜旅馆里租有一间房,她还是每天在火车站中央自动楼梯下呆八小时。


Although Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago, there is much that we can learn from him today.虽然杰斐逊生活在两百年以前,但今天我们仍能从他那里学到很多东西。


Although signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past, could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty? 虽然学校、商场和政府中的作弊和欺诈行为近年来比过去多得多,但是不是由于我们越来越善于揭露这类不诚实行为的缘故呢?


Although the Republic may have been born in the East, it had spent most of its time and energies since then moving west.虽然(美利坚)共和国诞生于东部,但建国以后花费了大量的时间和精力向西部开拓。




3. and 和,并且(连接两个并列或对等的成分:主语,谓语,宾语,表语或分句)


It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. 还要留出时间进行休息,发展自己的爱好和娱乐活动。


Later when you begin to read you will recognize less important material and you may skip some of these portions. 之后,在阅读时,你就会知道哪些内容是不重要的,这样就可跳过这些不重要的部分。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/waiyu/yingyuxuexi/19945.html
