2、进一步加强单词认读能力的培养,进行拼读练习,能够认读每个模块中的重点句,并理解其功能。每个模块中需要认读的单词大约6~8个, 重点句为2个左右。
(2)、 学生能够跟随录音进行指读练习,鼓励学生表演对话,但不要求所有学生都达到这种要求。
1)Listen and answer.(带着任务听) 2)Listen , point and repeat.(听录音带) 3)Listen and find.(找重点句或词)
e.g. Can I…?
What’s the weather like today?
Will you…?
That’s right.
See you next week. Coe on! etc
教学重点与难点 能运用英语在日常学校生活和课堂情境中与老师和同学进行初步的日常口头交际;能参加运用英语组织和开展的日常课堂教学和生活游戏及其他课内外活动;能听懂简单的指令并做出适当的反应;能读懂简单的配图小故事;能根据图片进行简单的口头描述等。
1odule 1 Unit12
2odule 1 Unit2、odule 2 Unit12
3odule 2 Unit1 、Unit22
4odule 3 Unit12
6odule 3 Unit2、odule 4 Unit12
7odule 4 Unit1、Unit22
8odule 5 Unit12
9odule 5 Unit2、odule 6 Unit12
10odule 6 Unit1、 Unit22
11odule 7 Unit12
12odule 7 Unit2、odule 8 Unit12
13odule 8 Unit1 、Unit22
14odule 9 Unit12
15odule 9 Unit2、odule 10 Unit12
16odule 10 Unit1 、Unit22
17Review odule Unit12
18Review odule Unit22
课 题odule 1 Custos (化习俗)课 时3
教材分析Daing Ay 和 s. Sart 在公园里的快餐店里吃中国的面条,在就餐时, Ay 不会使用中国的筷子, 引发了她与Daing 关于中西方就餐用具--筷子, 刀子及叉子的话题。
(从知识、能力、态度、情感、价值观方面入手)1.掌握音标:/i:/, /i/, /e/, / /
2. 掌握单词:fast food, Chinese chess, chess, knike, fork, chopsticks, sandwich, haburgers, fries, use.
3. 掌握词组:use chopsticks/ knife and fork, have fast food, do taijiquan, play chess/ Chinese chess.
4.掌握句子:Do you want…? Do you have/ use… in China/ England? They’re doing taijiquan.
教学重点与难点1.单词:fast food, Chinese chess, chess, knike, fork, chopsticks, sandwich, haburgers, fries, use.
2.句子:Do you want…? Do you have/ use… in China/ England? They’re doing taijiquan.
教 学 过 程集备二次备课
Step1 Warer:
1. Review the continuous tense. ie actions and ask What a I doing? The class responds.
2. The class continues this activity in pairs.
3. Sing I’ listening to usic Fro Book 4, odule 2. This song review the present continuous tense.
Step 2: Activity 1. Listen and point.
1.Say Open your books on page 2. Hold up your book to show the children the correct page.
2.Ask the children to look at the page and to guess as uch inforation about what is happening in the story.
3. Point to the people doing different activities and ask What are they doing? Provide the new vocabulary and write it on the board.
4. Play the cassette. The children listen and follow in their books.
5. Play the cassette again, pausing after each dialogue and perfor an action to aid coprehension, e.g. eating noodles with chopsticks, perforing taijiquan oveents, chess oveents, eating oveents with knives and forks, etc.
6. Repeat. This tie pause for the children to carry out the indicated oveents.
7. Divide the class into two groups, with each group taking on a role in the story, either Ay or Daing.
8. Encourage the whole class to say the dialogue, with each group saying its corresponding role.
Step 3: Activity book: 1. Look at the pictures and unjuble the words.
1.Ask the children to look at each outline picture and say the corresponding word.
2.Then ask the to unjuble the letters and write each word correctly on the lines provided.
Answers: knife, fork, chopsticks, sandwich, chess
Step 4: Activity book: 2.Spell the words and say.
1.In pairs, child A spells one of the words fro Activity 1. child B writes down the letters he/she hears and then says the word.
2. They then change roles and continue to practice spelling out writing the words.
Step 5: Activity book: 3. Look and write the issing words.
1.Piont to each of the words in the box and elicit what they say. You can also write the on the board.
2.Ask the class to look at each picture and coplete each text, by choosing the correct word fro the box.
Step 6: Activity book: 4. Now point and say.
In pairs, the students take turns to point at the picture in Activity 3 and ask and answer about what the people are doing.
Step 1 Warer:
Sing this is the way(Fro Level 3, odule 4).This song reviews the present siple tense.
Step 2 Activity 1. Listen and repeat.
1. Write the word ‘Chinese’ on the blackboard and ask pupils to spell the word while you are writing. Then ask pupils to read the word.
2. Explain to the pupils: when you spell the English words, you read the letters; when you read the word, you do not read the letters, but you pronounce the sounds. That is, the spelling of English words is different for the sounds, therefore, when we learn English words, we do not only learn the spelling, we also learn the sounds. For now on, we will learn the English sounds. In this book, we will learn the sounds in the words one by one as we learned hanyu pinyin.
3.Now let’s see the word ‘Chinese’ .Draw children’s attention to the sound /i:/ by stressing the sound. Then write the word ‘teacher’ on the blackboard and draw children’s attention to the sound /i:/ by stressing the sound.
4.Explain that this sound has a particular sybol and write the sybol below these toords.
5.Now play the cassette and ask children to listen carefully.
6.Repeat. This tie pause for children to repeat the words a nuber of ties. If they have soe difficulty in pronouncing the sound correctly, give the soe necessary instruction. When you give pupils necessary instruction, pronounce the sound very slowly and clearly.
7.Ask individual pupils to say the words. Check that they are pronouncing the sound in the words correctly.
8.Teach the second sound in the sae way.
9.Read ore words with these two sounds .Ask children to find out which sybol the words contain. Note: Pupils are not required to pronounce the sybols or recognize the. You can ask children to point to each corresponding sybol on the blackboard. You can also stick a large card with each sybol on the wall or ask a pupil to hold up a large card with each sybol. Then ask children to point to the corresponding sybol the word you read contains.
If soe words you read have not been taught yet, it doesn’t atter. But reeber: pronounce the sound quite clearly to you pupils .If pupils have soe words, you can use the letters which also contain these sounds, such as letter ‘b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v’ which all contain the sound /i:/.
You can also ask the strong students to add ore words with the sae sound.
10. Teach the other sounds in the sae way.
Step1 Warer:
Sing this is the way(Fro Level 3, odule 4).This song reviews the present siple tense.
Step2: Activity 1. Listen and repeat the sentences.
1. When you do the practice in the previous activity, you can attentively use soe words in the sentences in this activity.
2.Play the cassette and draw children’s attention to the sounds they just learned in activity 1. Ask children to pay attention to the words containing the just learned sounds. If they have soe difficulty, help the by reading the words separately.
3.Play the cassette again and ask pupils to repeat. Repeat several ties until pupils can read the sentences fluently with the correct pronunciation of the just learned sounds.
Step3: Activity 2. Say the poe and do the actions.
1.Play the cassette. The children listen to song.
2.Play the cassette again. Encourage the children to clap the rhyth.
3.Deonstrate the actions and draw attention to the pictures of the actions in the book.
4.Now encourage the children to sing along with the cassette a nuber of ties while perforing the actions.
Step4: Activity 3. Say the word. Then atch the words to the sybols.
1.Write the four phonetic sybols on the board.
2.Point to each picture and ask What’s this?
3.Then point to each phonetic sybol in turn and ask Has it got this sound.
4.When they are able to identify which sound the word contains, ask the class to repeat the word again, ephasizing the sound.
5.Ask the class to draw a line for the picture to the correct phonetic sybol.
6.Repeat this procedure with the reaining pictures.
Step5: Activity 4.Now copy the words in the correct coluns.
Ask the class to copy the words for Activity 1 in the correct colun of the table, according to the sound they contain.
Step 6: Activity 5. Unjuble the words and write sentences.
Ask the class to look at the pictures. They then have to unjuble the words and write the in the correct order to for sentences.
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/xiaoxue/46637.html