Many students learn that managing their time is one of the most challenging -- and difficult -- aspects of being in school. With so much to do and keep track of, strong time management skills can make all the difference. 许多学生意识到了管理时间是在学校最具挑战和难度的一个方面。要完成和记忆的内容那么多,优秀的时间管理技巧就显得尤为重要。 1. Get -- and use -- a calendar. It can be a paper calendar. It can be your cell phone. It can be a PDA. No matter what kind it is, though, make sure you have one. 1.准备并使用日历。你可以使用纸质日历,也可以是手机或掌上电脑上的日历。不管是什么形式的日历,你得保证有一个就行了。 2. Write down everything. Write down everything in one place. (Having multiple calendars just gives you more to do amidst an already tight schedule.) Schedule when you plan to sleep, when you are going to do your laundry, when you're going to call your parents. The crazier your schedule gets, the more important this becomes. 2.将所有的内容都写下来。将所有的内容都写在一个地方。(过多的日历只会使你拥挤的日程更加紧张)记下你计划睡觉的时间、去洗衣房的时间、给父母打电话的时间。你的日程越是详细,就越能凸显重要性。 3. Schedule time to relax. Don't forget to schedule in time to relax and breathe. Just because your calendar goes from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. doesn't mean you can. 规划好休息时间。别忘了规划好休息和深呼吸的时间。因为你的日程是从早上九点半到晚上十点,你不可能一直支撑下来。 4. Keep trying new systems. If your cell phone calendar isn't big enough, buy a paper one. If your paper one keeps getting torn, try a PDA. If you have too many things written down each day, try color-coding to help simplify. Very few college students make it through their programs without some kind of calendaring system; keep trying until you find one that works for you. 坚持尝试新的系统。如果你的手机人力不够大,就买一个纸质的吧。如果纸质的容易损坏,就试试掌上电脑上的日历。如果你每天有太多的东西要记录下来,试着用不同的色彩来进行分类,使其简化。只有极少数的学生才会使用日历系统来完成项目;坚持尝试,指导你找到适合自己的系统。 5. Allow for flexibility. Things inevitably come up that you weren't expecting. You may not have known that your roommate's birthday is this week, and you certainly don't want to miss the celebrations! 考虑到灵活性。你意想不到的事难免会发生。你可能不知道这周是你的室友的生日,但你肯定不想错过生日庆祝会! Leave room in your calendar so that you can move things around a little when needed. 在你的日历上留些空白,以便于需要的时候将内容进行转移。 6. Plan ahead. Do you have a large research paper due the last week of the semester? Work backward in your calendar and figure out how much time you need to write it, how much time you'll need to research it, and how much time you'll need to pick your topic. 提前做好计划。你有本学期上周的研究报告吗?在你的日历上回顾一下,找出你写研究报告所花的时间,调查所需的时间以及选择主题所花的时间。 If you think you'll need six weeks for the entire project, work backward from the due date and schedule the time into your calendar before it's too late. 如果你觉得完成整个项目需要六周,就应该趁还来得及回顾一下截止日期,并安排好时间。 7. Plan for the unexpected. Sure, you just might be able to pull off two papers and a presentation during midterms week. But what happens if you catch the flu the night you're supposed to be pulling the all-nighter? Expect the unexpected so you don't have to spend more unplanned time trying to fix your mistakes. 未雨绸缪。当然,你可以在期中考试周完成两份作业和一份陈述。但如果你刚好在本应该熬夜苦战的那晚感冒了呢?如果你未雨绸缪,就不用话更多计划外的时间来晚会损失了。 8. Schedule rewards in. Your midterms week is a nightmare, but it will all be over Friday by 2:30. Schedule a fun afternoon and a nice dinner out with some friends; your brain will need it, and you can relax knowing that you're not supposed to be doing anything else. 把奖励也归入日程。你的期中考试周需要你熬夜苦战,但到了星期五下午两点半一切都结束了。安排一个和朋友度过的有趣的下午和丰盛的晚餐;你的大脑需要休息,你也可以休息一下, 不用顾及其他事。