刻舟求剑 kèzhōu-qiújiàn[be stubbornly unimaginative as the man who marked the boat to find his lost sword;take measures without regard to changes in circumstances] 比喻看问题做事情死板不灵活,不知情随势变
见“ 依样画葫芦 ”。
如法炮制 rúfǎ-páozhì[follow a set pattern;follow suit] 本指依照成法,炮制药剂。后比喻照样处理即如法炮制,果然把阵破了。——清· 李汝珍《镜花缘》
率由旧章 shuàiyóujiùzhāng[act in accordance with established rules] 全按老规矩办事
言出法随 yánchū-fǎsuí[The law shall be enforced to the letter upon its promulgation] 宣布之后就立即依法执行
朝令夕改 zhāolìng-xīgǎi[issue an order in the morning and rescind it in the evening] 指政令或办法时常更改,一会儿一个样。也说“朝令暮改”
墨守成规 mòshǒu-chéngguī[stick to conventions] 比喻拘泥于成见而不善于机变
故步自封 gùbù-zìfēng[confine oneself to the old method;stand still and cease to move a step forward] 故步:旧时行步的方法。遵行旧时的步法而封闭自限。喻墨守成规,不求进步
因循守旧 yīnxún-shǒujiù[lockstep;follow the beaten track old routine] 死守老一套,不图更新
词语拼音:xiāo guī cáo suí
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/ciyu/1239805.html