大张旗鼓 dàzhāng-qígǔ(1) [on a grand scale;in a big way;with a big display of flags and drums]∶大量陈列战旗战鼓,比喻声势和规模很大,大事铺张再嫁呢,还是住家,还是索性大张旗鼓的理旧业?这倒是个大问题。——《孽海花》(2) [fuss and fea-thers]∶大肆宣扬官方节日举行大张旗鼓的庆祝
见“ 重整旗鼓 ”。
销声匿迹 xiāoshēng-nìjì[occultation;disappear from the scene;keep silent and lie low] 指隐藏起来,不公开露面他生平最是趋炎附势的,如何肯销声匿迹?——清· 李宝嘉《官场现形记》
兴师动众 xīngshī-dòngzhòng[move troops about and stir up the people—drag in many people to do sth.] 兴:发动。原指发兵出征。后泛指发动许多人夫发号布令,而人乐闻;兴师动众,而人乐战;交兵接刃,而人乐死。——《吴子·励士》
冷冷清清 lěnglěng-qīngqīng[abscence of lively atmosphere;be cheerless and lonely; be poorly attended; in a desolate state; in quiet isolation] 死气沉沉;冷落、凄凉、寂寞会议开得冷冷清清
浑浑噩噩 húnhún-è’è(1) [simple-minded;muddle-headed;muddle along without an aim](2) 浑厚严正的样子。也省作“浑噩”(3) 形容浑沌无知的样子其实就这群浑浑噩噩的大众说,他们始终是在“古”中没有动过。——闻一多《复古的空气》
轰轰烈烈 hōnghōng-lièliè[amid fire and thunder;be dynamic;in mighty waves] 形容气势雄伟或声势浩大轰轰烈烈的土改运动
销声匿迹 xiāoshēng-nìjì[occultation;disappear from the scene;keep silent and lie low] 指隐藏起来,不公开露面他生平最是趋炎附势的,如何肯销声匿迹?——清· 李宝嘉《官场现形记》
词语拼音:yǎn qí xī gǔ
偃旗息鼓 yǎnqí-xīgǔ
[call off the army maneuvers;cease(stop) all military activities and lie low;lower the flags and silence the drums] 放倒军旗,停止击鼓。指秘密行军,不暴露目标。也指停止战斗。比喻停止做某事
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/ciyu/1325288.html