

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
welfare 基本解释

名词福利; 幸福; 繁荣; 安宁

welfare 同义词

名词success advantage interest well-being comfort prosperity good benefit

welfare 反义词


welfare 相关例句


1. People are concerned about the cutbacks in federal welfare programs.


1. They are living on welfare now.

2. She works hard for the welfare of the poor.

welfare 网络解释

1. 社会福利:经济担保合约(Sponsorship Agreement),你签名表示你在未来十年里完全负责被担保人的生活,被担保人不可以领取社会福利(Welfare). (注:失业救济金不属于福利,凡是工作的人都要交失业保险,在他们失业时便可以按规定领失业保险.

welfare 双语例句

1. Article 66 No trustee of a public welfare trust may resign without the approval of the public welfare administration authority.

2. Anyone who violates these Procedures in the area of public welfare forest shaIl be ordered tO stop the illegal activities and restore in time by the competent forestry anthorities of the People`S Government above the county/banner level; if he/she failed to restore within the time limit, the competent forestry authorities of the People`S

3. To fully enhance welfare of the inhabitants of the Territory for the sacred obligation of trust and for this purpose

4. To fully enhance welfare of the inhabitants of the Territory for the sacred obligation of trust and for this purpose:, in full respect for the cultural relations between the people, guarantee their political, economic, social and educational advancement, to be fair treatment and protection from abuse of its.


5. Begin from 1986, professor of division of bright red flourish is below the guidance that distinguished economist severe teachs with coulding there be the research that pursues socialistic welfare economics.

6. The Aim and Scope of Section A is to publish results of original research in animal science and their applications related to animal breeding and genetics; animal physiology and reproduction; nutrition and feeding; animal behaviour and welfare; general animal husbandry and systems of production, including economic and technical aspects; hygiene and quality of animal products.

7. But for long time, most investors of our country think that environmental investment all has public welfare and macro view, suffers a deficit because of devotion much and production little, receives seldom direct returns.

8. At the same time, however, the importance of wage regulation for workers` welfare was diminished by its incomplete coverage and the prevalence of destandardised, fragmented systems of labour hire.
在同一时间,不过,最重要的工资调控为工人的福利是削弱其完整的覆盖面和患病率destandardised ,零零碎碎的系统外劳雇用。

9. Use of self-produced or processed goods for collective welfare or personal consumption

10. Of the registered capital. The proportion of bonus and welfare

11. Article 37 The joint venture company shall allocate reserve funds, expansion funds and bonuses welfare funds for staff and workers after payment of taxes.

12. As for the study of the macro-adjustment mechanism of material reserve, this pa-per has analysed the limitations of fiscal policies and monetary policies, studied thefunctions of state reserves, such as adjustment mechanism and character, in-depth stud-ied the adjustment mechanism and features of the state reserve, fiscal stablizer func-tion, time consistency, welfare analysis, as well as its steady influence on other aspectsof the State economy, and differentiated between physical reserve and forward market.

13. In making this decision, the court's main concern is for the welfare of the child.


14. I've decided that I will take up a career in child welfare.

15. He should be provided with the knowledge and skills to recognize and act upon child welfare problems.

16. Finally, based on the findings, some suggestions for future child`s welfare research were proposed.

17. We are concerned about the child's welfare.

18. Your children are at|the Child Welfare offices.

19. We have left a deposit with the government; this money is to secure the welfare of our students because of the other cheating schools.

20. Welfare, Work and Job Training I Herr
21 福利,工作和职业培训1

welfare 词典解释

1. 健康;安宁;幸福
The welfare of a person or group is their health, comfort, and happiness.

e.g. I do not think he is considering Emma's welfare...
e.g. He was the head of a charity for the welfare of children.

2. 福利的
Welfare services are provided to help with people's living conditions and financial problems.

e.g. Child welfare services are well established and comprehensive...
e.g. He has urged complete reform of the welfare system.

3. (美国)社会保障金
In the United States, welfare is money that is paid by the government to people who are unemployed, poor, or sick.

e.g. States such as Michigan and Massachusetts are making deep cuts in welfare...
e.g. If she does find a job through the training program she may have less money than now when she's on welfare.

welfare 单语例句


1. Factories registered huge losses and went bust, workers lost the protection of corporate welfare and social problems ensued.

2. Building constructions are easier to come by than the design of welfare institutions.

3. Increasing wealth has improved the city's welfare system by leaps and bounds.

4. Kwok said Wong's action was just a means of venting the protester's outrage towards the budget speech and the welfare system for retired people.

5. welfare

5. Social welfare groups have been calling for an official poverty line for poverty alleviation purposes for decades.

6. What he said was controversial because it sounded so callous by implying that nearly half of the country's entire population are welfare junkies.

7. One local council earned the ire of animal welfare groups last year for promoting " cane toad golf ".

8. Third, the welfare states must consider the balance between labor and capital.

9. welfare

9. The welfare states are built on the compromises of different interest groups and preconditioned on the balance between labor and capital.

10. welfare的近义词

10. The transformation from a primitive market economy or capitalist economy into a modern welfare capitalist economy is an outcome of social reform.

welfare 英英释义


1. governmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need

e.g. she lives on welfare

Synonym: social welfare public assistance

2. welfare的近义词

2. something that aids or promotes well-being

e.g. for the benefit of all

Synonym: benefit

3. a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous

e.g. the town was finally on the upbeat after our recent troubles

Synonym: wellbeing well-being upbeat eudaemonia eudaimonia

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1230414.html
