

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
embezzlement 基本解释

名词贪污; 侵占; 侵吞公款; 盗用,挪用

embezzlement 网络解释


1. 盗用公款:这里的人们自觉守法,你不会发现盗版VCD(pirated VCD),没有人盗用公款(embezzlement),待业(job-waiting)、待岗(post-waiting)的人数比较少. 人们开始超前消费(excessive consumption)等等这些都让我大开眼界!我也不知道为什么那么高兴,

2. 盗用:是不是有人在做谋杀、强奸、盗案、偷窃、欺骗、盗用(embezzlement)、纵火(arson)、非法侵入(trespass)之类的事情? 如果是那样, 呼吁政府去帮助受害者制裁犯错者(wrongdoer)是恰当的(proper). 但,如果不是,政府就不应该得到牵扯进来.

3. 侵?:有研究表明,在20世纪20年代与30年代基金业普遍存在的欺诈、侵占(embezzlement)和高杠杆资本结构导致国会用立法来保护股东免受这些侵害. [102] 这些立法的一个核心就是1940年<<投资公司法>>(Investment Company Act of 1940)要求基金股东选出一个董事会作为对潜在冲突的监督者,

embezzlement 双语例句

1. Any person who seizes on the amount overcharged as his or her own, or any persons who embezzle or divide the amount overcharged among themselves shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 and Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions Concerning the Punishment of Crimes of Embezzlement and Bribery.


2. By Subodh Varma - TNN | NEW DELHI: The tale of massive fraud and embezzlement of millions of dollars by the US military in its operations in Iraq continues.
由subodh瓦尔马-t nn|新德:故事大规模欺诈和挪用公款数百万美元,由美国军方在其在伊拉克的行动仍在继续。

3. In recent months, the owners of a number of companies have been arrested and charged with fraud and embezzlement.

4. Only superintending arresters prevent their falsities, embezzlement, plunder as well as killing and wounding the accused without any excuse.


5. After hearing in the defendant, the court sentenced to make embezzlement, SuBingZhu four and six months of imprisonment, Committed to fixed-term imprisonment bribes year and six months, Make abuse, and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, the total sentence for seven years, a year to prison for six years and six months.

6. Dirty money has a broad array of sources, including various economic crimes like embezzlement, bribery, forex flight and, tax evasion and proceeds from illegal operations.

7. Article 212 The working personnel of the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council and of regional civil aviation administrative organs, who neglect their duties, abuse their powers, practise favouritism and embezzlement, if the case constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law; if the case does not constitute a crime, they shall be subject to administrative sanctions according to law.

8. Meanwhile it also disclosed 2200 serious irregularity cases involving misappropriation of grain purchase funds, defrauding state subsidies and embezzlement.

9. As less reprehensible than theft, highway robbery, cruelty to children and animals, obtaining money under false pretences, forgery, embezzlement, misappropriation of public money, betrayal of public trust, malingering, mayhem, corruption of minors, criminal libel, blackmail, contempt of court, arson, treason, felony, mutiny on the high seas, trespass, burglary, jailbreaking, practice of unnatural vice, desertion from armed forces in the field, perjury, poaching, usury, intelligence with the king's enemies, impersonation, criminal assault, manslaughter, wilful and premeditated murder.

10. Jin Weizhi, the general manager of a State-owned milk company who was convicted of bribery and embezzlement in 2000, once said: Keeping mistresses is not only for physical needs.

11. There are many bugs between bands and enterprises, such as staff collusion inner and outer, forgery and embezzlement of finance seal.

12. Cash itself is a kind of can act as general equivalence of special commodity, vulnerable to fraud and corruption, embezzlement, etc, thus it has the possibility the behavior, should pay attention to cash audit, establish and improve the auditing system.

13. First this crime subject of crime too was narrow causes many corrupt individual contributions to escape the legal penalty; Next large amount property originates the unclear crime the legal punishment same crime of corruption and the bribery crime legal punishment compares too somewhat low disparate big, therefore the very many crime suspect refuses using this point to confess it belongs to the embezzlement bribe obtained to enable originally its to dodge the legal punishment heavy penalty.


14. The writer thinks, the crime of embezzlement means it looks the detinue as the aim, and possesses the others property illegally in a large amount, which is as the substitution, or found to forget, or hidden, and refuse to return or hand in.


15. Chen is also accused of embezzlement, money laundering, influence peddling and extortion.

16. Such as embezzlement, bank fraud, mail fraud ? tax law violations are not consummated until

17. Such as embezzlement, bank fraud, mail fraud ? tax law violations are not consummate d until the filing (or non-filing) of the false tax return or the non-payment of the taxes.


18. Such as embezzlement, bank fraud, mail fraud ? tax law violations are not consummated until the filing (or non-filing) of the false tax return or the non-payment of the taxes.

19. The standard definition of corruption is the misuse of public power for private benefit, which includes the bribing of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, and the embezzlement of public funds.

20. The director of the Travel Office was later indicted for embezzlement based on Travel Office funds found in his personal account, and, according to press reports, he offered to plead guilty to a lesser charge and spend a few months in jail.

embezzlement 词典解释

1. 贪污罪;挪用公款罪
Embezzlement is the crime of embezzling money.

embezzlement 单语例句

1. embezzlement的解释

1. Lack of legal funding channels also lured many to seek irregular measures like embezzlement of client fund.

2. Local residents said the deal was just the tip of the iceberg regarding land transfers and embezzlement of collective assets.

3. Ma has apologised for the " serious administrative flaws " but denied prior knowledge of the aide's actions or any attempt at embezzlement.

4. Many members of his family and inner circle were questioned and some of them face trial on charges of corruption and embezzlement.

5. China's criminal law provides very serious charges for embezzlement and misuse of public money, whereas charges for corruption and embezzling in private firms are less harsh.

6. embezzlement的意思

6. " Economic losses like this are really as serious a problem as embezzlement and corruption, " said Li.

7. embezzlement

7. Funds drawn from banks and those funnelled into work bids will be given priority to prevent embezzlement and corruption.

8. The court sentenced Wu on seven charges related to embezzlement and document falsification.

9. embezzlement

9. In addition, the Criminal Law should stipulate a specific standard for capital punishment over embezzlement and bribery.


10. Netizens and media organizations have accused the China Business System of using its charity affiliation as a guise for embezzlement.

embezzlement 英英释义



1. the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else

Synonym: peculation defalcation misapplication misappropriation

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1278579.html
