
have it in for是什么意思_have it in for在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
have it in for  
have it in for 基本解释<口>想伤害某人,想与某人过不去;怀恨在心;
have it in for 相关例句


1. We don't know why the teacher seemed to have it in for that boy.

have it in for 网络解释

1. 厌恶:have it both ways 见风使舵 | have it in for 厌恶 | have it out with 决雌雄于

2. 对人不满,怀恨在心,伺机报复:have got to do sth.必须做某事 | have it in for对人不满,怀恨在心,伺机报复 | have it out with与某人较量;同某人讲明白

3. 对...镶恨:376. Do not know what to make of 不知如何是好 | 377. Have it in for 对...镶恨 | 378. Take something out on 向...滥发脾气

4. 想伺机惩罚(或伤害):2315have in mind考虑,打算 | 2316have it in for想伺机惩罚(或伤害) | 2317have no business无权;没有理由

have it in for 双语例句

1. Wuhan have relatives here, far from home in Wuhan City (Caidian, home is in rural areas), if accounts do not know how to do link it convenient for relatives?

2. She bore Sisyphus sons Glaucus, Ornytion, and Sinon; she is sometimes also said to be mother of D?lus, though others in the running are Alcippe and IphinoSisyphus founded the city of Ephyre and later revealed Zeus's rape of ina to her father Asopus, for which Zeus condemned Sisyphus to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades, only to have it roll back down each time the task was nearly done.

3. Gather round everyone, I'll tell you It's a time to help a friends There's so much love in the world So share it all around And together we'll win in the end If we all lead a hand, we'll make it And say thanks for what we've praied Look around and you'll see Such beauty in this life So reach out and don't be afraid Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Let's stand tall and be united What we need is our strength and love We can all live our lives in peace and harmony And say thanks to one above Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Don't let your dreams fade away Hold on and hear what I say That some day There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way
聚集回合每个人,我将告诉你资讯科技是时候帮助一位朋友在世界上有这么多爱如此分享它所有的在附近而且一起我们将会在结束中赢得如果我们所有的领引一只手,我们将会做到而且发言权谢谢对于我们已经祈祷的四处看看,而且你将会见到这生活的如此美人如此到达出并且不害怕在我家逗留 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你让我们站高并且是联合的我们需要的是我们的力量和爱我们全部能居住和平和协调的我们生命而且发言权谢谢到一在上面在我家逗留 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你不要让你的梦褪色离开把握在而且之上听到我说的那来日 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你

4. Actually, i met alot of difficulities in improving my translation and interpretation ability and i have to admit it's a long way to go for me now.

5. The budgetary spending have too many problems to deal with that economic depression has made it, but the sale vice-president Tad Hutcheson of AirTran expresses, itself builds the commercial pattern of the company to need sue for peace to emphasize value in stimulation namely above.
经济衰退已经令它的预算开支捉襟见肘,但是AirTran的营销副总裁Tad Hutcheson表示,公司的商业模式本身就是建立在刺激需求和强调价值上面。

have it in for什么意思

6. And it's no secret that the Japanese?whether diplomats, salarymen working in China or hip twentysomethings hanging in Shibuya?have been thoroughly fed up with it for at least a decade.

7. We cannot be feeling sorry for ourselves because we still have one more game to go and if we win it we will have 86 points, which will be a record for us in the Premier League.

8. It's a unique opportunity for me here being at home, and the fans have been so great all year, so for me it's just a matter of continuing to focus in and try to get better every game.

9. Day I has let me cook meal, the noisy bell has also bloomed, I have felt have sth. on one's mind to be engaged, as soon as do not know having been awake also slept well, got up luckily at 6 o'clock much time, in the evening, have been ready for breakfast for them, 2nd day has broken down, the noisy bell has also been unable to hear, one sleep to 7 o'clock, late meal of sleep still is to be going to compose, just being it is exactly by one point lately.

10. Jesse Falcon: I think that Joann Mclaughlin is the most important because if it wasn't for her creating an atmosphere for myself and people like Damon Nee and Jason Mattern to work in, we wouldn't have had the freedom, creativity, flexibility and responsibility to grow and learn.
杰西猎鹰:我认为乔安劳林是最重要的,因为如果不是她创造一个有利于自己和达蒙等人倪气氛和贾森Mattern 工作在,我们就不可能有自由,创造性,灵活性和责任,成长和学习。

11. In terms of form factor, it is preferable to be small but yet hope to have a bigger screen for viewing.

12. On the basis of analyzing and studying on the former test results of hoist load of reverse tainter valve which is the main type of valves for navigation locks, a large scale (1:16) physical model for YinPan lock culvert valve has been built. Through the steady and unsteady flow experiments, structure of the acting flow on the valve has...更多been observed and analyzed in detail. It has been found that the valve's net hydrodynamic hoist load can be composed of two parts, one is the acting force result from water in culvert and the other result from the descending and rising flow in valve well. Furtherly the formula of the net hydrodynamic hoist load has been put forward by theoretic analysis, and the calculation results has been proved to be agreed well with the experimental results. Meanwhile, the factors affecting the net hydrodynamic hoist load and their changing laws have been further studied. The further research direction is also been pointed out.

13. It is in the world interest to avoid drifting into a widening division between the have and have-not nations; to help develop the practical means for the United Nations to keep the peace; to preserve and restore our natural environment; to use the natural resources of the sea for the benefit of all; to ensure that the increase in population does not impair the quality of life; to curb narcotics traffic; to end sky piracy and the kidnapping and murder of diplomats; to ensure that the human rights of prisoners of war not be violated.

have it in for的解释

14. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have agood imagination and association to let you have agood appetite.

15. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have a good imagination and association to let you have a good appetite.

16. It is laid out for all to see what they have organizedout in the open for all to observe, if one wants to learn what the Masters of the Universe are planning for the New World Order.

17. Can ah, there is no need for us to get nervous, I pregnancy when they are asked a doctor, the doctor said that a pregnant person on the tension in this, the tension that, in fact, there is no need to, if not on the skin must maintain care and summer must pay attention to the sun, because of pregnancy when a long easily spotted, so the skin care is still very necessary, if a pregnant do not have anything, it is also afraid that is afraid to make their own side of蓬头meet unexpectedly, feelings can be good, so why not be a good mother does, as long as not to use poor-quality cosmetics, there is no problem.

18. We have been looking for a solution for long time, we could probabaly solve this problem in the first half of this year. But for now it is still not possible to see

have it in for

19. It is clear, then, that my short stories fall far short of being works of art; hence I count myself fortunate that they are still known as stories, and are even being compiled in one book. Although such good fortune makes me uneasy, I am nevertheless pleased to think they have readers in the world of men, for the time being at least.

20. That the stock market appears to have committed a similar error with the macro: In the beginning of the 21st century, the need for macroeconomic adjustment, we did not give it the chance to adjust.

have it in for 单语例句

1. Nicolas Tse is making movies day and night so he'll have " enough money to buy milk " for his baby when it arrives in May.

2. The bank also used the opportunity to answer economists who have criticized it for not being active enough in supporting economic growth.


3. Many players in China have complained that the censorship on the game was too strict and it took too long for the game to reopen.


4. But it does not allow for ad hoc arbitration, in which the parties have more direct contact with arbitrators.

5. have it in for的解释

5. For spectators who have watched the competitions in the gymnasiums or stadiums or on TV, it is time to chew on what they have seen.

6. A chief prosecutor in Stockholm dropped the rape complaint shortly after the case began, and it would most likely have ended there had it not been for Borgstrom.

7. With the teams already at the circuit for last weekend's Grand Prix, it is certainly cost effective to have a test session in this way.

8. have it in for的解释

8. Rumors of a Disney theme park in Shanghai have been circulating for years but neither of the two sides had confirmed it until recently.

9. But some experts and netizens have called for its classification as a crime no matter whether it results in casualties.


10. It is a good idea for the central finance to subsidize the clearing of huge debts local authorities have incurred in popularizing compulsory education.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1302662.html
