

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


labium 基本解释


labium 网络解释

1. 唇:口器由上唇(labrum)、上颚(mandible)、舌(hypopharynx)、下颚(maxilla)及下唇(labium)所组成. 上颚具有小齿,为咀嚼或穿刺的利器. 舌有唾液管的开口. 下颚及下唇又各具分节的附肢,分别称为下颚须(maxillary palp)或称触须和下唇须(labial palp).

2. 下唇:昆虫口器基本形式由上唇(Labrum)、大颚(Mandible)、小颚 (Maxilla)及下唇(Labium)等四部所构成. 大颚在造巢时用来咬嚼蜡片或修补和搬运食物之用. 小颚和下唇特化延伸形成口吻(Proboscis),适於液体的吸收;蜜蜂小颚的外瓣(Galea)特化呈缣状,

3. 唇;下唇:labite 拉巴石 | labium 唇 下唇 | labiumanterius 前唇 宫颈前唇

4. (复数labia )阴唇:kama sutra 爱经,印度的性爱宝典 | labium (复数labia )阴唇 | lap-dancer 坐在男人身上跳舞的脱衣舞娘

labium 双语例句

1. The female reproductive organs also have two parts: the internal genital organs, located in the pelvic cavity, consists of ovaries, oviducts, uterus and vagina, and the external genitals include mons pubis, labia majora, labium minus, clitoris, greater vestibular gland and hymen.

2. They were fed standard rat chow and had access to tap water ad labium.

3. Meltzer has trimmed the skin of the labium on the right, and is beginning to close the incision with sutures.

4. A tonguelike structure in the labium of an insect.


5. The lip -- labium, from labor -- laps or lapses from the sides of the cavernous mouth.
唇——字源 labium ,大约是从 labor化出来的——便是在口腔的上下两边叠着悬垂着的。

6. A drain tube extends from the upper end of the labium; this will drain any accumulated blood or fluid during the first few days after surgery.
从 **上端延伸下来一条排除液体的管子,这条管子在术后的几天内都会排出这个区域累积的淤血或体液。

7. Blow hard, holding a finger over the labium to spread the oil in the headpiece.

8. One of the two projections or segments of an irregular, two-lipped corolla or calyx; a labium; the exceptional petal of an orchid blossom.
唇 Lip 不规则二唇形花冠或花萼的突起或裂片;下唇瓣,图 1776;兰花特化的花瓣。

9. Beautiful Chan Shengzhi supports, calyx 5, baby blue, if form is petaline, grow 8 ? 12 millimeter, form of elliptical shape egg, base the ministry changes gradually narrow into claw; 2 lips form, labrum is more smallish than labium, its tip gradually narrow thread form, labium 2 crack greatly, mid broaden, tip and mid shape having tumor is protuberant; Stamen is most, blunt or antheral office department is small gradually pointed; Carpel normally 5, base the ministry is accrete into one answer ovarian.? ?

10. Very psychiceyes, high and that beautiful nose and small mouth red-labium of a little smiling. Hold the standard of esthetica lmodern times and beauty of orthodox ancientry organic amalgamation in togethert and that become face of fairness and beautiful and acetone body of erogenous and awfulness.

11. Methods Thirty-five female patients with obstruction of bladder neck were detected by transrectal ultrasonography, to observe the shape of bladder neck, to measure the thickness of anterior and posterior labium of bladder neck, the proximal urethra, and the residual urine volume.


12. Methods On the operation process of the 15th patient suffered actual anal scar straitness deformity, We have designed an axial pattern skin flap whose axes is inferior rectum artery branches or scrotum (labium), and the crissum wound caused by excising scar with ring coverage.


13. Redislocation occurred in 4 Patients (7%), mainly attributed to defective acetabular labium.


14. Treatment of Complex Renal Calculus by Partial Excision of Renal Retro-labium Lip Conservation


15. Methods use root tube drainage or toot tube treating after opening a window in apical labium, conservative treatment on apical cyst, use the root tube filling agent suitable filling.

16. Two hundreds and thirty-six patients (31.4%) were diagnosed as labiate fistula, and CT appearance of which was a large external hole like labium.

17. The doctor says my labium sees cyst of body of gland of one soybean volume, are excuse me such meeting influences pregnant?

18. Results Clear transrectal sonograms of the bladder neck from were obtained from all the cases. Typical sonogram features of bladder neck obstruction were anterior or posterior labium thickened, and projected into the bladder, the thickness range from 4 to 10 mm.


19. Methods From August 1998 to February 2001, 18 cases of staghorn stones of kidney were removed via the wedge resection of the back labium of hilum renalis and incision of the intrarenal sinus.


20. Results: The renal hilum whine anterior labium were 10 mm shorter than their posterior labium were regarded as asymmetrical type, and the occurrence rate was 6.13%.

labium 英英释义


1. a liplike structure that bounds a bodily orifice (especially any of the four labiate folds of a woman's vulva)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1311532.html
