

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
vigorous 基本解释

形容词有力的; 精力充沛的; 充满活力的; 朝气蓬勃的

vigorous 相关例句


1. The vigorous young plants grew fast.

2. The nest held three vigorous young birds.

vigorous 网络解释

1. 有活力的:于是,强大的、有活力的(vigorous)、独立的法院,即积极的(activist)法院越来越成为现代世界越来越多的国家的特征. 是什么影响了社会公正、影响了经济增长?没有人知道确切答案. 然而有一件事却似乎是明白的,即在西方国家,

2. 有力的:所以等到上周,中央政府才对此展开有力的(vigorous)回应. 自此,当局宣布了在全国范围内召回相关产品,逮捕了一些涉案嫌疑人,撤掉了包括市长在内的一些地方官员. 管理者已经取消(revoke)了国家免检(examption)制度(这个制度允许一些优秀品牌公司可实行自我检查).

3. 有力:广义的资料仓储指的是一种解决方料仓储是一个维护多重来源,且通常是大量(voluminous)的档案,於一个特定提供资料本身之外的功能及智慧,是一个强而有力(vigorous)且积极的定义.

4. 精力充沛的:intelligible 可理解的,可明白的 | vigorous 精力充沛的 | energetic 精力充沛的

vigorous 双语例句

1. The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use

2. To look at problem is possible than your vigorous point from some angles, because I know peasants` sufferings, I know what peasants want, what is thought of, what should be done, compared with some people it take all day pay an old sore there aren`t this pieces of books the sons, have you come not experiencing every one of skill(the regrettable to the chance, wise man do foolish thing often, clever excessive person is people that is put in an position often).

3. First, I would like to wish: Students in the new year, imposing and vigorous figure-wai, the teachers in the new year to work smoothly, everyone becomes, in someone's Tiger, Tiger Young Pioneers are public mind, such as the dragon tiger!

4. Police are compelled to open fire, the storm vigorous rain's bullet has made into Wrey the honeycomb briquet.

5. A state of steady vigorous action that is characteristic of an activity.


6. Person's life can be like a stream flowing east generally flat faint, you can also like a waterfall in general Qianchi vigorous.

7. The painting she was working on was a good, vigorous action picture; if anything, I think she was a better draughtsman than a painter.

8. Rong Jin banyan Group is composed of eight age banyan formed over thousands of years, particularly in the north blocks of even the walls of reason banyan and Dong Jiekou banyan the most features, is indeed rare, and even grounds not only ancient banyan vigorous, lush foliage even more amazing is its development of a robust aerial roots to resemble tree trunks with branches, stem connected with the formation of a peculiar combination of several arch group, makes an eye-opener, full of praise.

9. ISN had determined 107 kinds double translate the Chinese medicine vigorous sickness name.

10. At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous.

11. Seen from the region and cultural background, in which Hakka folk song produces, it has the vigorous and energetic style of northern folk song.


12. Though young, the supply chain management industry in China is heading into vigorous precipitous growth.

13. I formed a beautiful picture in my mind: In the lofty mountains covered with dense forest, a handsome boy with leg wrappings, wearing a jacket made of animal skin and shouldering a hunting-gun, was running with a hunting dog after a wounded river deer, whose stumbling steps were set against the white cloud in the blue sky in sharp contrast to the strong and vigorous image of the boy----the boy was none other than myself.

14. Forget unexpectedly with vigorous strides that it is wide to return the day highland of one step?

15. The world's most vigorous is life!

16. If you play team sports, you're probably meeting the recommendation for 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous activity on practice days.

17. The latter are not lively and vigorous but dead and stiff, not progressive but retrogressive, not

18. Now, Alocasia growth is still vigorous, and it is a well-cared for me, I believe, must be very beautiful flowers.

19. In the era of information and global economic intergration, there`s no getting away from the vigorous market competition.


20. His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous.

vigorous 词典解释

1. (体育活动)剧烈的,强度大的,强劲的
Vigorous physical activities involve using a lot of energy, usually to do short and repeated actions.

e.g. Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks...
e.g. African dance is vigorous, but full of subtlety.

He shook his head vigorously...
She shivered and rubbed her arms vigorously.

2. 活跃的;积极的;热烈的
A vigorous person does things with great energy and enthusiasm. A vigorous campaign or activity is done with great energy and enthusiasm.

e.g. Sir Robert was a strong and vigorous politician.
e.g. ...the most vigorous critics of the government...

The police vigorously denied that excessive force had been used.

3. 精力旺盛的;充满活力的
A vigorous person is strong and healthy and full of energy.

e.g. He was a vigorous, handsome young man.

vigorous 单语例句

1. vigorous的反义词

1. Both issues are controversial, with the business sector maintaining vigorous opposition.

2. The sources pointed out that private business has witnessed vigorous growth in recent years, especially in terms of export volume.

3. Now UK politicians are calling for more aggressive policing and more vigorous Internet monitoring as part of a campaign of zero tolerance for unrest.

4. The selection and election process served as a vivid application of the CPC's principle of democratic centralism and demonstrated its vigorous vitality.

5. The administration's head Liu Peng said China has been a " vigorous fighter " against doping but the challenge should not be underestimated.

6. The complaint was that it tasted like cough medicine but vigorous marketing soon made it Coca Cola's leading brand in China.

7. According to the administrative committee of the park, the document will help Zhongguancun play a more vigorous role in the venture capital sector.

8. The country is further standardizing law enforcement and promoting the responsibility system of administrative law enforcement in a vigorous manner.

9. Her creations feature vigorous colors and lines and simple composition, with a touch of poetry and philosophy.

10. vigorous在线翻译

10. Lian said that Chinese commercial banks would have vigorous demand for capital in the coming years as mushrooming local government spending would need credit support.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1311648.html
