

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



Arab 基本解释

名词阿拉伯人; 街头流浪儿


Arab 网络解释

1. 阿拉伯人:整体而言,非洲大陆撒哈拉以南主要是黑色人种居住,但撒哈拉以北主要是白肤色的阿拉伯人(Arab)和柏柏人(berber)居住. 在南部非洲还有数百万欧洲白人后裔,所有这些人都自称货真价实的非洲人(Africans).

2. 阿拉伯:直到8月25日,苏军在阿拉巴马州的实际前沿只是在莫尔顿(Mou)-法尔克维尔(Falkville)-阿拉伯(Arab)一线,而法尔克维尔以北4千米处的交通重镇哈特塞尔(Hartselle)还在美国人手中--虽然她不时遭到苏军的炮轰,

3. 阿拉伯马:和阿拉伯马(Arab)一样,它在马的品种培育上占有不容否认的重要地位,然而他却较不为人知,不像阿拉伯马那么出名. 柏布马最初被带到欧洲时,常常被欧洲人误认为是阿拉伯马,因为北非的居民也是回教徒,也说阿拉伯语.

4. 阿拉伯;阿拉伯的:Ar 氩 | Arab 阿拉伯;阿拉伯的 | ArabAccountingDinar 阿拉伯记帐第纳尔

Arab 双语例句

1. Egypt's leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam.

2. For instance, a manipulative or autocratic style would be best suited for cultures with high power distance, such as Arab, Far Eastern, and Latin countries.

3. The Jihad for religion and Arab chivalry have turned into the art of exploding, booby-trapping, and spilling blood.

4. In the 1970s, Arab countries and other friendly developing countries gave strong support and made persistent effort in helping restore New China's lawful seat in the United Nations.

5. In Asia, Singapore's stimulus package gives incentives to companies to hire local labour and the United Arab Emirates'labour ministry has issued rules making it all but impossible to layoff Emirati staff.

6. This is circulating in the population age 30 Ertaizi Township village story, the Arab-Israeli persimmon grandmother's home is the sea of people, the Arab-Israeli persimmon grandmother must deal with every day help them catch a few hands and the fish must also be contacted.

7. Two breakthroughs of Mosque Education in Hezhou in 20th centuryChinese Mosque Education is a big achievement of exchange between china and Arab countries in cultural field after Islam entered china as a religious faith and it is a combination of traditional Islamic educational system with traditional Chinese educational system.

8. It is bordered on the north, northeast, and east by Iran, on the northwest by Iraq and Kuwait, on the west and southwest by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and qatar, and on the south and southeast by the United Arab Emirates and part of Oman

9. The German navy frigate Karlsruhe responded to an emergency call from the Wabi Al Arab Thursday morning, sending helicopters to the stricken vessel.
周四上午,德国官方声称,德国海军从阿拉伯Wabi Al紧急派遣直升机援救受难船只,当直升机抵达的时候海盗停止攻击行为。

10. America had an energy crisis starting in 1973 with the Arab oil embargo.

11. Russia and the Arab world are now urging Saddam Hussein to readmit United Nations weapons inspectors to avoid a large-scale American attack.

12. Sheikh Ahmed is the younger brother of the president of the Unied Arab Emirates.

13. As in Saudi Arabia and the other members of the United Arab Emirates, there is no clear division in Dubai between state institutions, parastatal bodies, publicly owned companies and royal property.

14. This threat may be of greater immediate relevance to other Arab states than to Jordan.

15. Chinese sovereign wealth funds, along with their counterparts in Arab Gulf states have not simply been busy helping recapitalize US banks and incidentally often seeing their investments nose dive - at least in the short-term.

16. From the viewpoint, the events in Darfur from just one part of a much wider picture of Arab malice and cruely.


17. The effect is primarily expressed by four ways as follows:(1)The collapse of the gigantic Ottoman Empire established the border of contemporary national countries in the Middle East; (2)When the Arab Nationalism came into being as a whole ideology, the mundane nationalism made a great progress in non-Arabic countries such as Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran; (3)Inspired by the nationalistic spirit, the wind of modernized reform blew all over the Arabia Islan...

18. In the period of origination, digit system is the main part of the mathematic symbols, which reflects in the systematic and distinct development of mathematic system in the six ancient civilizations. India-Arab digit system has been the key part of the development of mathematics. In the period of foundation, the establishment of Viete`s symbol Algebra signed the starting of the mathematic symbolization. Viete`s ideas of symbol provide the new vigor for the development of mathematics, and mathematics begins its most flourishing period in its history. In the period of formalization, symbol`s standardization and formalization have been a strong method in the development of modern mathematics, mathematics starts its development under the route of standardization.

19. The world-famous Fertile Crescent of the Arab civilization Hatsuoki land; is the center of the Islamic world.

20. Since then a broad range of products, such as bricks, pavers and facing tiles, continue to be sent to an ever expanding portfolio of countries including: Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Vietnam.

Arab 词典解释

1. 阿拉伯人
Arabs are people who speak Arabic and who come from the Middle East and parts of North Africa.

2. Arab

2. 阿拉伯的;阿拉伯人的
Arab means belonging or relating to Arabs or to their countries or customs.

e.g. On the surface, it appears little has changed in the Arab world.

Arab 单语例句

1. A 2002 peace initiative by the Arab League made only indirect reference to the refugees, giving some Israelis hope.

2. China has long stood by the side of the Arab people in their causes for peace and national rights.


3. An Israeli Cabinet minister apologized yesterday after being caught by television cameras using a racial slur in addressing an Arab police officer.

4. Gaddafi made African unity a rallying call after failing to get fellow Arab leaders to support his campaign for a united Arab nation.

5. Qin said China backs a call by African and Arab nations for dropping the warrant.

6. " I call on the Arab League to withdraw their initiative, " he added.

7. The league's Arab peace initiative committee called for a meeting of Arab foreign ministers, saying Israel's announcement showed it was not serious about negotiating.

8. China and the Arab nations have held an annual economic and trade forum in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui autonomous region since 2010.

9. He was expected to fly to the capital city of Damascus Saturday after an Arab conference over the Syrian issue in Egypt.

10. Arab什么意思

10. The Arab News newspaper said the gunmen dragged a body behind a car, mirroring an attack earlier this month in western Saudi Arabia.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1320527.html
