

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
obverse 基本解释


名词对立面; 前面或上面; 钱币或奖章的正面; 对应部分

obverse 反义词



obverse 网络解释

1. 表面:诞生100周年,所以硬币表面(obverse)设计时选择了林肯的人头像,并铸有IN. AMERICA(美利坚合众国)的字样. 硬币的背面在1959年以前是文字ONE. CENT和UNITED.

2. 反换命题,相对物:invert 倒转 | obverse 反换命题,相对物 | obvert 转向,使面向

3. 倒转的:obtuseness 感觉迟钝 | obverse 倒转的 | OC 视神经交叉

4. 较显著面;对应部分;倒置:obtusetriangle 钝角三角形 | obverse 较显著面;对应部分;倒置 | obversion 翻转

obverse 双语例句

1. There are roughly three super cold mantle plume: one is from Eurasia to Australia, the range of downwelling is narrower with depth, Among the tethyan region of Mediterranean Sea to Himalayas to Indonesia is obverse in the depth of 500-1000km and disappears at about 2000km; the other is beneath North-America to South-America which is also agreed with the FRALLON slab diving into lower mantle; the third is Antarctica down-plume which is obvious in the lower mantle.

2. We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side of things.


3. The main works and conclusions are included as follows:(1) Some compounds, such as Alumina、magnesia、antimony oxide、stannous sulfate、stannous chloride、stannous octanoate、zinc acetate、zinc lactate、zinc oxide were determined, which accorded to the principle that what can be applied as a good catalyst in the obverse reaction can be done in the reverse reaction.

4. Every Sunday is the best opportunity to obverse the democracy in London and people hold on different opinions give a saying here. The looker-ons sometimes refute or argue about these opinions, but most time is the so-called a person perform here and people can hear various fantasticism.

5. Results The obverse perception on the economy, society culture and environment impact of the tourism development of the residents from the tourism destination on Maoling and Qianling relatively outgo the negative influence perception, and the residents abet the tourism development. There are the difference of the tourism perception between the residents with differ income and culture level.
结果 汉唐帝陵旅游地居民汁旅游业所带来的经济、社会文化及环境诸方面的正面影响感知强于负面影响、对发展旅游业持支持态度,但不同收入水平及文化程度的居民对旅游业的感知强度存在差异。

6. At the my family live place's don't be far place, has a used with a building elementary secondary school, for buy thing perhaps out side take a walk I everyday get together from that's school the big door front way pass, has very number I looked a on the her carry on the backed baby, on the hand carry bag satchel's girl walk in the school door. has a few number I looked her back shadow, has a few number looked for her obverse.

7. Inference of the obverse of a proposition.

8. The method of divination then was to drill a hole on the interior side of the tortoise shell and put the shell on a fire to see what cracks would appear on the obverse side.

9. We should with clear-headed, using modern civilization and law yardstick to go unscramble、analyze do by Tales of the Marshes liangshan bawcock behavior, shall his obverse inheri continue, employ ours excellence tradition culture carry forward, another purge his thing of draff, be propit...


10. This is simply the obverse of the familiar Proposition that industry is normally working subject to decreasing returns in the, short period during which equipment etc.

11. People's actions have obverse and negative impacting to the habitat.

12. We must see the reverse as well as the obverse side of things.

13. We must learn to look at the problem all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side of things.


14. In the traditional Chinese family, the people obverse filial piety.

15. But the surviving rate of Thailand medium and small businesses is current still inferior, obverse side of very much new company faces failure.

16. In order to provide a photo detector in which the generation of spontaneous noise is suppressed and external noise is effectively reduced, a p-type diffusion layer is provided on the obverse side of an n-type semiconductor substrate, a p-type low-resistance layer is provided on the obverse side of the p-type diffusion layer, a lead frame is provided on the reverse side of the n-type semiconductor substrate with an insulative resin film in between, and the p-type low-resistance layer is electrically connected to the lead frame.


17. Each Da Qing Tong Bi was stamped with the abbreviation of provinces'names in the center on the obverse and water dragon or land dragon on the reverse, except for those minted by the Board of Revenue, Among those, Dang shi Tong Yuanwas the most popular of all.

18. Issued in the 31st year of the guang xu reign(1905).each da qing tong bi was stamped with the abbreviation of provinces names in the center on the obverse and water dragon or land dragon on the reverse, except for those minted by the board of revenue, among those, dang shi tong yuanwas the most popular of all.

19. The activities of catalase, polyhenol oxidase, urease, protease, saccharase of grafted eggplants were higher than those of the control, but the activities of peroxidase and phosphatase were obverse.


20. OBJECTIVE: To obverse modified isolated culture method of BMSCs of mice and the feasibility of long-term fluorescent labeling stem cells.

obverse 词典解释

1. 对立面;对应的事物
The obverse of an opinion, situation, or argument is its opposite.

e.g. The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.

obverse 单语例句

1. The wording on the obverse of the medal is XXIX OLYMPIAD BEIJING 2008.

obverse 英英释义


1. the side of a coin or medal bearing the principal stamp or design

2. the more conspicuous of two alternatives or cases or sides

e.g. the obverse of this issue

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1322150.html
