

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
NATO 基本解释

abbr.the North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织

NATO 网络解释


1. 北约组织:---- 北约组织(NATO)召开非正式国防部长会议(9日-10日)芝加哥 02:15 芝加哥联邦储备银行总裁墨斯克(Mickael Moskow)在风险管理协会发表关于美国经济前景的演说华盛顿 ---- 美国总统布什(Bush)与联合国秘书长安南(Kofi Annan)在白宫会面fx称,

2. 北大西洋条约组织:北大西洋条约组织(NATO)成员国峰会3、4日在法国斯特拉斯堡及德国的巴登巴登、凯尔举行,庆贺北约成立六十周年,并正式驱逐法国重返北约指挥体系. 据台湾<<中国时报>>报道,美国总统奥巴马3日飞抵斯特拉斯堡,与法国总统萨科齐举行会谈;

3. nato:the north atlantic treaty organization; 北大西洋公约组织

4. nato:the north atlantictreaty organization; 北约

5. nato:north attantic treaty organization; 音乐学博士

6. nato:north atlantic tready organization; 国际货币基金组织

NATO 双语例句


1. NATO forces in Afghanistan say four of their soldiers have died in an attack in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

2. Here`s the abrogation of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty, and the American decision to place missile defenses in neighboring countries. Here`s the unending expansion of NATO.

3. Then, on January 12, I flew overnight to the U. S. Air Force base in Aviano, Italy, that had been the center of our NATO air operations over Bosnia, where I boarded one of our new C-17 transport planes for the flight to Taszar Air Base in Hungary, from which our troops were deploying into Bosnia.
随后,在1月12日,我连夜飞到意大利阿维亚诺的美国空军基地,那是北约对波斯尼亚空中行动的指挥中心,在那里我登上一架新的 C-17运输飞机前往我们在匈牙利的塔萨尔空军基地,我们的军队就是从那里派往波斯尼亚的。

4. The Kamov Ka-26, which has the NATO codename Hoodlum, was announced in January 1964 as a light commercial helicopter with twin-turbine powerplant and a design making it easily convertible to meet the requirements of several roles.
该卡莫夫嘉- 26,它有北约代号流氓,宣布在1964年1月作为一个光与双涡轮发动机,设计使它很容易转换为符合数个角色的要求,商业直升机。

5. In these past 60 years, NATO has contributed to an unprecedented period of peace, freedom and prosperity for all its citizens.

6. Hasn't NATO slaked his lust for blood?

7. That is why NATO continues to be indispensable.


8. That`s why NATO continues to be indispensable.

9. The aim in doing so will be to further reduce operational vulnerabilities of NATO military forces while maintaining their flexibility and effectiveness despite the presence, threat or use of NBC weapons.

10. He became a global proponent for an expanded NATO, more open international trade, and a worldwide campaign against drug trafficking.


11. Trouble in Israel about 1999 to 2001 would activate both NATO and Warsaw Pact treaty obligations to go at one another, creating World War

12. Trouble in Israel about 1999 to 2001 would activate both NATO and Warsaw Pact treaty obligations to go at one another, creating World War III.

13. Trouble in Israel about1999 to 2001 would activate both NATO and Warsaw Pact treatyobligations to go at one another, creating World War III.

14. Revitalising the Nato-Russia Council should, over the longer term, ease Russia's neuralgia about the alliance.


15. Suleyman Anil, Nato`s leading expert on cyber-attack, hinted at its contents when he told an e-security conference in London last week that cyber-attacks should be taken as seriously as a missile strike - and warned that a determined attack on western infrastructure would be `practically impossible to stop`.

16. These fictional aircraft have been independently created and the aircraft share nothing but a name, although it has also often even been given the NATO reporting name Finback.

17. We should not do another one arranged like this one in NATO, he said.


18. Russia has told the NATO that it has suspending all military cooperation s.


19. Within NATO, the disputes over how far it should expand are in abeyance.

20. This year`s conference coincides with a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Tallinn.

NATO 词典解释

1. 北大西洋公约组织
NATO is an international organization which consists of the USA, Canada, Britain, and other European countries, all of whom have agreed to support one another if they are attacked. NATO is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.

e.g. NATO says it will keep a reduced number of modern nuclear weapons to guarantee peace.

NATO 单语例句


1. Russia accused NATO of breaking the spirit of the UN resolution by picking sides in the Libya conflict and openly backing the opposition.

2. The US government has backed away from its call for Ukraine and Georgia to be prepared for NATO membership.


3. Chirac endorsed a controversial call by German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder for a revamp of NATO, which the United States has rebuffed.

4. Gates also made an urgent call for NATO allies to live up to their promises to supply military and economic aid for Afghanistan.


5. He suggested Gadhafi's government was making such steps conditional on NATO and rebels calling a halt to the use of force.

6. The NATO military carried out over a dozen attacks against " barracks of the people's guards, " who are volunteer units supporting the government forces.

7. NATO是什么意思

7. Russian officials have warned that NATO aerial support for the storming of Tripoli could cast doubt on the rebels'legitimacy.

8. The US and NATO say they don't have civilian casualty figures.

9. NATO headquarters has several large, cement blocks and steel gates that prevent anyone from reaching the entrance.

10. NATO

10. However they stress he will have no say in the chain of command in NATO.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/danci/1322205.html
