高一英语上册Units 13- 14单元专题复习教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高一 来源: 高中学习网
Units 13- 14
Study aim: Grasp the following words and sentence structure and remember how to use them.
Study guide: Read the new words and fill in the blanks in about 20 minutes.
1. fit adj. 健康的,合适的  v. 适合
be fit for be fit to do
Proper exercise every day keeps us fit.
Is he fit for the job? The weather is not fit to go out.
This pair of shoes doesn’t fit me.     这双鞋我穿不合脚。
fit 多指衣服尺寸、大小合适,suit 指(发式,衣服款式等)相配;适合(职业;年龄等)
练习:This coat doesn’t ___________me----it’s so big. 这件上衣不适合我穿----太大了。
The new dress ____________ her very well. 那套新服装和她很相配。
Although the shirt _____ me well, the colour doesn’t _____me. So I don’t want to buy it.
A. fits; fit for B. fits; suit C. fits for; suit D. is fit for; fit
2. Only in this way will we be ready for the challenges anti opportunities in life.
“Only + 状语 +倒装句。其中的状语可以是副词,介词词组和状语从句。这种倒装句属于部分倒装,只将情态动词、助动词和系动词放在主语的前面。
[注意] Only teachers can use this computer. 不是倒装句,在此句中only修饰的是名词。
Only _______________ can you improve your study. 只有通过努力学习才会提高你的成绩..
Only when you are 18 _____________ the right to vote. 只有你到了18岁才有选举权。
Only in this way ____________________________________. ….我们才能解出这道题。
Only ____________________________ did he find his key to the door was lost. 只有当他到家时
Only after my friend came _____.
A. did the computer repair B. he repaired the computer
C. was the computer repaired D. the computer was repaired
3. It is not a sad day, but rather a time to celebrate the cycle of life. 它不是一个伤心的日子,而是一个庆祝生命循环的时刻。
not…but 意为“不是……而是”, not 所连接的成分和 but 所连接的成分要对等,即名词对名词,动词对动词,介词短语对介词短语。
(1) Einstein was not a writer but ____________________.Einstein不是一个作家,而是一个科学家。
(2) You should pay attention not to what they say but _______________________________.
(3) He didn’t teach in a school but ____________________________. …而是在一个工厂工作。
(4) Not you but I _______ to blame. 不是你而是我要受责备。
(5) Not I but Tom ________ going to the Great Wall.
(6) You should have focused ____ what the teacher said ____ what he did.
A. not; but B. not on; but C. not; but on D. not on; but on
(7) He came back late not ____ the rain but ______ he was much too tired.
  A. because, because of   B. because of, because  C. for, for  D. because, for
4. Mardi Gras is celebrated on a Tuesday in the month of February or March.
I will call on you on a Sunday next month.
A Mr Brown wanted you on the phone.
We’re going to a match ________________________(我们星期天去看比赛)。
My birthday is __________________________ this year. (我今年的生日那天是个星期天)。
5. There seems to be no other choice. 似乎没有其它的选择。 在 There be 的句型中,可用其他的动词。如:
曾经有_________________________ 碰巧有_______________________
似乎有_________________________ 可能有_______________________
6. a bit, a little
(1) a bit 和 a little 在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词及其比较级,可以换用,表示“一点儿”。如:The speaker spoke up a bit / a little so as to make himself heard more clearly.
(2) no a bit 和not a little 意思正好相反。not a bit = not at all not a little = very much
I'm not a bit tired. = I'm not tired at all. 我一点也不累。
I'm not a little tired. = I'm very tired. 我非常累。
(3) a little, a bit 作名词的定语时,a little + n.= a bit of +n.
__________________________ 一点食物 _________________________________一些钱
[注意] a bit of 的复数是 bits of,而a little不能变复数。
7.examine, check, test
  (1)examine 可指对病人的检查、诊断,也可指对机器的检查, 表示测验、考试等,有时可和check互用。 check主要指对某物进行核对,以免出错。test表示试验,检验;考验。
(1) They are _____________ the newly-made sports car.
(2) The workers _____________ their machines and equipment carefully before they start to work every day.
(3) Will you _____________ your homework yourself first? 你能自己先检查一下作业吗?
(4) Now, let me ______________ your chest once more.  让我再检查一下你的胸部。
(5) When I ______________ my shopping list, I found I’d forgotten to buy eggs.
(6) Our English teacher will ______________ our class in/on everything we have learned this year.
 (7) You must do an experiment to _____________ what he said.
(8) (2005天津)---Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?
  ---Oh, really? I haven’t _____ my mailbox yet.
  A. examined   B. reviewed   C. tested   D. checked
8. celebrate, congratulate
celebrate sth 庆祝… congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺
hold/have a celebration 举行庆祝会 in celebration of 以庆祝
How do you ________________ Christmas?
They _________________ him on winning the race.
We had a party to _________________ Mother’s silver wedding.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/gaoyi/57522.html

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