北京2名护士给共享单车上私锁 被拘留5天

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
Two female nurses in Beijing have been arrested for locking up share bikes and detained for five days.北京两名女护士因给共享单车上私锁被拘留5天。
The nurses were seen unlocking the bikes by police officers at the end of their shift. The two women admitted to locking the bikes.这两名护士下班后正在解锁小黄车的私锁时被民警逮个正着并承认私自上锁共享单车。They were so full of regret as they did not know it was illegal, said a doctor in the same hospital who saw the story unfold.看到整个事情经过的医生同事说:“她们非常悔恨,因为他们不知道这是违法。”They locked the share bikes so that other people could not use them. That infringes the share bike supplier’s property rights, said Zhang Xinnian, a lawyer in Beijing.北京律师张心念说:“他们私自上锁共享单车,以致于他人无法使用。侵犯了共享单车供应商的产权。”Many people have found that they can ride the share bikes home and nothing happens, but in doing so, they are keeping a public resource which could be used by others, which is against the law, added Zhang.他还补充道:“很多人发现她们可以骑共享单车回家,也没有什么后果,但是这样做,是在非法占用供大家使用的公共资源。”Similar incidents have occurred in other cities where share bikes are available. In Shanghai and Guangzhou, some people have also been detained for keeping the public resource as their own.相似的情况也在其他有共享单车的城市发生过。在上海和广州,有些人也因为将公共资源占为己有被拘留。Beijing police have been cracking down recently on illegal acts relating to share bikes such as placing personal locks on them, said one police officer who was unwilling to give his name.一名不愿透露姓名的警察说到,北京警方最近打击了像上私锁这样的的共享单车相关非法行为。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/1155204.html
