Stab sb. in the back 暗箭伤人,背叛某人He always stabs others in the back.他总是在背地里中伤别人。释义:stab:本义是匕首,短剑;这里作动词,刺,捅。stab sb. in the back 或 stab in the back of sb.:本义是指在某人的背后捅一刀,比喻背地里中伤别人,暗箭伤人,背叛某人。Stand sb. up 爽约,失约,放“鸽子”After she stood me up a second time, I never went out with her again.自从她第二次爽约以后,我就再也不和她约会了。释义:直译是让人站着一直傻等,引申为没能按时去赴约,特别是指男女约会。Steal one's thunder 抢风头Remember you are the leading role; don't let others steal your thunder!记着你才是主角,别让他人抢了你的风头!释义:thunder:原意为雷声,雷声贯耳也可以指名气steal one's thunder:直译是偷走了某人的雷声,引申为抢走了别人的名气、风头。