网友Camden2002今天上午给我发来一篇英文文章,作者是美国一所大学的英语讲师,内容则是美国大学生常犯的十大语法错误(top ten grammar problems)。Camden2002网友建议我把这篇文章翻译出来,让国内的英语学习者看看,美国大学生常犯的这些错误,我们自己是否也常犯。这个建议非常好,不过我最近比较忙,各位的时间也很宝贵,所以我只把这十大语法错误的大意翻译出来,供各位参考一下。另外请注意:在下面的十组例句中,第一句是病句,第二句则是改正过来的句子。
① Salmons swim upstream, they leap over huge dams to reach their destination.
② Salmons swim upstream, and then they leap over huge dams to reach their destination.
① the government's plan
② the plan of the government
① Everyone has their homework.
② Everyone has his (or her) homework.
① Some of the new dot-com millionaires found out the party was over, after the NASDAQ value dropped by over two thirds.
② After the NASDAQ value dropped by over two thirds, some of the new dot-com millionaires found out the party was over.
① Barely no one noticed that the pop star lip-synched during the whole performance.
② Barely anyone noticed that the pop star lip-synched during the whole performance.
① The forest fire, no longer held in check by the exhausted firefighters, jumped the firebreak.
② No longer held in check by the exhausted firefighters, the forest fire jumped the firebreak.
① The band members collected his and her uniforms.
② The band members collected their uniforms.
① The project of the government reduces the costs of production of the private firms.
② The government project reduces the production costs of private firms.
① When aiming for the highest returns, and also thinking about the possible losses.
② When aiming for the highest returns, investors also should think about the possible losses.
① I do not recall what kind of printer it was all I remember is that it could sort, staple, and print a packet at the same time.
② I do not recall what kind of printer it was. All I remember is that it could sort, staple, and print a packet at the same time.
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 https://www.jiyifa.com/waiyu/yingyuxuexi/20502.html
实用英语写作技巧6 如何写好段落(Ⅰ)